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1、1,1,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Summary,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,I. Structure Analysis,Narration in a chronological order,The way to develop the text:,Text StudyStructure Analysis,(Para. 14) It is the first time I see the patient Mrs.

2、Clark , and I know she will die tonight. Everything I feel and observe in the room shows that Mrs. Clark is dying.,(Para. 5) I offer service to Mrs. Clark, who is too weak for anything.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,(Para. 67) We exchange with simple words and eye contact.,(Para. 8) Mrs. Clark dies.,

3、Text StudyStructure Analysis,(Para. 9) Two days later, I read about Mrs. Clark in the newspaper.,(Para. 10) What I remember of her is the long and graceful fingers.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,II. Understanding,Para.,Topic,Background information full of grace and beauty,graceful dancer,graceful adj

4、. attractive; full of grace and beauty,graceful tulip,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,graceful adj. attractive; full of grace and beauty,graceful bridge,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,graceful adj. attractive; full of grace and beauty,她动作优雅。 That chair is a very graceful piece of furniture.,Words a

5、nd ExpressionsWord Using,2. decay n. (L5) the action or state of gradually going bad,Dental decay in children is a common phenomenon all over the world.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。,2. decay vi. rot; become bad,2. decay vi. lose power, influence, etc.,

6、At that time, Rome Empire had already decayed. As people grow old, they will decay mentally as well as physically.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,3. switch n. (L7) a small button or sth. similar that you press up or down in order to turn on or off electricity (电路)开关,汤姆按了一下开关,可什么动静也没有。,Words and Exp

7、ressionsWord Using,3. switch n. a sudden change,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,3. switch v. change or be changed from one thing to another,等交通灯变为绿灯再走。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4. secure vt. (L12) make safe; protect; fasten,The patients broken leg was secured with plaster bandage.,Words and E

8、xpressionsWord Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4. secure vt. make safe; protect; fasten,他们加强了防洪堤,使城市免于洪水之患。,secure sth. against/from,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4. secure adj. safe; firm/tight; having no doubt/anxiety,Are we secure against/from attack?,be secure against/from,5. slide v. (L

9、20) (cause to) move smoothly,Tom slid out of the house without being noticed.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5. slide n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片;,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5. slide n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片;,hair-slide 发夹,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5. slide n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片;,land slide 山崩;塌方,Words and ExpressionsWord

10、Using,playground slide,water slide,5. slide n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片;,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5. slide n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片;,Nokia HTC Touch Slide,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,6. procedure n. (L22) a way of doing sth., esp. the correct or usual way,If you want to make a complaint, please follow the correct p

11、rocedure.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,7. interval n. (L49) a period of time between two events,中间休息时提供咖啡。 从上海到南京的火车,每隔20分钟发一趟。,8. privilege n. (L56) a special advantage that is given only to a particular person or group,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,It was a tim

12、e when education was a privilege. 能与如此伟大的科学家一起工作是一种荣幸。,9. episode n. (L57) one separate event in sbs life, a novel, etc.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Thats an episode in my life Id rather forget.,9. episode n. a part of a TV or radio story,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10. association n. (L63)

13、a group of people join together for a common purpose; an organization,a housing association,the British Medical Association,association of industry and commerce,房屋协会,英国医学协会,工商联合会,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10. association n. a group of people join together for a common purpose; an organization,

14、NBA,National Basketball Association (美国)全国篮球协会,National Bar Association (美国)全国律师协会,National Boxing Association (美国)全国拳击协会,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10. association n. the act of joining or working with another person or group,in association with = together with,我们和纽约办事处合作。,Words and Expression

15、sWord Using,II. Old to New,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,rot; become badsafe weak desire hurt, harm indication empty a strong feeling organization,decay secure faint thirst injure hint blank emotion association,Words and ExpressionsC to E,III. Chinese to English,medical chart,medical equipment,fai

16、nt pulse,ease (ones) thirst,hospital gown,skin cream,a mind reader,a blank stare,a swell of emotion,Words and ExpressionsC to E,Group Discussion,Idea Sharing,Whats your view on doctor-patient relationship?,1. Watch the movie clip and discuss the question in groups.,Doctor & Patient,Idea Sharing,2. If your life is coming to the end, at the gate of Paradise, God may ask you to make a list of 10 admirable deeds in yo


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