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1、Lesson 86 Out of control,【New words and expressions】 swing (swung ,swung) v. 转向 speedboat n. 快艇 desperately adv. 绝望地 companion n. 同伙,伙伴 water ski (由快艇牵引水橇)滑水 buoy n. 浮标 dismay n. 沮丧 tremendous adj. 巨大的 petrol n. 汽油 drift v. 漂动,漂流 gently adv. 缓慢地,轻轻地,一單詞講解: swing (1) v. 转向、突然轉向、轉變方向、轉變思想 (swung ,swun

2、g) eg:I wanted to swing round and shout at him . 我想转向他吼叫。 eg:That bicycle will swing around the corner . 那輛自行車將在轉彎處轉彎。 eg:Its impossible to swing a car in such a narrow path like this . 這樣一個狹窄的道路上不可能掉轉汽車方向的。 no room to swing a cat no enough room to swing a cat 無轉身之地、過於狹窄,(2) v. 擺動、使擺動 eg:Its bad man

3、ners to awing your legs while eating . 吃飯時晃動雙腳是不禮貌的。 eg:The monkey is swinging itself from tree to tree. 猴子在樹上從這棵樹蕩到那棵樹。 (3) n. 擺動、振動 eg:The swing of the ship makes me sick .船的晃動讓我感到想吐。 (4) n.鞦韆 eg:There are some swings in the park . 公園裡有許多鞦韆。 get on a swing 上鞦韆 ; swing shift 中班工人(美口語), speedboat n.

4、 快艇 speedway(美)高速公路、賽車跑道 speed n. 速度、速率 ; run at full speed 全速 at a speed of 40 miles an hour每小時 40英里的速度 at speed 以高速 ; speedy adj. 快速的、及時的 a speedy reply 及時的回答, desperately (1) adv. 绝望地、不顧一切的、情急的 eg:He said desperately that the opposing team was too strong for us . 對手對我們說太強大了。 (2) adv. 極度地 eg:He wa

5、s desperately busy . 他極度地忙。 desperate (1) adj. 不顧一切的、亡命地 make desperate efforts to do sth 拼命地做某事 eg:The desperate thief shot at the policeman . 亡命的小偷向警察開槍。 (2) adj. 悲觀的、幾乎沒有希望的 eg:Her illness is desperate , but not hopeless. 她的病不樂觀但並不是毫無希望。 (3) adj. 渴望的、很渴望的 be desperate for sth be desperate to do s

6、th 極度渴望要(做)某事 eg:He was desperate for fame . 他渴望有個名聲。 eg:He is desperate to pass the entrance exam . 他渴望通過入學考試。, companion (1) n. 同伙,伙伴 eg:Bad companions can lead young people astray . 不良同伴可導致青少年誤入歧途。 a companion in arms 戰友 a lifelong companion 一個終身的伴侶 (2) n. 旅伴 eg:I had a good companion while trave

7、ling . 在旅途中我有一個好旅伴。, water ski (由快艇牵引水橇)滑水 ski 滑雪 ; go skiing 去滑雪 skate 滑冰 ; go skating 去滑冰 buoy n. 浮标、救生圈 life buoy 救生圈 buoyancy n. 浮力、樂觀的性情 buoyant adj. 樂觀的 、輕鬆愉快的 buoyantly adv. 樂觀地,輕松愉快地 dismay (1) n. 沮丧、驚慌、膽怯 in dismay with dismay 驚慌 to ones dismay 使驚慌的昰 (2)v.使驚慌、使膽怯 be dismayed at 對某事驚慌, treme

8、ndous adj. (大小、數量、程度) 驚人的、巨大的 a tremendous explosion 極大的爆炸聲 a tremendous effort 極大的努力 eg :He ran at a tremendous speed . 他以驚人的速度跑。 tremendously adv. trimendsliad.可怕地;極大地 eg:The exam was tremendously difficult . 這次考試非常困難。 petrol n. 汽油 gas gasoline 汽油 petrol station gas station filling station n. 加油站

