2020届人教版高考英语二轮复习词汇练习:Unit 27-Unit 28

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《2020届人教版高考英语二轮复习词汇练习:Unit 27-Unit 28》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届人教版高考英语二轮复习词汇练习:Unit 27-Unit 28(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 27一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组: warm, underline, poem, diamond, angry, aspect, appropriate 1 Please explain the _word in the sentence. 来源:学|科|网2 Li Bai, an ancient poet, wrote lots of famous Tang _.3 My necklace is made of _. It is worth a lot of money. 4 I couldnt find an _ word to express

2、myself. 5 It was such a cold day that animals huddled(依偎) together for _.6 I am happy to see that you can look at a problem from every _. 来源:Zxxk.Com7 My father tried not to show his _. 第二组: convey, tease, branch, pattern, sorrow, recite,8 The Bank of China has some overseas _. 9 Dont follow the sam

3、e _ but try to be creative.10 To my _, he died in an unexpected accident. 11 Please _ my greetings to your family.12 It was amazing that that boy could _ over 200 Chinese poems. 13 Dont be unhappy; I was only _.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化) : take it easy run out (of) make up of translate into be d

4、elighted with day by day bow to sb. make sense 1 I think this poem is about things that dont _.2 Just _. You will be all right after taking those medicine. 来源:Zxxk.Com3 He never _ the cruel enemies. 4 The cooking oil _. Will you go to the corner store to get some? 5 My parents _ the progress I had m

5、ade in maths. 6 The novel _quite a few foreign languages last year. 7 His condition improved _. 8 Great Britain _ four countriesScotland, England, Wales and the Northern Ireland. Keys一、第一组:1.underlined 2. poems 3. diamond 4. appropriate 5. warmth 6. aspect 7. anger第二组: 8. branches 9. pattern 10. sor

6、row 11. convey 12. recite 13. teasing 二、1. make sense 2. take it easy 3. bows to 4. is running out 5. were delighted with 6. was translated into 7. day by day 8. is made up of Unit 28一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:basic, comprehension, chemist, female, stress, quit, perfect 1 My knowledge of French

7、 is pretty _.2 His behavior was completely beyond _.3 Textile factories often employ more _ than males. 4 Practice makes _ is an English saying. 5 Peter _ this job for a better one. 6 I will get some medicine at the _.7 Things can easily go wrong when people work under _.第二组: eventual, ashamed, mana

8、ge, mental, legal, judge8 After six days of hard work the project was _ finished. 9 She showed a lack of _ when she gave Tom the job. 10 This hospital treats those patients with _ illness. 11 You should be _ of yourself for telling such lies. 12 It is _ to drive without a drivers license.13 Thanks a

9、ll the same. I can _ by myself.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化) : due to be addicted to be accustomed to decide on in spite of take risks get into stand for remind of reach for do damage to 1 The flight was delayed _ the foggy weather. 来源:Zxxk.Com2 We finally _ the matter after careful discussion. 来源:

10、学|科|网3 Many kids easily _ the bad habit of playing computer games all day. 4 Workers are still busy with their work _ hot weather. 5 The old photo _ me _ my college days. 6 I _ the EnglishChinese dictionary on the bookshelf but it was too high. 7 Since entry into high school I _ getting up early. 8

11、Never try drugs, otherwise you will _ them.9 What does “it” _ in the last sentence? 10 To tell you the truth, I dont want to _. 11 Smoking _ peoples health. Keys一、第一组:1. basic 2. comprehension 3. females 4. perfect 5. quitted 6. chemist 7. stress 第二组: 8. eventually 9. judgement 10. mental 11. ashamed 12. illegal 13. manage 二、1. due to 2. decided on 3. get into 4. in spite of 5. remindedof 6. reached for 7. have been accustomed to 8. be addicted to 9. stand for 10. take risks 11. does damage to



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