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1、,Welcome to the CET-4 Training Course listening 李瑛,My blog,提高听力的四大必要习惯,一 用“耳朵”记单词的习惯essay , deny, species, resume, suite, receipt ,2010年12月复合式听写单词,preserve appreciate households 家庭 chat convenient rates receive submit,大学英语四级考试高频词汇突破 梅雪,提高听力的四大必要习惯,二 合理听写的习惯 (dictation ) demo practice,P442,When coupl

2、es get married ,they usually plan to have children. Sometimes, however, a couple cannot have a child of their own. Some people prefer to adopt infants, others adopt older children.,适合练习逐句听写的原文,P442 p1 P442 c2 P438 p2 P436c1 P427c1 P405 p1,提高听力的四大必要习惯,三 朗读英语的习惯 Shadowing (p442),提高听力的四大必要习惯,四 泛听的习惯 四级

3、六级托福听力原文 北美校园生活相关的美剧,电影 英文歌曲,In summary:,1Skill learning process 2Time- based, space- based. 3Effective practice makes perfect. 4Repeat the chunking and learn how to chunk .,Demo answer,1)If you remember the shape of Italy, 2)It is because you have been told at sometime 3)That Italy is shaped like a

4、 boot.,八次课程内容分布,第一讲:题型概述及短对话听力技巧 第二讲:短对话五大场景及出题思路 第三讲:短文理解解题思路及说明文技巧 第四讲:短文理解记叙文及议论文解题技巧,八次课程内容分布,第五讲:长对话听力技巧及真题练习 第六讲:听力同音,近音,多义词及重点短语总结 第七讲:复合式听写技巧总结及练习 第八讲:常见语音现象及各题型技巧总结复习,第一讲 题型概述及短文听力技巧,1短对话理解 11-18 8% 2长对话理解 19-25 7% 3短文理解 26-35 10% 4复合式听写 36-46 10% 8*0.5%+3*2%=10% 710/248.5 /160 35%,如何分配听力审题

5、时间,1短对话审3-4题 50 2长对话全部都审50 3短文审第2,3篇 50 4复合式听写开始不用审,具体审题方法,1判断题型: 1)人物关系和职业 :抓小词 上下级关系: boss-secretary, manager-staff, P250,7,具体审题方法,客服关系: customer- waitress receptionist passenger- airhostess flight-attendant,模拟题,M: Sorry to trouble you. But is there any possibility of borrowing a blanket? I feel c

6、old. W: I think weve got one. Could you wait until after take-off please?,具体审题方法,职业:抓小词 p278.12,具体审题方法,2)地点题: R.H.A.T. p270,12 p259,15 p242,4 p274,12,关键小词总结,R: reservation, order , eat out, H: reserve, reservation, A: flight, T: balcony,具体审题方法,3)动作题 情态动词和建议句型,建议句型,had better how about? why not? P226

7、,1 would you please? P46,六级,CET-6 P46 2,A Change the light bulb. B Clean the dinning room C Set the dinning table D Hold the ladder for him,情态动词,Might p282,14 May Can Could Have to,具体审题方法,2同主语看动宾,系表。 p258,短对话听力的四大原则,1转折原则 2受挫原则 3反义近义形似选项保留原则 4视听反向,同义替换,短对话听力的四大原则,1转折原则: But the lecture was much more

8、 difficult to follow than I had expected. (2008.6) But its no bother to me.(2004,1) But there is a lot of laundry to do.(1999.6) But a friend of mine came to see me.(1999.1),转折练习,P215,1 P256,1 P256,3,短对话听力的四大原则,2. 受挫原则 (按照非自然规律出题),受挫秘诀,火车必-,飞机必- 。 约会- ,考试必-。 车祸必- ,-更常见。 课程超级- ,作业 -。 票 - , 房-。 回答是-,迂

9、回很重要。,受挫练习,P211,8 P240,8,短对话听力的四大原则,3反义近义形似选项保留原则 P259,17 P271,15 P250,1,短对话听力的四大原则,4同义词替,听到啥不选啥 P256, 9 P275,16 P278,11,第二讲 短对话五大场景及出题思路,Dictation,Request form Staff Stuff Airhostess Receptionist Situation Indicate Contacts,I have to get my air tickets changed. Once they feel the sense of security,

10、 thats when they can be creative. P413,一 学校场景,大一新生 : freshman 大二学生 : sophomore 大三学生 : junior 大四学生 : senior,The seats are reserved for seniors , children, pregnant women, the sick and the disabled .,校方人物,校长 :president 院长 : dean bean 教授 :professor 讲师 : lecturer 导师: tutor,学位,学士: Bachelor Degree 硕士 : Ma

11、ster Degree 博士: Doctor Degree post-doctor,Bachelor Party Stripper,课程分类 Course,选修课 :elective / optional p405 必修课 :compulsory / required 白天的课 : day 晚上的课 : evening,科目及专业,文学 : Literature P237,8 心理学: Psychology p424,6 建筑学 : Ar chi tec ture P385,S2,书籍,借书 : borrow/lend 参考书 : references p435,40 过期: over due

12、,作业及论文,学校作业: assignment p231,2 p237,6, p243,10 学期论文:term paper p248,6 研讨会: seminar 毕业论文:thesis 小作文; essay p435,41,学校场景出题思路:,1讲座: 难理解 p239 ,3 2选修课:难.选多了 p240,10 3考试: 挂了 p237,9,二 公司场景,有空缺职位 : job vacancy 简历: resume 工作经验 : work experience 面试: interview 加班 : over work 升职 : promote,解雇 : fire 辞职 : quit /r

13、esign - leave 年假 - leave 病假 P232,10,P234,2,三 宾馆场景,预订房间 确认预订 取消预订,reservation,Make Confirm cancel,小费: tip 前台: reception 登记入住:check in/out P267 19-22,四 饭店场景,分账,Go Dutch Split the bill Fifty-fifty Separate the bill,1617世纪时的荷兰和威尼斯,是海上商品贸易和早期资源共享本主义的发迹之地。终日奔波的意大利、荷兰商人们已衍生出聚时交流信息、散时各付资费的习俗来。因为商人的流动性很强,一个人

14、请别人的客,被请的人说不定这辈子再也碰不到了,为了大家不吃亏,彼此分摊便是最好的选择了。而荷兰人因其精明、凡事都要分清楚,逐渐形成了letsgodutch(让我们做荷兰人)的俗语。,出去吃: eat out 外卖: take away 订位子 : book a table 菜单 : menu 餐后甜点: dessert P239,1,五 机场场景,订票 : book a ticket 目的地 : destination 单程票: one-way ticket 往返票 : round-trip ticket,Check in (boarding pass),Security check,Go t

15、hrough customs,Get on board,Different flight types,Classes of travel,Have a pleasant flight!,出题思路,航班延误,需等待。 乘客迟到,需换票。 P234,8 p242,4,租房场景,市郊 :suburb 市中心 : downtown 房东 land - 房东太太land - -r mate 室友,出题思路: 因室友不好而搬出去 好的室友: / 整洁的 不好的室友: 脏乱的 - 吵闹的,真题练习,P20,3 P28,2,医院场景,Physician -医生 surgeon -医生 牙医 - dentist make an appointment,(感冒) bad cold (流感) flu (头痛) headache (嗓子痛)sore throat stomachache pill / tablet 药片 p34,5,1QQ: 848103554 2Blog: 3Email: 4Renren: 李瑛,第三讲:短文理解的四大原则及 说明文答题技巧,Dictation,Seminar p259 ,22 Presentation Compulsory course Reservation Complain Inconvenience commute Com


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