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1、Unit 1 Cultural DifferencesClass 1-2,Zong Lin,New Horizon College English,Topic of the Unit Text A Pre-reading Text A Words, Explanation offensive 粗鲁的,无礼的 The manager was offended by his abrupt reply. 经理被他的粗鲁的回答激怒了。 The head teacher is very abrupt with parents. 主任老师对家长们的态度很粗鲁。 2. sudden and unexpect

2、ed 突然的,意外的 The road is full of many abrupt turns. 这条路有许多急转弯。 His abrupt departure surprised everyone. 他突然离去,使大家都很吃惊。,abrupt,a. done regularly and in the same way 例行的;惯常的 Every day the work begins with the ritual greetings. 每天的工作以例行的问候开始。 They made ritual apology and left. 他们做了程式化的道歉,然后就离开了。 n. C, U

3、sth. done regularly and in the same way 惯例 Wives make a ritual of their household duties. 家庭主妇每天都是一成不变地操持家务。 Ive wound up the clock so many times that it has become a ritual. 我经常给钟上发条,以致这已成了我的习惯。,ritual,convention,n. 1. C, U general, usu. unspoken agreement about how people should act or behave in c

4、ertain situations 习俗;惯例 By convention, the leader is always a man.按照惯例,领导总是由男性担任。 Wearing a coat and tie is an accepted convention on such an occasion.在那种场合,穿外套系领带是约定俗成的穿着要求。 2. C a meeting of members of a profession, political party, etc. 会议;大会 They hold the annual convention in July.他们每年7月召开年度会议。,

5、conference,n. C a formal meeting (正式)会议 The Institute of Accountants is holding its conference in Edinburgh this year.会计师协会正在爱丁堡举行今年的会议。 Shes an organizer of the International Conference on AIDS that the university has every year.她是大学每年召开的爱滋病国际会议的组织者。,vi. (of a clock or watch) make a short repeated

6、sound (钟、表等)滴答响 My watch doesnt tick because its electronic. 我的表不滴嗒作响,因为它是电子表。 The old clock tick-tocked noisily. 那口老钟的滴答声很响。 n. sing. the short repeated sound that a clock or watch makes (钟、表的)滴答声 The continual tick of the clock got on my nerves. 钟不断地作响,令我心烦。,tick (or tick-tock),vt. 1. carry out 进行

7、;实施 conduct an experiment做实验 We have been conducting a survey of the region.我们对该地区进行了调查。 2. act as the path for electricity, heat, etc. 传导(电或热) He wasnt sure if rubber conducted electricity. 他不能肯定橡胶是否导电。 n. U the way sb. behaves 行为,举止 Nobody can stand such shameless conduct.没有人能容忍如此不知羞耻的行为。 The pris

8、oner was set free early because of good conduct 那个囚犯因表现好而被提前释放。,conduct,a. extremely good 极好的 The sports centre is superb. 这个体育中心是一流的。 The view from my window is superb. 从窗外看去,景色壮丽。 Distinguish: super, superior,superb,Text A: Key Sentences,Para 1: S1, S3, S4 Para 2: S1, S3, S4, S5, S6 Para 3: S1, S2

9、, S3,s8 Para 4: s1, s2, s4, S5,S6 Para 5: s1, s2,s3,Reserved for Next Class Para 6: s1, s2, s4 Para 7: S4 Para 8: s2, S3, S4, S5,Meaning: Americans believe no one keeps motionless; everyone moves. Here stand means keep or stay in a particular position or state. In this sense, stand is followed by ad

10、jectives. More examples: The room stands idle. 这房间闲置着Stand firmdont let them tell you what to do. 要坚定,不要让他们对你指手画脚。,(S1, Para 1) Americans believe no one stands still.,Meaning: This way of thinking and doing things causes Americans to devote their time and energy to researching, experimenting and exp

11、loring.,(S3, Para 1) This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring.,Meaning: Americans use two things with great care: one is time and the other is labor. or: Americans never waste two things: one is time and the other is labor.,(S4, Para 1) Time i

12、s one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor.,Meaning: We are under the control of time only and nothing else, or we are only dominated by time.,S1, Para 2 We are slaves to nothing but the clock.,In this sentence, time is used metaphorically as something of real val

13、ue. kill it (= kill time): make time pass quickly by finding something to do We killed time by playing cards. 我们用打纸牌来消磨时间。 He drove to the club to kill a couple of hours. 他驾车去俱乐部消磨了几个小时。 Meaning: We plan how to spend it, save it, waste it, spend it more efficiently, find ways to pass it quickly, red

14、uce it, explain how we use it; we also ask money for it.,S3, Para 2 We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it.,Meaning: Many people have a very strong feeling that life is short. Notice the use of sense in the following examples: a sense of hum

15、or/duty/direction 幽默感/责任感/方向感,S4, Para 2 Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime.,Meaning: Once time has passed, it will not return. Notice that the whole sentence is a metaphor .,S5, Para 2 Once the sands have run out of a persons hourglass, they cannot be replaced.,

16、Meaning: We want every minute to be put into good use (since it is precious).,S6, Para 2 We want every minute to count.,Meaning: .everyone is doing things in a hurry, because they are often under pressure to do so.,S1, Para 3 . everyone is in a rushoften under pressure.,Meaning: . impatiently trying to get service in a store, or pushing others out of the way by their elbows.,S2, Para 3 . restlessly seeking attention in a store, or elbowing others.,Me


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