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1、1 土木工程 土木工程 Civil Engineering 专业代码:专业代码:080703 学 制:学 制:4 年 Speciality Code: Speciality Code:080703 Schooling Years: Schooling Years:4 years 培养目标:培养目标: 培养适应社会主义现代化建设需要,德智体全面发展,掌握土木工程学科的基本理 论和基本知识,获得工程师基本训练并具有创新精神的高级专门人才。 目标 1: (扎实的基础知识) 培养学生掌握扎实的土木工程学科的基本原理和基本知 识,并通过接触和掌握土木工程结构设计、施工、管理、项目规划和研究开发等方面的

2、先进知识,为将所学基础知识应用到土木工程工程实践中去做好准备。 目标 2: (解决问题能力) 培养学生能够熟练地利用土木工程领域的技术理论和基础 知识解决工程实际中遇到的问题,具有较强的工程实践能力和一定的创新能力。 目标 3: (团队合作与领导能力)培养学生在团队中的沟通和合作能力,进而能够具 备土木工程领域的领导能力。 目标 4: (工程系统认知能力) 让学生认识到土木工程领域的建设在国民经济的发展 中起着重要作用,只有掌握了扎实的基础理论、宽广的专业知识,才能更好地承担房屋 建筑、道路、桥梁、隧道等各类土木工程的技术与管理工作。 目标 5: (专业的社会影响评价能力) 培养学生在土木工程

3、专业的知识和能力既要有 全国一流水平,又要能适应华南、港澳及东南亚地区的经济发展。 目标 6: (全球意识能力)培养学生具有一定的国际视野,能够在全球化的环境里保 持清晰意识,有竞争力地、负责任地行使自己的职责。 目标 7: (终身学习能力) 土木工程毕业生能够胜任土木工程项目勘察、 设计、 施工、 管理、教育、投资和开发等各种经历的职业生涯,具备终身学习的能力。 Educational Objectives: Educational Objectives: Culture the innovative senior specialists to meet the needs of socia

4、list modernization, comprehensive physical and moral development, to master the basic theory and basic knowledge of civil engineering disciplines, with the basic training for engineers. Objective 1: Solid Foundations Cultivate students to master the basic principle and knowledge of Civil Engineering

5、. In order to help students prepare themselves to apply these foundations to the practice of civil engineering, the advanced knowledge including the knowledge of design, construction, management, project plan and research development are going to be delivered. Objective 2: Professional Knowledge Cul

6、tivate students capabilities to skilled solve the engineering problems with professional knowledge and foundations, and strengthen 2 students engineering practice and creative abilities. Objective 3: Teamwork/Leadership Cultivate students communication and cooperation abilities in the team, especial

7、ly the leadership in civil engineering fields. Objective 4: Engineered Systems Students will be aware of the importance of civil engineering in development of national economy. Only when the engineers are qualified with solid foundation, extensive professional knowledge, they are able to carry the t

8、echnology and management jobs in building, pathway, bridge and tunnel projects. Objective 5: Societal Impact Students not only have the first class knowledge and capacities in China, but also can catch up development of south China, Hong Kong and Macau and south and east Asia. Objective 6: Global Aw

9、areness Cultivate students international perspective. Students can keep them clear sense in the global environment and competitive and responsibility carry their duty. Objective 7: Lifelong Learning Students of Civil Engineering Major can be qualified for many kinds of careers, as survey, design, co

10、nstruction, management, education, investment and development, and have the capacity of lifelong learning. 专业特色:专业特色: 本专业注重培养学生掌握土木工程领域的技术理论和基础知识,主要包括力学、土 木工程结构基本理论和设计方法、先进施工技术及工程管理知识,并在计算机应用、土 木工程开发与创新等方面具有相应的知识和能力。本专业部分课程采用双语教学,开设 科技前沿专题讲座和部分创新课程, 培养具有一定国际视野, 面向未来的高级专门人才。 Speciality Features:Speci

11、ality Features: This major offers professional foundations and technological knowledge, including mechanics,basic theory of civil engineering,design method,advanced construction technology and project management.The major also cultivate the students the abilities on information technology and resear

12、ch and development in civil engineering.The part of the courses applies bilingual education.The creation of cutting-edge science and technology seminars and some innovative programs can help to train students with some international perspective,future-oriented high-level expertise. 培养要求:培养要求: 课程目标体系

13、构成,每门课的设置都有相对应的培养目的,即学生所获得相应的知 识、能力和素质。 Educational Requirement:Educational Requirement: 3 The objective system of each course is composed of a corresponding set of cultivation purposes, which are the appropriate knowledge, ability and quality that students are supposed to gain. 知识架构:(知识架构:(Knowledg

14、e Structure) A1 文学、历史、哲学、艺术、体育的基本知识;A1 Fundamental knowledge of literature, history, philosophy, art and sports; A2 社会科学学科的研究方法入门知识;A2 Fundamental knowledge of social science research methods; A3 自然科学与工程技术的基础知识和前沿知识; A3 Fundamental and frontier knowledge of natural science and engineering; A4 工具性基础知

15、识;A4 Fundamental knowledge of tools; A5 土木工程专业领域内基础核心知识;A5 Core knowledge of fundamental area in Civil Engineering; A6 土木工程专业领域内专业技术知识;A6 Knowledge of specialized techniques in Civil Engineering; A7 土木工程实践领域内核心知识;A7 Core knowledge of fundamental area in Civil Engineering; A8 专业技术创新知识、前沿知识;A8 Innovat

16、ion and frontier knowledge of specialized technique. 能力要求:(能力要求:(Ability Requirements) B1 清晰思考和用语言文字准确表达的能力;B1The ability of clear thinking and accurate language expression; B2 发现、分析和解决问题的能力;B2 The ability of discovering, analyzing and solving problems; B3 批判性思考和独立工作的能力;B3 The ability of critical thinking and independent working; B4 与不同类型的人合作沟通的能力;B4 The ability of cooperating and communicating with



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