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1、Unit 01 Working Holiday AbroadHow My Working Holiday Changed MeHayley1 Now that I have been home for a while and have had time to reflect on my working holiday in Vancouver, Ive thought a lot about who I was before I left for Canada and who I am presently.1 我回到家已经有一段时间了,有空回顾在温哥华的打工度假经历。对于去加拿大之前的自我和如

2、今的自我,我思考了很多。2 Prior to leaving, I was not in a good place. I had suffered a lot of personal blows and felt emotionally stretched. I lost my grandma, my job and had two car crashes in five months. I needed something to change in my life, and that came in the form of a working holiday visa.2 出发前,我的境况不

3、好。 个人生活上经受了许多打击,精神压力很大。 我失去了我的祖母,我的工作,5个月里遭遇两起车祸。 我需要生活得到改变,于是便有了打工度假签证这回事。3 In less than three months I filled out the necessary paperwork, booked my plane ticket and fled Brisbane. I spent fifteen months living and working in Vancouver, Canada and eighteen months in total away from Australia. This

4、 is how that working holiday changed me and my life.3 在不到三个月的时间里,我填写了所需的表格,订好了机票,逃离布里斯班。 我在加拿大的温哥华居住工作了15个月,离开澳大利亚总共18个月。 下面就谈谈打工度假给我以及我的生活所带来的改变。I Grew (Like a Beanstalk)我成长了(如同童话里的那棵豆茎一般飞快地成长)4 I have always been a quiet, shy person and meeting people and making friends has always been a constant

5、struggle. Ive always had a few friends but never a large social circle. Then I moved to Vancouver and began working at Starbucks. My co-workers were so welcoming and it wasnt long before we were meeting up after work for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. I taught them an Australian wo

6、rd of the day and they helped me understand the Canadian lingo, eh? Oh, how I laughed whenever someone ended their sentence with those two letters.4 我向来是一个安静、害羞的人,同人见面、交朋友总是非常艰难。 我倒是一直有那么几个朋友,但从来没有一个大的社交圈子。 后来我搬到温哥华,开始在星巴克工作。 我的同事们非常友好,很快我们就在下班后一起吃饭、光顾女士之夜、短途观光旅行。 我每天教他们一个澳大利亚英语中有趣的词,他们帮助我理解加拿大英语中特有

7、的 “eh?” 。 每当有人在句末加上这两个字母时,我都会忍俊不禁。5 My time in Vancouver was the most social in my life and for once I didnt hate it. I enjoyed seeing new places and doing new things with new friends. I loved that they accepted me for my socially awkward self. I finally felt comfortable within myself and felt that

8、I belonged, which was the biggest personal gain.5 我在温哥华的日子是我人生中社交最多的一段时间,而这次我一点都不讨厌社交了。 我喜欢游览新的地方,和新朋友一起做新的事情。 让我感到欣慰的是他们接纳了不善社交的我。 我终于从内心感到舒坦,有了归属感,这是我个人最大的收获。I Had Fun at Work我享受工作6 I know what you are thinking, who actually enjoys their job? Well, I did. For the first nine months I worked two job

9、s: at Starbucks and on the Aussie Pie Guy food truck. Then for the final five months of my working holiday I worked full time on the food truck and I loved my job.6 我知道你在想什么,谁会真的喜欢他们的工作呢? 噢,我的确喜欢。 前9个月里我干了两份活:在星巴克,以及在澳洲馅饼快餐车上。 工作假期的最后5个月里,我全职在快餐车上干活,我喜爱这份工作。7 Yes, there were times and people that st

10、ressed me out, but for the majority of my employment I enjoyed going to work every day. I worked alongside great people who were more than my co-workers, they were my friends. We had fun at work listening to trashy 90s music, drinking our daily Starbucks and serving our friendly regulars.7 的确,有的时候、有

11、的人会让我疲惫不堪,但是在受雇的大多数时间里我喜欢每天去上班。 我同非常出色的人并肩工作,他们不仅仅是我的同事,还是我的朋友。 我们工作时其乐无穷,听着粗俗的90年代音乐,每天喝着星巴克咖啡,为我们那些友善的老顾客供餐。8 I also met other great people through this job, including the employees at the breweries we regularly parked outside and other food truck owners. We traded food and beer and stories and mo

12、st days it didnt feel like my job.8 通过这份工作,我还遇见了其他非常好的人,包括我们的快餐车经常停靠的啤酒厂的雇员,还有其他快餐车的老板。 我们交换食物和啤酒,相互讲故事,大多数日子里我不觉得自己是在上班。9 Now I want that feeling again. I dont want to work somewhere that I hate and that slowly sucks the life out of me. I honestly have no clue what this job will be I never expected

13、 to enjoy working on a food truck in Vancouver but Ill let you know once I do.9 现在我想重新找回这种感觉。 我不愿意在一个我讨厌的地方工作,这会慢慢地耗尽我的生命。 说实话我一点也不知道我要的是份什么工作之前我压根儿就没想到会喜欢在温哥华的一个快餐车上工作但是一旦我知道了我会告诉你。I Travelled我旅游10 During my stay in Vancouver I managed to visit Seattle, Portland, Squamish and Whistler for weekends,

14、 but that was it.10 在温哥华期间,我设法在周末游览西雅图、波特兰、斯阔米什和惠斯勒,但没有去过别的地方。11 But I couldnt live in North America and not see more of it, so I saved up what I could (thanks mum and dad for the extra loan) and spent just under three months traversing Canada and the United States (with an afternoon in Mexico). I d

15、id a massive circle from Vancouver over to the East Coast, across Southern USA and up the West Coast.11 不过我不能身在北美却不多走出去看看,于是我尽可能攒钱(谢谢妈妈和爸爸的额外贷款),花了3个月不到的时间,穿越加拿大和美国(在墨西哥呆了一个下午)。 我从温哥华到东海岸,横跨美国南部,再沿西海岸北上,转了一个大圈子。12 I gained confidence with each stop and each hostel. I adored seeing a new city every f

16、ew days. I loved walking around and capturing places with my new DSLR. I was proud of myself for constantly stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing the unknown. This solo adventure changed me in a lot of good ways, including ensuring my wanderlust is still running strong through me.12 每一站、每一个客栈都让我信心倍增。 我喜爱每隔几天就看见一座新的城市。 我喜欢四处逛逛,用我崭新的单反相机将各地的风情记录下来。 令我自豪的是,我能不断跨出自己的舒适圈,拥抱未知。 这次单独的冒险让我在多方面向好的方向转变,包括确保强烈的漫游欲仍然


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