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1、英语毕业论文答辩稿模板 本页是最新发布的英语毕业论文答辩稿模板的详细文章,觉得有用就收藏了,重新了一下发到。 英语毕业稿模板 完成之后都需要参加统一的毕业论文答辩,答辩前需要学生进行开场白,也就是对个人的姓名、论文题目、导师、以及论文的创作背景等做一个简单的概括。这里吧论文查重给大家带来的是英语毕业论文答辩稿模板,希望对大家论文答辩有所帮助。 如果你还在论文写作完成初期的话,温馨提示大家去上学吧论文查重检测平台提前选择【知网PMLC本科论文查重、知网VIP硕博论文查重、知网期刊论文查重、知网大分解论文查重、知网小分解论文查重、Paperfree论文查重、万方论文检测、维普论文检测工具,免去学校

2、论文查重等待的后顾之忧。 Good morning,Distinguished professors and teachers,ladies and gentlemen,thank you for attending the oral defense.(或Wele to attend the oral defense.) : I am Zhao Jing.Firstly,I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Zhong Ming,for his in _ectual guidance,invaluable i

3、nstructions and ments on my thesis.It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally aomplished this thesis. The title of my paper is The Masculine Spirit of The Old Man and the Sea The whole thesis consists of 3 parts.The first part will give brief introductions on the background which contain

4、s the social and cultural aspects and the introduction to the author of the masterpiece.In The second part is going to have a brief introduction of the old man and the sea and analyze the masculine spirits in the old man and the sea such as the faith optimistic and the wisdom of the hero.In the thir

5、d part,it is the natural conclusion and the deep consideration. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons.Firstly,I am fond of literature works.Secondly,I am quite familiar with this novel as this is one of the texts in our intensive teaching course and I have taught this text for more

6、than 3 times.Last but not the least,Im deeply appreciated to the masculine spirit and hope I can get and practice it in my future.For the above facts,I select the subject of The Masculine Spirit of The Old Man and the Sea as the title of my paper. I hope by studying this novel we can know more about

7、 the author Hemingway and his honorable masculine spirit.“A man can be destroyed but not be defeated.” Such kind of spirit can help us raise our independence and confidence and show more concern for our mental health. Thats all.Thank you! 相关推荐: 审计毕业论文答辩注意事项 大学毕业论文答辩实例 论文答辩技巧:EMBA论文答辩的技巧 中级职称论文答辩方法 南开大学本科论文答辩及评分要求 英语毕业论文答辩稿模板是篇好,涉及到论文、答辩,毕业论文、上学,吧论、相关,技巧,模板等方面,觉得好就按()收藏下。 模板,内容仅供参考


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