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1、No.4 建议信 步骤内容1考点综述2真题再现(2017北京卷-到中国旅行线路的建议)3要点总结(结构及实例说明、常用词汇和常用短语)4题型变化之语法填空5题型变化之短文改错6模拟强化一 给因沉迷于电脑游戏朋友的建议7模拟强化二 给学习中文朋友的建议 1 考点综述 建议信是针对朋友、同事等写的求助信的回复,或对某种不合理的应该纠正的情况提出自己的看法和建议。写作目的是提出建议或忠告,不是投诉信。观点要合情合理,注意礼貌当先。2 真题再现1.【题目要求】。(2017北京卷)你的英国朋友Jim所在的学校要组织学生来中国旅行,有两条线路可以选择:“长江之行”或者“泰山之旅”。Jim来信希望你能给些建

2、议。请你给他回信,内容包括:1.你建议的线路;2.你的理由;3.你的祝愿。注意:1.词数不少于50;2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2.【范文品读】Dear Jim, Im happy to receive your letter and know youre coming to China.Of the two trips to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai, both are highly recommended. Personally, I prefer the tour along the Yangtze, the longest river an

3、d one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization. You can learn a lot about the history of China and Chinese people. Moreover, the scenery along the river is amazing, with many well-known sightseeing spots. Thats why I think the trip along the Yangtze will be a better choice.Hope youll have a good

4、 time in China.Yours,Li Hua3 要点总结1.【建议信结构以及实例说明 】1. 写信目的;2. 介绍详情、说明原因;3. 提出建议。(写信目的)Im happy to receive your letter and know youre coming to China.(介绍详情、说明原因)Of the two trips to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai, both are highly recommended. (给出建议)Personally, I prefer the tour along the Yangtze, the l

5、ongest river and one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization. You can learn a lot about the history of China and Chinese people. Moreover, the scenery along the river is amazing, with many well-known sightseeing spots. Thats why I think the trip along the Yangtze will be a better choice.(表达祝愿)H

6、ope youll have a good time in China.2.【建议信常用词汇】1.gve/offersb. someadvice(on)给某人提建议2.asksb. foradvice向某人征求意见3.asfollows如下4.inmyopinion/inmyview/frommypointofview在我看来5.find.helpful/useful/beneficial认为有用6.takepartin/participatein.参加7.follow/take/adoptonesadvice采纳某人的建议8.takesth. intoaccount/consideratio

7、n把考虑在内9.with regard to关于;就10. put forward提出11.inthisregard/inthisrespect在这点上/在这方面12.sharesth. withsb.与某人分享某事13.withtimegoingon随着时间的推移14. Be faced with面临15.takesth. seriously重视;认真对待 3.【建议信常用句型结构】1. Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble .很遗憾听说你在.有困难。2. Such problems are quite normal. Perhaps th

8、e following suggestions are helpful.这样的问题是很正常的。可能下面的建议会有一些帮助。3. I have received your letter saying you plan to.我已经收到了你的来信。信上说。4.You have asked me for my advice with regard to how to learn Chinese , and I will try to make some suggestions here.你关于如何学习汉语询问我的建议,那么我就在这里给出一些建议。5. Im very glad to receive

9、your letter asking for my advice on how to .很高兴收到你的来信,信上询问我关于如何。6. Im very glad to have received your e-mail. Now Im writing to give you some advice on how to .很高兴收到你的电子邮件。现在,关于如何在。,我写信给你一些建议。7. I hope these suggestions will be of use to you. 8.Remember: where there is a will, there is a way.9.I wou

10、ld be more than happy to see improvement.10.I believe that you will take my suggestions into serious account.Whatever you decide to do, good luck with your studies/work!11. Here are a few suggestions.4 题型变化之语法填空 Im happy to receive your letter _1_ know youre coming to China.Of the two _2_(trip) to t

11、he Yangtze River and Mount Tai, both are highly _3_(recommend). Personally, I prefer the tour along the Yangtze, the _4_(long) river and one of the mother rivers of Chinese _5_(civilize). You can learn a lot _6_ the history of China and Chinese people. Moreover, the scenery along the river is_7_ (am

12、aze), _8_ many well-known sightseeing spots. Thats _9_ I think the trip along the Yangtze will be a better _10_(choose).Hope youll have a good time in China.5 题型变化之短文改错Im happy to receive your letter and know youre coming to China.On the two trips to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai, all are highly r

13、ecommended. Personally, I preferred the tour along the Yangtze, the longest river but one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization. You can learning a lot about the history at China and Chinese people. Moreover, the scenery along a river is amazing, with much well-known sightseeing spots. Thats

14、why I think the trip in the Yangtze will be a better choice.Hope Ill have a good time in China.6 模拟强化【Writing 1】 假设你是李华,你在美国夏令营认识的朋友Mike给你来信说他最近沉迷于电脑难以控制。请你给他回一封信,告诉他网瘾可能会导致成绩下降、健康状况恶化、损害家庭关系等问题,并提出一些建议。参考词汇:沉溺于be/become addicted to 网瘾:Internet addiction。【Writing 2】 假定你叫李华,你的美国朋友Jack 来信,说他寒假期间要来中国交流

15、学习。他学了两年中文,但是仍然担心用中文交流时会遇到困难。请你用英语给Jack写封回信,提几点建议,要点如下:1. 大胆自信; 2. 放慢语速; 3. 借助图画或肢体语言等表达方式。注意:1. 词数80-100; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 附:答案 一题型变化之语法填空:1.and 2.trips 3.recommended 4. longest 5.civilization 6. about 7.amazing 8. with 9.why 10.choice二题型变化之短文改错(加粗划线之处为答案):Im happy to receive your letter and know youre coming to China.Of the two trips to the Yangtze


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