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1、 联考读后续写指导:5R解读、4句框架和3大原则(五四三法)在教学中,读后续写初步摸索出:5R解读故事;4句框架和3大原则(即:五四三法)目前看,这种方法还是比较有效的,当然有个前提,需要积累若干细节描写的语句才能发挥更大的效果。后面应该会不断完善。题目:读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两端,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Mike licked the last of the mint chocolate chipice cream. It was almost time to leave. He jumped into the car with hisparentsand headed

2、off to the Olympic-sizedpoolfor the big swim meet.When hisracecame up, Mike was confident. He was strong and swift. Mike climbed out the pool, smiling. He had justwonfirst place, making him the fastest boy in his age group.Congratulations, son, his father said. His mom gave him a hug, even though he

3、 was soaking wet.A week later, it was time for another swim meet. Like before, Mike decided to enjoy his favorite ice cream flavor. Mike remembered that the last time he had won a race, he also ate mint chocolate chip ice cream first. Maybe hed win again.Hes takenfirst placeagain in his race. Mike w

4、as feeling pretty good. As it turned out, Mike decided to have some mint chocolate chip Ice cream before every one of the next few swim meets. He began to think of it as hislucky charm. After several months of placing in the top positions of every race he swam, Mike was feeling unbeatable. And he wo

5、uldnt admit it, but all that ice cream was adding a few pounds to his athletic swimmers build.It didnt take long after that for Mike to start coming in second place-and then third-and then last place in his races. The lucky mint chocolate chip ice cream had lost itsmagic.On the day of his next swim

6、meet, his mother sat down at the table with him. “Mike, we all love ice cream, but its nothealthyfor your body to eat so much of it. Maybe its time to quit the sweet treats for a while, especially before you go swimming.Mike unwillingly agreed. He went to the swim meet, and didntperformwell. His fat

7、her offered to go running with him a few days a week to help him feel better and strengthen his muscles. The extra weight soon disappeared, and Mike found himself breathing easier at swim practices.Itwasthelastmeetoftheseason,andMikewasntsurewhattoexpect. Hefelthealthy again, buthedidnt knowifhestil

8、lhadanyspeedinthepool.注意:1.所续写短文的字数应为150左右;2.至少使用五个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语Paragraph1 :Ashedroveintothewater, hekickedhislegsandstretchedhisarmsasfarashecould.Paragraph2 :Hisjawdroppedasherealizedhehadbeatenhisownbesttime, andeveryoneelsetoo.如何快速写:第一步:Analyze the

9、 story:5Rs1. Read for characters:Mike, his parents, Ice cream, teammates2. Read for conflict / problems:Ice cream and Mikes performance: Whether is it a Lucky charm3. Read for plot:4. Read for emotional changes:When his race came up, Mike wasconfidentMike wasfeeling pretty good.After several months

10、of placing in the top positions of every race he swam, Mike wasfeeling unbeatable.Mikeunwillinglyagreed.5. Read for themeWhat contributes to Mikes success in swimming?第二步:四句定框架:写读后续写不同于写其它作文,有可能需要先倒着写的Step 1:先把最后一句写好,即:主题句Mike realized that ones lucky charm was nothing but his diligence.Step 2:再把衔接句

11、写好,即第一段的最后一句:He dashed to the finish line.Step 3:紧接着每段的提示语句写角色的情感:As he dove into the water, he kicked his legs and stretched his arms as far as he could.It struck endless energy and motivation into his body.Mikes jaw dropped as he realized he had beaten his own best time, and everyone elses too.The

12、 flowers in his heart were already in bloom.接下来就是把每段的中间补充完整,记住三大原则:1.ActionResponse原则:角色A的所言、所行、所感、所想会引起其它角色的一系列反应的。每段对话1-2句,不一定两个人都要说话,无声的动作也是一种response。2.ConflictSolution原则:一般而言第二段会有问题的solution,但本文和高考的读后续写文章出题不一样,因为solution在所给文章中就已经有了。同时思考:能否在第一段出现一个问题,然后把它解决了或者没有解决。一方面是增加看点,另一方面也是给第二段铺垫。3.Negativ

13、ePositive原则:写作中一定要体现情感的变化,无论前面是这样的变化,最终都是积极的。最终:As he dove into the water, he kicked his legs and stretched his arms as far as he could.1. It struck endless energy and motivation into his body.(心情)2.“This is where I belong. I canwintherace,” thought he, his teeth clenched and his eyes fixed on the f

14、inish line forward.(内心独白)3.Suddenly, two figureswhizzedpast, which startled him.(心情变化)4. Fearing to fall behind, he felt his heart pounded frantically and his mind went blank.(解释心情变化和问题)5. Just then, he thought of his sweat and his fathers encouraging smile.(问题的解决方法)6. Gradually, his worry gave way

15、to his confidence and the last 5 minutes saw him dash to the finish line, followed by the end of the race.(衔接句)Mikes jaw dropped as he realized he had beaten his own best time, and everyone elses too.7. The flowers in his heart were already in bloom.(心情变化)8. However, he knew he deserved the honor of championship.(拓展)9.His parentscame up and gave him a high five, grinning from ear to ear.(次要角色的回应)10. “Hey, why



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