新编英语语法教程第五版3 Subject - verb Concord (II)课件

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1、1,2020/9/26,Lecture 3 Subject-verb Concord (II),2020/9/26,2,Teaching Contents,3.1 Problems of concord with a coordinate subject 3.2 Problems of concord with expressions of quantity as subject 3.3 Other problems of subject-verb concord,2020/9/26,3,3.1 Problems of concord with a coordinate subject,Coo

2、rdination by and or both and It is usually treated as plural when it refers to two or more than two persons/things, but it is singular when referring to one person or thing. e.g. Baseball and swimming are usually summer sports. Your friend and adviser has agreed to lend me his money. After each and

3、each or every and every, the verb is also in the singular form: e.g. Each man and each woman is asked to help. Every flower and every bush is to be cut down.,2020/9/26,4,The indefinite pronouns anybody/anyone, everybody/everyone, nobody/no one, and somebody/someone combine with singular verb forms,

4、even though co-referent pronouns and determiners may be plural forms. e.g. Everybodys doing what they think theyre supposed to do. Nobody has their fridges repaired any more, they cant afford it.,2020/9/26,5,each/every he/she/they e.g. At the moment each of the girls was too busy thinking about her

5、own personal safety to care much about the luggage. But “each/every+ singular n. they/their” is right as well. e.g. Each of the students should have his/their own books. Every member brings their own lunch. In such exams as TOEFL, the pronoun referring to “nobody/everybody/everyone/someone/somebody/

6、anybody/anyone/no one” can only be he/his instead of they/their. However, as English learners it must be known that “everyonethey” is used more oftern than “everyonehe”.,2020/9/26,6,e.g. Everyone warned you, didnt they? Has anybody brought their camera? No one could have blamed themselves for that.

7、Every one / each / each one /*everyone of the students should have their/his own books.,2020/9/26,7,2) Coordination by or / eitheror, neithernor, not only.but also Here the problem is dealt with according to the principle of proximity. e.g. My sisters or my brother is likely to be at home. Either my

8、 father or my brothers are coming. Informally we can have the following use: e.g. Neither he nor his wife have arrived.,2020/9/26,8,In formal cases, especially in exams, “neither” is used with singular verb. e.g. Neither of them is bright. When used with plural nouns in informal cases, “neither” can

9、 also be used with plural verb. e.g. Neither of the books are/is very interesting. -I cant swim. -Neither can I. - He didnt like the play. -Nor did we. Neither is usually in formal cases, but nor is often used in spoken English.,2020/9/26,9,3) Subject + as well as, as much as, rather than, more than

10、, no less than; with, along with, together with, in addition to, except + Verb (determined by the form of the subject e.g. Some of the workers, as well as the manager, were working during the holidays. No one except two students was late for the dinner. 3.2 Problems of concord with expressions of qu

11、antity as subject 1) Concord with expression of definite quantity as subject,2020/9/26,10,a) When regarded as a single unit, the verb is singular; when regarded as the individuals that constitute the quantity, the verb takes plural form. e.g. Twenty years in prison was the penalty he had to pay. b)

12、a fraction/percentage + of-phrase+ (-)verb e.g. Thirty-five percent of the doctors were women. c) A + B /AB + Verb (singular/plural); AB/AB+ Verb (singular) e.g. Forty minus fifteen leaves twenty-five. 40-15=25,2020/9/26,11,d) one in/out of + Plural noun + Verb (fml. Singular; infml. plural) e.g. On

13、e in ten students has/have failed the exam. 2) Concord with expression of indefinite quantity as subject. a) all of/some of/ none of /half of/most of + noun phrase of indefinite quantity + (-)verb e.g. Most of the money was recovered by Deputy Player.,2020/9/26,12,Usage is fairly evenly divided betw

14、een singular and plural concord with none of: e.g. None of us has been aboard except Vinck. None of us really believe its ever going to happen not to us, she said at last. Fiction However, none alone shows a distinct preference for singular concord: e.g. None describes him/herself as such in the par

15、tys official literature. (NEWS) Plural concord is the norm in conversation, while in the written registers there is an overall preference for singular concord.,2020/9/26,13,None of + N. + V 1) 当none与不可数名词连用或指代不可数名词时,其谓语动词总是用单数。 e.g. I wanted some more coffee, but there was none left. 2) 当none与复数名词连用

16、或指代复数名词时,传统语法规定其谓语动词必须用单数。此用法得到英语教材和各类英语实体的肯定和强调。但是,实际应用中人们往往使用“概念一致”原则,用动词的复数形式。所以,Quirk说:“用复数动词较为常见,并且,在正式用法中也为人们普遍接受。” e.g. None of the books has/have been placed on the shelves. None but the brave deserves the fair. 唯有勇者才配得上美女。,2020/9/26,14,None are so deaf as those who will not hear. 不愿听从的人是最聋的人。 no one 单独使用时只用于指人。 e.g. No one should pride themselves on this result. 但是,no one之后接-of短语时,既可指人也可指物。 e.g. No one of you could lift it. I reach three books on this subject, no o


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