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1、高中英语教案(精选多篇)第一篇:高中英语教案模板unit3-a master of nonverbal humourthe second periodreadingteaching aims: 1.enable students to learn what humor means and what isnonverbal humor.2.to introduce the life and work of charlie chaplin.3.to introduce the kind of humour we can all laugh at-nonverbal humour4.to train

2、 the students reading and understanding abilitydifficult points: find out the main ideas of every paragraph.teaching aids: a recorder and a projector,multimediateaching procedure:step 1. greetings and revisioncheck homework: ask students to review what we learned in lastperiod.step 2. pre-reading (通

3、过展示几幅幽默图片,使课堂气氛活跃了起来,一下子调动了学生的积极性,然后顺势导入本课的主人公-charlie chaplin)questions: 1.what do you know about charlie chaplin?2.what do you know about his films?step 3 readingtask 1 :find out the main information about charlie chaplin1)born:_2)job:_3)famous character:_4)costume:_5)type of acting:_6) died:_task

4、 2: listen to the tape of the passage and match the main ideawith each part.para11. charlies childhoodpara22. his famous character (角色)para33. the charlie chaplins laughter (笑声)para44. his achievementspara55. an example of his worktask 3: answer the following questions:1. whats the passage mainly ab

5、out?a. the history of english humour?b. the films chaplin made.c. the humour chaplin made in his films.d. the gold rush in alaska.2. when and where is the film the gold rush set in?a. it is set in california at the end of the nineteenth century.b. it is set in canada at the end of the nineteenth cen

6、turyc. it is set in alaska in the middle of the nineteenth centuryd. it is set in canada in the middle of the nineteenth century3. charlie chaplin made people laugh when they felt depressed, sothey could feel_a. less content with their livesb. more satisfied with their livesc. more worried about the

7、ir livesd. they had a miserable lifetask 4: give a description on little tramp.the little tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore asmall round black hat, large trousers and worn-out shoes carrying a walking stick.task 5: introduce the main films of charlie chaplin.the gold rush ,modern ti

8、mes,the great dictator.- enjoy the part of the film -the gold rush(利用多媒体播放卓别林的经典影片the gold rush中的片段,让学生体会以下大师的惟妙惟肖的表演,从而激发学生的好奇心,使其迫不及待地去读课文,更深入地了解“无声的幽默的大师卓别林”.) task 6: after seeing the film, find the correct order of the followingevents.chaplin tried cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe.chap

9、lin and his friend washed sand and expected to pick up gold,but they failed.they were so hungry that they boiled a pair of leather shoes.they were caught in a small wooden house.chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe.chaplin picked out the laces of the shoe.step 4: post-readinganswer the questi

10、ons: 1.besides joy, what else can humor bring to usin our studies and life?( relaxation, confidence, hope, joy, health, friendship, love.)2. the reasons for his success:( determination, devotion, optimistic attitude to life, kindnesssympathy to the poor. )3. give students a humorous story if time pe

11、rmitting.step 5: conclusiontoday we have learned something about humor, it is everywhere in our daily life. i hope you can be optimistic(乐观的) no matter what difficulties you meet with, just as charlie chaplin was.step 6: homework1.write a humorous story in english and find out the grammar itemsin th

12、is passage.2.pre-view the important words and expressions in the text.第二篇:重大版高中英语教案:unit_3_powerful_musicunit 3powerful music(listening, speaking - writing)i. listening and speaking(25)2学习方法:step1:1)快速完成第1项任务,熟悉几种常见音乐类型的表达法,扩大词汇量。22)一起朗读这些表达法。13)听歌曲”take me home, country roads”前半段,确定是什么音乐类型。1step2:1

13、)浏览第2项中的词汇。12)听歌曲,勾出歌里出现过的词汇。33)观察这些词汇的特点,大部分都与countryside相关。1step3:1)阅读第3项中的3个句子,预测将要听到的对话的主要内容。12)听录音,对斜体字部分做出选择。2step4:1)观察第4项中的表格,注意听的主要方向是找到对话中女士最喜欢的音乐类型并总结原因。12)听对话第1遍,检测自己的预测是否正确。13)听对话第2遍,完成表格的填写。2step5:1)阅读第5项表格中的句子,充分理解其句意。42)熟悉蓝色字体部分表示邀请的基本常用句型。23)注意在回答邀请的句子的时候,不能只是简单地回答yes, no, ok, sorry

14、ii. writing(15)1学习目标:学习如何简单地凭借一首歌曲或乐曲。2学习方法:step1:再听一次”take me home, country roads”,注意从旋律,歌词的含义,歌曲的风格、歌曲所表达的情感等方面去欣赏这首歌。3step2:阅读歌词,充分理解歌词的含义。5step3:1)思考并回答第2项中的4个问题。72)根据问题下面的提示,结合问题的答案,课后完成对这首歌的简评。第三篇:高中英语组教案检查情况反馈高中英语组教案检查情况反馈(一)、优点1教案质量普遍提高,教案与进度相符。教案完整、规范,备写认真、字迹工整,内容充实、教学环节完备,教学过程详细,说明大家都认真钻研了教材。如覃智,魏小玲,严琴等老师的教案。2教案既有单元知识点、三维目标,语法功能的整体介绍,又有课时的知识目标,认知目标,重难点的介绍,而且教学过程详细,教学手段灵活多样,对每一课的知识点、语法内容分析


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