微观经济学 行为制度和演化课件

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1、Lectures at Fudan University on The Economics of Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution Samuel Bowles, http:/www.santafe.edu/bowles University of Siena/ Santa Fe Institute,Lorenzetti, Aspects of Good Government, 14 th century Siena,Lectures at Fudan University on The Economics of Behavior, Institutio

2、ns, and Evolution,The dynamics of capitalism and the emergence of a post Walrasian paradigm in economics (Prologue, 1) Economic man and social preferences: experiments, new preference functions, and mechanism design (3, JPubE) nstitutional dynamics: the emergence of private propety (within- and betw

3、een-group selection dynamics) (2,11) Institutional persistence and innovation: stochastic evolutionary game theory (application of Young) (12) The co-evolution of preferences and institutions: agent-based modeling of group selection (13) Parochial altruism and war (and summing up) (Science 07) I wou

4、ld be happy to amend this programme,Related papers at: http:/www.santafe.edu/bowles,Walrasian Economics in Retrospect. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115:4, 2000 with H.Gintis “In Search of Homo economicus: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Simple Societies” American Economic Review. 91,2(2001 )(with R.

5、 Boyd, C. Camerer, E. Fehr, H. Gintis, et al.). “Persistent Parochialism: the Dynamics of Trust and Exclusion in Networks,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 55, 2004, with Gintis “Social preferences and public economics: mechanism design when preferneces depend on incentives,” Journal o

6、f Public Economics, 2008, forthcoming (with S-H Hwang) “Policies designed for self interested citizens may undermine the moral sentiments” Science, 2008 forthcoming. Group competition, reproductive leveling and the evolution of human altruism. Science, 314, 2006. “The co-evolution of parochial altru

7、ism and war,” Science, 319 (2007) with Jung-Kyoo Choi. My email: ,Capitalism and economic theory,What should microeconomic theory be a theory of ? Most of the people in the world are poor, so if we knew the economics of being poor we would know much of the economics that really matters. Schultz, T.W

8、. (1980), “Nobel Lecture: The Economics of Being Poor,” Journal of Political Economy 88,4:639-651. The primary task to economic theory (in my view) is to understand (really existing) capitalism and its evolution (not economic systems generically, not abstract principles of optimal use of resources)

9、Is the Walrasian (neoclassical) paradigm adequate to this task?,Walrasian (neoclassical) economics,A paradigm (school) is characterized by what it teaches its students and th assumptions that are necessary and sufficient for its main results. The Walrasian paradigm is characterized by Complete contr

10、acts: enforceable at low cost by third parties Absence (or nearly so) of economies of scale Economic man: exogenous, self regarding preferences What are the big facts about capitalist dynamics that this theory should explain?,Leon Walras,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism:

11、Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles

12、, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,Cities with more than a million people 1850 and present,London and Paris,Beij

13、ing,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism:

14、Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles

15、, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,Top income shares: UK 1908-1998,Top percentile share: France 1900-98,Top 0.01

16、% share: India 1922-8,Top 0.1% UK, US, France, India,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,From Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt, Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change, Oxford U Press, 2004,Growth in productivity Growth in wages Uneven development among nations Population gr



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