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1、辽宁省辽宁师范大学附属中学2019-2020学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题 考试时间:100分钟 满分:150分第一部分阅读理解 (共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A.B.C和D中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡相应的题号上将该项涂黑。AUggs(雪地靴) are certainly ugly, or at least inelegant. The shapeless boots, pulled on in a hurry, can make anyone look like a slob(懒惰的人), which has

2、 made them the target of disrespect. It hasnt been hard to find someone strongly condemning them. “Ugg boots are no sexy,” The Independent declared in 2003, “unless youre Mrs. Bigfoot on a lone mission across Antarctic to find Mr. Bigfoot. When wearing the boots, a writer of The Gloss complained, “T

3、heres nothing to indicate that you dont have square, horrible shoeboxes in place of human feet.” In 2015, one coffee shop on Brick Lane in east London ever banned ugg-wearers.And yet, over the years, plenty of strange and unattractive shoes have met with the approval of the fashion establishment. Th

4、e problem with uggs wasnt that they were ugly; its that they were common.But a funny thing happened on the way to fashions tomb: the universal ugg has not gone anywhere. Uggs have quietly stayed here since their best time. Once you start paying attention, youll be shocked to discover how many people

5、 are still wearing them. They are worn by mothers in town and in the country, by teenagers on Saturday shopping trip and by people in fashion. Perhaps the secret of uggss unstoppable success is that, if there is a dividing line between public appeal and private style,it might be a pair of cozy boots

6、. They are certainly comfortable, soft and warm, as if your feet were in the hugging of someone who really loves you. At $150 a pair, they are neither cheap nor entirely out of range. They are casual and indulgent(纵容的).Somehow uggs, the boots that so many people hate, have managed to challenge the c

7、ruel logic of the fashion cycle and carry on whether you approve of them or not. 1.What is the best title of the passage? A. Uggs Refuse to DieB. Uggs Have Existed So LongC. Uggs Enter the Fashion CircleD. Uggs Have Gone Somewhere2. Why does the author quote many medias words in the first paragraph?

8、A. To prove uggs toughness B. To prove uggss popularityC. To prove peoples approvalD. To prove peoples condemning. 3. What does the author think very strange?A. Uggs are very commonB. Uggs are inelegant and uglyC. Uggs are worn by teenagersD. Uggs stay there regardless4. What is the secret to the su

9、ccess of uggs according to the passage?A. They are very comfortable B. They own private style C. They have public appealD. They are very cheap BDo you have a younger brother? Does he always get in trouble? Well, there might be some science behind that. According to a report from the Massachusetts In

10、stitute of Technology, second-borns are more likely than first-borns to behave badly, which could be why you from time to time consider your younger brother or sister sprites.Researchers, who explored data from tens of thousands of sibling(兄弟姐妹) pairs from Denmark and Florida, found second-borns are

11、 20% to 40% more likely to have behavioral problems. If youre the second-born child you may want to have a little chat with your parents. The reason why second-born siblings may be worse behaved than first-born is that parents tend to pay less attention to them.“Second-born children tend to have les

12、s attention from the mother than their older siblings because first-born children experience their mothers maternity leave (产假). First-borns enjoy the rewards of not only their own time with Mum following their birth, but the time Mum takes off with younger siblings, too.” the authors explain. Its n

13、ot just about the parents, however. Speaking to NRP, co-author Joseph Doyle said, “The first-born has role models, who are adults. And the second, later-born children have role models who are slightly unreasonable 2-year-olds, you know, their older siblings. The difference of parental investments an

14、d the sibling influences probably contribute to these differences we see in the labor market and what we find in behaviors against regulations, even against laws. Its just very difficult to separate those two things because they happen at the same time”The results, the authors argue, have an importa

15、nt effect on social policy. 5. What does the underlined word “sprites” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A. Losers B. TroublemakersC. Close companionsD. Parents pets6.According to the report, what influences the second-born childrens behavior?A. Challenges of their elder siblingsB. The amount of attenti

16、on they receive from parents C. More family problems they are faced withD. Fewer chances of talking with others7.Joseph Doyle holds the opinion that the older siblings _.A. have the same role models as their younger onesB. are not to blame for their younger siblings failureC. are partly responsible for their younger siblings problemsD. affect the


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