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1、泰坦尼克号背后的真实爱情故事泰坦尼克号在全球热映,杰克和罗斯的感人爱情故事令人唏嘘不已。接下来,小编给大家准备了泰坦尼克号背后的真实爱情故事,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。泰坦尼克号背后的真实爱情故事近期3D版泰坦尼克号在全球热映,杰克和罗斯的感人爱情故事令人唏嘘不已。两位主人公的真人版;随即曝光。由莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰演的杰克,其现实原型是一名石匠,名叫艾米里奥(Emilio Portaluppi),而影片中由凯特·温斯莱特饰演的罗斯,在现实生活中是大亨阿斯特尔(John Jacob Astor)的妻子Madeleine Talmage Astor,也就是阿斯特尔夫人。当


3、米里奥供职于当地一家知名石器行,艺术造诣和天赋有口皆碑。沉船之后,他被Carpathia 14号救生艇救起。直至晚年他才对意大利媒体谈及自己在泰坦尼克上的这段亲身经历。值得一提的是,当时登上救生艇时,艾米里奥迫不得已换上了一身女装,这也是事后生还者名单上其真实姓名被冠以艾米里奥夫人;的原因所在。另外,艾米里奥向造船公司索赔2.5万美金,生还后,他曾一度服役于意大利军队、参加第一次世界大战,并在未与第一任妻子离婚的情况下再婚。The Real Titanic Love StoryThough the grave of a real J. Dawson exists, and has proved

4、 boundless spectulation for Titanic history buffs, one Titanic passenger had a similar real-life love story to the fictionalized character Jack Dawson in James Camerons movie.Emilio Portaluppi was an Italian artist who changed his travel plans to join the Titanic at the last minute. He traveled as a

5、 second class passenger, according to new archival research into the elusive Titanic survivor. And though he may not have had the charms of Leonardo DiCaprio s character in Cameron s 1997 blockbuster movie, Portaluppi was a romantic with first class tastes.He had a crush on an upper class married Am

6、erican woman who was traveling with her husband on the doomed ship. She was no one less than Madeleine Astor, the young and beautiful wife of millionaire John Jacob Astor IV. By the time she returned to New York she would be a widow.Recently reconstructed through late interviews given to Italian loc

7、al newspapers, Portaluppi s story is now revealed in a new documentary, The Italians on the Titanic.It is reasonable to think that his story was the starting point for Cameron s screenplay, Ezio Savino and Stefano Giussani, the documentary authors, said.The show, which airs today on the Italian vers

8、ion of the History Channel, tells the little known story of 37 Italians, mostly third class passengers, waiters and workers hired by Luigi Gatti, the manager of the Titanic s exclusive A La Carte Restaurant.All but three of the Italians onboard died during the sinking. Thirty-year-old Portaluppi was

9、 one of the fortunate survivors, but exactly how he managed to escape the disaster is still a mystery.Commonly thought to be one of only four passengers pulled from water and rescued in lifeboat 14, Portaluppi never made it clear how he managed to survive. For decades, he refused to talk about that

10、tragic April night.Only in the last years of his life, when he returned to Italy, he told the tale of his Titanic journey to local journalists, Claudio Bossi, the author of Titanic, printed by Italian publishing house Giunti, told Discovery News.To reconstruct Emilio s life, Bossi pieced together ne

11、wspaper cuttings ranging from 1912 to 1974, the year of Portaluppi s death at 93.Born in 1881 in Arcisate, near Varese in northern Italy, Portaluppi first came to the United States in 1903. He started work in Barre, Vt., but within a short time he moved to Milford, N.H., where he found various jobs

12、requiring his skill as a stonecutter, designer and draughtsman (technical illustrator).Indeed, he was much respected for his extraordinarily talent. An article published in the Milford Cabinet in April 1912 reported as much, just after the disaster. He is an artist, and has become well known here th

13、rough his work in the school of design which he taught in 1910-1911, and where he developed some excellent work, the article stated.It added that in 1911 Portaluppi carved a piece in Milford granite and was watched by hundreds of stonemen who believed the difficult feat could not be accomplished.Acc

14、ording to the documentary, Portaluppi worked on symbolic reliefs for the New York Stock Exchange Building and on the restoration of the Astor s Beechwood Mansion in Newport, R.I. There he would have met Colonel John Jacob Astor IV, one of the country s wealthiest men.In 1910, Portaluppi separated fr

15、om his wife, an Italian woman whom he had married in America in 1903. She returned to Italy with their daughter and there they would remain the rest of their lives.At the time of the sinking, Portaluppi was returning to his home in Milford, following a visit to his family in Italy. Perhaps he had ho

16、ped his wife would return with him to the U.S., Bossi said.In later interviews, Portaluppi said that he had originally booked a ticket on another White Star liner, Oceanic II, but then changed it after receiving a telegram from the Astors to join them on the Titanic s maiden voyage, embarking out of Cherbourg, France.For Portaluppi, the


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