There be句型练习题含答案(最新编写)

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1、 There be 句型练习题 一.选择填空 ( )1.-Again, my computer doest work. - must be something wrong with the CPU A.There B.That C.It D.This ( )2.There some milk ,some eggs and a few apples on the table. B.are C.has D.have ( )3.there are so many green trees on sides of the street . A.either B.each C.both

2、ither ( )4.there anything new in todays newspaper . B.are C.isnt D.arent ( )5. there books on the shelf ? A.area a C.have some D.areany ( )6.there many elephants in Africa. B.has C.are D.have ( )7.-is there a hotel near here? -. A.yes.please B.not at all C.sorry,i dont know you

3、 are ( )8.are there any on the table? A.meat B.cheese C.tomatoes D.papper ( )9.-where is my wallet ? -there a black on the floor. A.isit B.areones C.isone D.areone ( )10.theres eraser on desk. A. anthe B.thea C.thethe 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.there are many (mouse) in the old house. 2.there (be) an a

4、irport in Suqian some dayi hope 3.there (be) four buildings built already in our school. 4.there (be)hardly any juice left ,isthere? 三.根据汉语完成下列句子。 看!天空中有奇怪的东西。 Look! in Sky. 没有水,地球上就没有生命。 Without water, no lift on eath. 冰箱里有多少冰激凌? ice cream in the fridge? 黑板在我的课桌前面。 a blackboard in front of my desk.

5、 一些老师在操场上。 some teachers on the playground . 四。改错 ( )1.there are(a) a pen and(b) two books on(c) the(d) desk. ( )2.there stand(a) a factory(b) by(c) the river(d) ( )3.there(a) is(b) a girl swim(c) in the lake(d) ( )4.there is(a) little(b) coffee in the(c) fridge ,isnt it(d) ( )5.there(a) werent (b)

6、any(c) meet in the fridge yesterday(d) ( )6.-is(a) there a(b) post office near hear? -yesthere(c) are(d) ( )7.there(a) should have(b) something wrong(c) with(d) the machine. ( )8.there will(a) have(b) a meeting(c) in the afternoon(d) ( )9.are(a) they(b) any(c) paper on the desk(d) ( )10.there(a) are

7、nt(b) any tigers in the zoo ,is(c) there(d) 答案: 一. 1.A“there is something wrong with”意为“有些问题” 。 2.A 根据英语主谓一致中的就近原则,应用 is,因为 milk 是不可数名词。 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.A 二. 1-4 mice, will be,has been,is. 三. 1-5 1.there is something strange 2.there can be much,is there 4.there is 5.there are 四.1.a are-is 2.a stand-stands 3.c swim-swimming 4.d it-there 5.b werent-wasnt 6.d are-is 7.b have-be 8.b have-be 9.a are-is 10.c is-are



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