新视野第二版大学英语第三册unit 6单词课件

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1、How to Prepare for Earthquakes,Unit 6 Section A,Key Words,detect wax withstand joint Enclose fasten extinguish sensible resistant precaution related,Word Using,1. detect vt. notice or discover, esp. using a special method 察觉,发现;探测,Many forms of cancers can be cured if detected early. 如果许多癌症在早期被发现,那么

2、是可以治愈的。 我察觉到他的态度有微妙的变化。 I detected a slight change in his attitude.,Translation,Word Using,detectable a. 可发觉的,可看穿的 detective n./a. 侦探,侦探的 detection n. 察觉,探测;侦察,Association,Collocation,detect sb. in (doing) sth. 发觉某人在做(坏事),He was detected in the act of cheating on the exam. 他考试时作弊被发现了。,Word Using,2.

3、wax,It is obvious that a coating of wax was put on the paper. 显然,纸上涂了一层蜡。,vi. increase; grow 变大,增强 U. a solid fatty or oily substance 蜡,Translation,Her feelings for John wax and wine. 她对约翰的感情时好时坏。,(月的)盈亏圆缺 喻盛衰,Word Using,3. withstand vt.:,bear or resist 经受,承受,顶住,Collocation,an attack severe tests th

4、e storm hard wear (fire) hardship,withstand,抵御攻击,经得起严峻的考验,顶得住暴风雨,耐穿(火),能吃苦,Word Using,这双鞋子很耐穿。 The pair of shoes withstands hard wear.,Translation,军队太弱了,抵挡不了任何进攻。 The troops were too weak to withstand any attack.,Word Using,4. joint 接头,接合处;关节;共有的,联合的 n. a place where two parts of sth. are joined tog

5、ether a. belonging to or shared between two or more people,knee out of s between the concrete panels first prize venture,膝关节 脱臼 水泥板的接合处 共同获得的一等奖 合资企业,Collocation,Word Using,5. enclose vt.:,他们用篱笆围住了院子。 They enclosed their yard with a fence.,surround围住,包住 put sth. in an envelope or parcel附寄,Translatio

6、n,兹附上200美元支票。 I enclosed herein a check for 200 US dollars.,Association,enclosed a. 被附上的 enclosure n. 圈地,围栏;随信附件,Word Using,6. fasten vt. 锁好,闩好 firmly close a window, gate, etc. so that it will not open,What should you do with the seat belt in a racing car?,Fasten the seat belt!,Word Using,7. exting

7、uish vt.:,to extinguish a fire 灭火,put out使熄灭,扑灭 end the existence of sth.使(希望等)破灭,Translation,His dream of an actor is extinguished with the failure.,他的演员梦随着失败而破灭。,Association,distinguish v. 区别,辨别,Word Using,8. sensible a.:,预防总是比治疗更明智,而且花费更少。 Prevention is always more sensible and less costly than c

8、ure.,based on good judgment and practical ideas 明智的,合理的,Translation,Collocation,a sensible man 理智的人 a sensible decision 明智的决定 a sensible arrangement 合理的安排,Word Using,sense n./vt. 感觉,意义,见识;感到,理解 sensitive a. 敏感的,灵敏的,感光的,Association,A driver has a good _ of locality. It would be _ to leave early, in c

9、ase theres a lot of traffic. 3. She is very _to what people think of her.,Blank filling sensible sense sensitive,sense,sensible,sensitive,Word Using,9. resistant a.:,offering resistance抵抗的,对抗的,Collocation,water- heat- bullet-,resistant,防水的,防热的,防弹的,Word Using,Association,persistent a. 坚持的,固执的;持续的 ins

10、istent a. 坚持不懈的 assistant n./a. 助手,助理 助理的,辅助的,Translation,Conservative people are usually resistant to change.,保守的人通常反对变化。,Word Using,Collocation,10. precaution n.:,an action done to prevent sth. from happening预防,预防措施,take precaution against 采取预防的措施,Translation,政府采取了各种预防措施,以防止非典的进一步蔓延。 The governmen

11、t has taken all precautions to prevent further spreading of SARS.,Word Using,11. related a. 有关系的 connected in some way,心脏病发作可能与他去年的车祸有关。,The heart attack could be related to his car crash last year.,Useful Expressions,留意,观察 离开,从出来 别忘了;毕竟,终究 将插入,嵌入 将附在/缚在 救生储备 熄灭,扑灭 救急计划,watch for come out of after all insert into attach to survival supplies put out emergency plan,Useful Expressions,会合点 加之,除之外 登记,报到 一般概率 对有抵抗力 对有影响/起作用 在工作的地方 就达成一致意见,a meeting point in addition (to) check in general probability be resistant to make a difference at work agree on/upon,


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