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1、food,Thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptians left evidence of their love for food. Well-preserved wall paintings and carvings have been discovered on tombs and temples, depicting large feasts and a variety of foods. Many of these ancient foods are still eaten in Egyptian households today. Peas, be

2、ans, cucumbers, dates, figs, and grapes were popular fruits and vegetables in ancient times. Wheat and barley, ancient staple crops, were used to make bread and beer. Fish and poultry were also popular. Dried fish was prepared by cleaning the fish, coating the pieces with salt, and placing them the

3、sun to dry. Fasieekh (salted, dried fish) remained a popular meal in Egypt as of 2000.,Because Egypt was very dry, and relied mostly on the Nile River to water the crops, people in Egypt could only grow certain kinds of food. Mainly farmers grew wheat and barley. The Egyptians made the wheat into br

4、ead and into soup and porridge, and they also fermented barley to make beer.,埃及是世界四大文明古国之一,在饮食方面严格遵守伊斯兰教的教规,斋月里白天禁止吃任何食物,也不喝水。埃及美食带有浓厚的北非风情和阿拉伯色彩,菜烹饪以烧烤煮拌为主,擅长用盐、胡椒、辣椒、孜然、咖喱粉、柠檬汁等来调味,口味偏重。 埃及的烹饪广泛以大米、黄豆、羊肉、山羊肉、家禽和鸡蛋为原料,喜欢吃山羊奶酪以及酸制品,也喜爱用蔬菜作菜肴。在沿海地区鱼肴非常流行。 此外,埃及人偏爱吃甜食,且品种多样,这些甜食大多是杏仁、橄榄、葡萄干、甘蔗汁、柠檬汁和奶酪

5、等制作而成的。埃及人喜欢吃甜食,种类不下几十种。开罗大街小巷,专营甜食的商店比比皆是。饭馆里,甜食也是每餐必备。有趣的是,埃及甜食的名字很有特色,充满异国风情。,The unique Egyptian cuisine has been influenced throughout history, particularly by its neighbors from the Middle East. However, Egyptian cuisine maintains its uniqueness. After thousands of years, rice and bread remain

6、 staple foods, and molokhiyya (a spinach-like vegetable) and ful medames (cooked, creamy fava beans), a national dish, are nearly as popular as long ago.,莫洛奇亚(Molokhiyya) 是一道绿色的浓汤,是用绿色蔬菜、米饭及大蒜炖成的。,Ful medames is a popular breakfast dish in Egypt. It is usually served with a fried egg and pita bread.

7、 The pita bread is sometimes used as a scoop for the fava beans. Ful medames dates back to ancient Egypt.,Ful ,one of the countrys several national dishes, is a typical breakfast meal. It is often served in a spicy sauce, topped with an egg. Lunch, normally served between 2 P.M. and 4 P.M. , usually

8、 includes meat or fish, rice, bread, and seasonal vegetables. Salad, topped with typical Middle Eastern fare such as olives, cheese, and nuts, may also be eaten. Meat (usually lamb, chicken, fish, rabbit, or pigeon), vegetables, and bread make up a typical dinner in Egypt. Tea and a dessert, such as

9、 baklava (honey pastry), basbousa (cream-filled cake), or konafa (cooked batter stuffed with nuts), are familiar after-dinner treats.,埃及人喜吃甜食,正式宴会或富有家庭正餐的最后一道菜都是上甜食。著名甜食有“库纳法”和“盖塔伊夫”。“锦葵汤”、“基食颗”是埃及人日常生活中的最佳食品。“盖麦尔丁”是埃及人在斋月里的必备食品。“蚕豆”是必不可少的一种食品。其制造方法多种多样,制成的食品也花样百出。例如,切烂蚕豆、油炸蚕豆饼、炖蚕豆、干炒蚕豆和生吃青蚕豆等。,锦葵汤

10、是一道用盛产于埃及尼罗河两岸的锦葵做的绿色浓汤,做法是把锦葵的叶子洗干净晒干后粉碎,和羊肉、鸡、大米等一起煮汤,煮好的锦葵汤,浓绿黏稠,味道十分鲜美。,At the same time, Egypt has a variety of national dishes. Ful (pronounced fool, bean paste), tahini (sesame paste), koushari (lentils, macaroni, rice, and chickpeas), aish baladi (a pita-like bread), kofta (spicy, minced lam

11、b), and kebab (grilled lamb pieces) are the most popular.,Tea and coffee are widely consumed. Egypts numerous coffee and teahouses brew very strong coffee and tea (often mint tea), usually offering both full of sugar. Coffeehouses are typically filled with men who gather to play dominoes or backgamm

12、on. Egyptians also enjoy a drink called sahleb, made from wheat, milk, and chopped nuts.,Religious Customs,Egypts population is around 71 million. Around 62 million of them are Sunni Muslims and about 8-9 Million are Coptic Christians (Christian Egyptians). Whether Muslim or Copt, the Egyptians are

13、moderately religious and religious principles are quite noticeable intheir daily lives. 每逢周五是埃及人传统的“主麻日聚礼”,当清真寺内传出悠扬的唤礼声,伊斯兰教徒便纷纷涌向附近的清真寺,做集体礼拜。为数众多的教徒仍然虔诚地信守每日5次礼拜的教规:即晨礼、响礼、哺礼、昏礼、宵礼。,Marriage customs,Marriage started by the suitors parents visiting to his fiancees house to get her family approval

14、to complete this marriage and reaching an agreement, which contains two main items: an amount of money, called Mahr, paid by suitor to his fiancees family to help them prepare the furniture of their daughter and a valuable jewelry gift, called Shabka, given by the suitor to his fiancee. The value of

15、 this gift depended on the financial and social levels of the suitors family. When the two parties completed the agreement, they fixed an appointment for the engagement party. Most of relatives and friends attended the party in one of the common banquet halls, which was decorated with several kinds

16、of flowers and lights. The fiancee wore the engagement dress which was simpler than the wedding dress and its color was blue or pink while the groom put on the finger of his fiancee a ring, was a symbol of immortality. In addition, the groom gave his fiancee the valuable jewelry gift agreed on before.,每一位埃及成年男子到了婚配年龄,首先要向意中人的父亲提亲或者在母系亲属及邻居中择偶。提亲后,男女双方开始商讨女方的陪嫁数额,一般是男方把陪嫁款项的2/3作为聘礼送给女方。迎亲前,男方大摆宴席,并有歌舞相伴,有时宴庆数日。迎亲时,新郎的母亲带领多辆装点漂亮的马车到女方家接新娘,新娘要坐在其中一辆用昂贵克什米尔毛绸、玫瑰花等装饰的花车上。晚餐后,新郎要由乐队引路去清


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