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1、1课1. be /come /go /get back to sp =return to spbe /come /go /get back here /there /home 2. How do you like.?=What do you think of ?3. on your first day of Grade 84. be happy / glad to do sth 5. such a long holiday =so long a holiday6. one is and the other is7. make new friends 8. introduce sb to sb

2、9. be the same as be different from 10. look interesting /cool11.make a class picture 12.a lot of good recent pictures of myself13.on the Silk Road /camel 14.Good luck (to sb )15.I didnt know how to begin /start a conversation with sb 16.have trouble /difficulties in doing sth 17.on ones own =by one

3、self 18.almost +nothing (否定词)不能和not连用 nearly 与not 连用 2课1.look +adj look nice/ silly/cool/ common look at /up /like /for /out /after 2. a good picture of you (本人) a picture of yours (不一定是你本人)3.traditional clothes /culture /foods4. play the erhu/violin /piano play+ 棋类/牌类/球类+5.perform a dance perform (

4、名词) performance /performer6.wear =be in /have on (状态) put on take off (动作) dress sb /oneself 7.advise sb ( not )to do sth advise doing sth give sb some advice/suggestions on sth8.be up to sb 9.agree with sb agree on sth /doing sth agree to do sth 10. glue sth on /to a big piece of paper 11. bring st

5、h to sp take sth to sp take sth with sb bring brought brought take took taken12. prepare pictures/photos for the class picture 给班级照准备照片13. a little bit lower /higher 14. put up 举起;张贴/ down 放下 /back 放回原处 /off推迟 /away 把收起15. the Spring Festival show 3课1. get to know sb know sb 2. Its +(not) adj +(for

6、sb ) to do sth Eg:Its not easy for us to make new friends.3. write it /them down write out the direction 4. immediately = at once 立即 ; 马上 5. be/feel a little nervous about 对有点紧张 be/feel nervous to do sth 做某事感到紧张6. go ahead 7. my first /last /next question 8. like best =favourite like better like a l

7、ittle not like at all9. too(肯末)=as wellalso (肯中)either (否末)10. hate to do sth/doing sth = dislike to do sth/doing sth 11. go (out)for walks 12. get out of bed =get up 13. set the table 摆放餐具14. comb ones hair15. one more question =another question 基数词+more +名词=another +基数词+名词16. mind (ones/sb)doing s

8、th4课1. argue with sb about sth2. two peas in a pod 3. stop doing sth eg: stop talking to each other stop to do sth eg: stop to have a rest 4. copy ones homework 5. spend more time playing basketballsb spend time /money on sth/in doing sth6. surprise sb to ones surprise be surprised at sth /doing sth

9、 be surprised to do sthin surprise 惊奇地eg:He is surprised at the surprising news.7. be angry with sb /sth 8. lend sth to sb borrow sth from sb /library9. go their own ways 10. in the following days 11. a few days later12. at the end of the game13. come over 14. hold out ones hand 15. feel/be embarras

10、sed 感觉尴尬的16. dont have to =neednt Must 提问的一般疑问句否定用neednt 回答 have to (客观) must (主观)17. enemy (enemies)friend 18. make a deal with sb /sth what do with ?How deal with ?Deal dealt dealt19. refuse to do sth 拒绝去做某事 5课1. learn about 了解;学习2. in/at front of (外部前)in/at the front of (内部前)3. be/get ready for s

11、th =be /get ready to do sth 4.不定代词+adj someone special 5.feel/be lucky to do sth Eg:I feel lucky to have her as my English teacher.6.knowledge(n) knowledgeable (adj)Eg:He learns lots of knowledge and he is knowledgeable.7.encourage sb (not) to do sth 8.discuss sth with sb discuss doing sth discuss (

12、v) discussion(n)9.be patient with sb 对某人有耐心 be patient to do sth 有耐心去做某事eg: Doctors should be patient with patients .10.have many interests be interested in sth /doing sth eg: She is interested in the interesting story 11.be married “已婚” (状态)与一段时间连用get married “结婚” (动作)与时间点或短语连用marry sb =be /get mar

13、ried to sb “和某人结婚”marry sb to sb “把某人嫁给某人”12.give us enough time to think in class 13.do eye /morning exercises6课1. after school 2. on weekends /holidays 3. watch movies go to the movies/cinema=go to see a film4. on one /the other team 5. a fair competition 6. The score is three to four .(3:4) 提问:Wh

14、at is the score ?7. buy a pair of jeans for me =buy me a pair of jeans buy bought bought8. have the pleasure of talking to Mary 很高兴和玛丽谈话9. invite sb to sp/do sth invite (v) invitation (n) Thank you for your invitation .10. a local restaurant 11. shop for sth12. arrive in /at get to reach 13. stay wi

15、th sb 和某人呆在一起14. the next two days15. time for bed/supper =time to go to bed /have supper16. its my pleasure to do sth17. read an ad 看一则广告7课1. be late for sth=be late to do sth2. have art 3. paint (v) painter (n) painting(n) eg:My uncle is a painter and he has painted many paintings.4. sometimes 有时 som


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