9、petroleum 石油 ; petro 岩石 ; oleum ulim 油, drift (1) v. 漂动,漂流 eg:The raft was drifting down the river . 這木筏漂流順流而下 eg:The wind drifted the boat toward the shore.風把船吹向岸邊。 (2) n. 漂流、漂移 the drift of an iceberg 冰山的漂移 the drift of population from country to city . 人口從鄉村遷移到城市 (3)n. 漂流物 big drifts of snow 吹積成的

10、大雪堆 a drift of dead leaves 吹積成的枯葉堆, gently (1) adv. 缓慢地,轻轻地 eg:Handle the glassware gently .小心的處理玻璃器皿。 (2)adv. 溫柔地 eg:She spoke gently to the frightened child . 她溫柔的和那個嚇壞的孩子說話。 gentle (1) adj. 溫柔地、和善的 eg:He is a very gently person . 他是個很溫和的人。 eg:Mothers are always gentle with their babies . 母親總是溫柔的對

11、待她們的嬰兒。 (2) adj. 和緩的 / mild speak in a gentle voice . 以和緩的語調說話。 a gentle slope 和緩的斜坡 (3)adj. 馴服的 a gentle horse 一匹馴服的馬 ; as gentle as a lamb 性情溫順如小羊,Listen to the text,三課文講解: As the man tried to swing the speedboat round, the steering wheel came away in his hands. 当那人试图让快艇转弯时,方向盘脱手了。 steering wheel

12、方向盤 steer v. 掌舵、駕駛 eg:He carefully steered his car around the corner . 他小心翼翼地駕駛他的車在拐角處。 steer a ship 駕駛船 ; steersmen n. 舵手 come away 掉下、脫落 eg:The handle came away from the pitcher when I grasped it . 當我抓起水罐時它的柄脫落了。, He waved desperately to his companion, who had been water skiing for the last fiftee

13、n minutes. 他绝望地向他的伙伴挥手,他的伙伴在过去的15分钟里一直在滑水。 wave to sb 對揮手 for the last + 一段時間 通常搭配完成時態 for the last 10 years 在过去的10分钟里 Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea. 他们两个还没来得及意识到究竟发生了什么事情,就被猛地抛入了海里。 hardly when 幾乎沒時間做某事 、一就 eg:Hardly had we g

14、ot into the country when it began to rain . We had hardly got into the country when it began to rain . 我們一到鄉下天就下雨了。 be thrown into 被拋進、被扔進, The speedboat had struck a buoy, but it continued to move very quickly across the water. 快艇撞上了一个浮标,但它仍在水面上快速行驶着。 Both men had just begun to swim towards the sho

15、re, when they noticed with dismay that the speedboat was moving in a circle. 两个人刚开始向岸边游去,就突然惊愕地发现快艇正在转着圈行驶, with dismay 惊愕地 It now came straight towards them at tremendous speed. 它现在正以惊人的速度直冲他们驶来。 come towards 朝著來 straight adv. 筆直 、径直 come straight to the point 一句說出問題的核心 at tremendous speed 以驚人的速度 a

16、t full speed 以全速, In less than a minute, it roared past them only a few feet away. 不到1分钟的工夫,它从离他们只有几英尺远的地方呼啸着驶了过去。 in less than 不及 in less than no time 一會兒、立刻 roar(1) v.(猛獸) 吼叫、咆嘯 eg:Lions were roaring in the distance . 獅子在遠方咆哮著。 (2) v. 大聲喊叫、吵嚷 eg:The patient roared with pain . 病人疼痛大叫著。 eg:The audience roared with laughter at the joke . 觀眾聽了這個笑話哄堂大笑。 (3)v.轟鳴、呼嘯 eg:The truck roared past . 卡車呼嘯而過。 eg:The thunder roared . 雷聲隆隆。 roar oneself hoarse 喊啞了嗓子 set the r


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