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1、高中英语新高考-英语作文:谈谈写作的评判性思维(简化模式)评判性思维英文名字:critical thinking。定义颇多,各种术语比较费脑。我参考了一些文本解释,比较通俗易懂的是下面这个:批判性思维就是一种慎重的思考过程。在这一过程中,你使用批判性思维来考虑一个问题。最终,你判断什么是可信的,或决定将要做什么。以下是批判性思维的方法,包括:1、别急着判断,而是检查一个命题或行动的有效性。2、用多维视角思考。3、考虑一个想法或行动的内涵和影响。4、用理由和证据来解决分歧。5、根据最新信息来重新评价一个观点。简化为:1、你的观点是什么?2、你有什么理由支持你的观点?3、你为什么这么想?4、关于这

2、个问题有没有不同的视角?因此总结一下比较容易掌握的评判性思维的模式:主题解释一下给个细节或例子为什么呢/那又如何?这种练习可以在平时经常练习,例如:小明迟到了-为什么呢?It is because他起晚了 为什么呢?for the reason that熬夜打游戏那又如何?It is clear that上课很多知识听不懂。-那又怎样?which means that他上课开始走神。-那又怎样?Therefore, 他回家无法完成课堂作业。题目请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Li Shuangying said her 18-year-old son, who jus

3、t took this years college entrance exam, would become a professional in the artificial intelligence (AI) field.Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans. The requirement for AI talents is a solid foundation of maths and English, so f

4、or senior high graduates, they should have a higher mathematical thinking ability and have a good command of English if they want to become professional in AI.Li Shuangying said her son always has been one of the top students in his class at one of the leading high schools in Zhongshan, Guangdong pr

5、ovince. Zhongshan, which neighbors Guangzhou, has been one of Chinas pioneering cities in embracing reform and opening up. It flourished (繁荣)on labor-intensive industries, but recent rising labor shortages and costs have become a real threat. In response, local manufacturers have been quick to embra

6、ce automation (自动化)and adopt AI-assisted robots for survival.The company Li works for, a medium-sized home appliance manufacturer with annual output of about 1 billion yuan ($150 million), is no exception. Li said she used to bring her son to her workplace from time to time, and he has developed a s

7、trong interest in AI, automation and robots. “Our family all agree that AI is the trend, and it holds great potential for future development,” Li said. That view is shared by many college students and their parents, who consider Al a desirable major.【写作内容】1. 用约30个词概括上文。2. 用约120个词发表你的观点, 内容包括:(1)请你谈谈

8、对人工智能专业的看法;(2)作为高三学生,你是否会选择人工智能专业?简要说明理由(2至3点)。如何概括第一步:确定本文是新闻体,通过一个具体例子来谈现象,因此具体人物细节就不要出现,应该笼统说是一类人。找(关键句)Li Shuangying said her 18-year-old son, who just took this years college entrance exam, would become a professional in the artificial intelligence (AI) field.developed a strong interestit holds

9、 great potential for future第二、三步:整合和替换:With the fast development of AI and labor shortage, many students are keen on AIs potential and decide to embrace the field as their major in college.主体(1)请你谈谈对人工智能专业的看法;这里涉及到如何评价一个专业的有用与没用,教育部说:对不起良心的专业应该停办了。用评判性思维公式来简化本文:AI专业好解释一下:AI处理事情又快又好AI can perform bot

10、h rote management tasks more quickly and efficiently, without getting bored or distracted.为什么呢?这是一个数据时代,劳动力缺乏那又如何?给学习者更多就业机会具体解释:从就业角度:能带来充足的就业机会,(因为)各种工作都需要人工智能来处理数据,还有劳动力缺乏等,(结果)说明了对社会有用,社会需要。从专业角度:让学习者的学习能力更强,因为学习者可以集中精力在创新思维上,(结果)适应能力也加强了,可以在不同的领域游刃有余;促进国家科技发展。Undoubtedly, AI major is the drivin

11、g force for the country to flourish.(先写主题句)First, we are standing at the crossroads to a digital society and economy.(原因一:信息化时代到来)AI major just meets the urgent need and keeps up with the fast pace of times. (具体解释一下,说明AI正好赶上步伐)Therefore, it gives students a competitive edge over their peers in seeki

12、ng jobs.(那又如何?说结果:增加就业砝码)Second, AI major requires of learners high critical thinking and innovation, which are the pillar of almost all areas.(原因二:对学习者有促进)Therefore, AI major plays the key role in our countrys technological levels.(那又如何?促进国家科技发展)(2)作为高三学生,你是否会选择人工智能专业?简要说明理由(2至3点)。如果不选这个专业,势必和文章中心脱

13、离。可以分为:对个人、对社会两个角度写。这也是紧扣材料中的interest,potential,这是以后高考行文的重点。Personally, I will major in AI without hesitation.(先写主题句)For one thing, AI can arouse my strong interest in high technology.(从个人角度看,我的兴趣)For another, AI major can help me fulfil my goal that people can be relieved of an overwhelming workloa

14、d and pursue their potential.(从社会角度看,解除负担,实现潜力)好词好句:the driving force推动力standing at the crossroads处在关键时刻meets the urgent need满足迫切的需求keeps up with the fast pace of times跟上时代的快节奏gives students a competitive edge over their peers比同龄人有竞争优势requires of learners high critical thinking and innovation要求学习者有高

15、级批判思维和创新能力the pillar of支柱plays the key role in起关键作用arouse my strong interest in激发我对的强烈兴趣fulfil my goal达到我的目标be relieved of被解除an overwhelming workload繁重的任务pursue their potential追求理想完整的全文With the fast development of AI and labor shortage, many students are keen on AIs potential and decide to embrace the field as their major in college. (27词)Undoubtedly, AI major is the driving force for the country to flourish. First, we are standing at the crossroads to a dig


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