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1、s非谓语动词专练50题1. _ more about university courses, call 9207463.A. To find outB. Finding outC. Find outD. Having found out2. Why did you go back to the shop?I left my friend _ there. A. waitingB. to waitC. waitD. waits 3. Tom looked at Jenny, tears _ his eyes, and shouted out the words _ in his heart fo

2、r years.A. filling; having been hidden B. filled; hidden C. filling; hidden D. filled; hiding4. The speech which he made _ the football match bored a lot of fans to death.A. being concerned B. be concerned C. concerned D. concerning5. The bird flu _ through Asia has jumped from birds to humans at le

3、ast 20 times so far, _16 persons.A. sweeps ; killed B. swept; killing C. sweeping; to killD. sweeping ; killing6. I really cant understand _ her like that.A. you treat B. you to treatC. why treatD. you treating7. A computer virus hit the U.S. Department of State , _ the performance of the government

4、 information technology system.A. to affectB. affectedC. affectingD. having affected8. Some schools in Shanghai have moved one step closer to _ with the global education community.A. being connectedB. connect C. having been connectedD. be connected9. _ quick profits from trees, people cut them down

5、in large numbers, _ that they have lost their good friends.A. Getting, findingB. Getting, find C. To get, only to findD. To get, to finding10. He suggested me _ the teacher for help.A. to askB. should askC. askingD. would ask11. While the Word Trade Center has fallen, the world economy it _ create c

6、ontinues.A. helped B. had helped C. helpsD. has been helping12. I think the best thing you should do is _ another job.A. looking forB. looked for C. look forD. about to look for13. Australians have to prevent dingoes _ their sheep and cattle.A. from protectingB. to protect C. protectingD. to protect

7、ing14.Im going to the supermarket. Have you got anything_?Nothing _?A. boughtB. to be boughtC. to buyD. being bought15.New technology will reduce the time it takes _.A. to make a filmB. for making a film C. making a filmD. in making a film来源:Z_xx_k.Com16._ made the student _ interest in his study.A.

8、 Being punished; to loseB. Punished; loseC. Being punished ; loseD. Having been punished; lost17. _ Sunday, we stayed at home.A. It being B. It was C. BeingD. Because being18. He sat on the platform, _ to answer the question.A. prepareB. preparingC. prepared D. to prepare19. You might as well expect

9、 a river to flow backward _ us carrying out the plan.A. than stopB. as stopC. as to stopD. so as to stop20. Upon _ home, he made a telephone call to me.A. he arrivedB. arrivedC. arrivingD. to arrive 21._ Romeo, Juliet grew up _ amazing courage.A. Loving; showedB. Loved; showingC. Loving; showingD. L

10、oved; showed22. _ the homework made his father lose his temper.A. The boys not having doneB. The boy not having doneC. The boys having not doneD. The boy having not done23. Without more coal _ the fire, it would soon go out.A. adding to B. addedC. added toD. added up to24. _a little money, Jimmy was

11、 able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.A. To saveB. SavingC. SavedD. Having saved25. With winter _ on, its time to buy warm clothes.A. cameB. comesC. comeD. coming 26. Lessons _ easily are soon forgotten.A. to learnB. learnC. learnedD. learning来源:学&科&网27. The wallet _ several days ago was found _

12、 in the dustbin outside the building.A. stolen; hiddenB. stealing; hidingC. stealing; hiddenD. stolen; hiding28.“We must keep a secret of the things _ here,”the general said, _ at the man in charge of the information office.A. discussed; stared seriously B. being discussed; seriously staringC. to be

13、 discussed; seriously stared D. discussed; staring seriously 29. Which do you enjoy _ your holiday, going abroad or staying at home?A. spendingB. to spendC. being spentD. spend30. Jack packed all the things into a case , _.A. being anxiously to leaveB. to be anxious to leaveC. anxious to leaveD. be

14、anxious to leave31. The pilot felt something _ wrong with the engine just before the plane took off.A. goB. wentC. was goingD. to go 32.Why do you look sad?There are so many problems_.A. remaining to settle B. remained settlingC. remaining to be settledD. remained to be settled33.Do you know why they practise _ basketball every day?They practise _ in the basketball match of our school.A. playing; to joinB. playing; joiningC. to play; to joinD. to play; joining34. I have two elder brothers, _ in the army for ten years.A. the elder of



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