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1、江岸区 2011-2012 学年度第二学期期中考试 七年级英语试题 考试时间: 120 分钟 试卷满分: 120分 编辑人:丁济亮 祝考试顺利! 一、听力略 二、选择填空 26.What _does your pen pal_? Japanese. A .country; say B. city; tell C. language; speak D. subject; talk 27.Pandas are very shy, so please be _. OK.I will not speak loudly. A, happy B. friendly C. fun D. quiet 28.W

2、hat does your mother do? She is a_. She works in a big supermarket. A. doctor B. waiter C. shop assistant D. bank clerk 29.Where is the library? Just_ straight and _left. A. go; turn B. take; turn C. walk; take D. come; walk 30.Let?s go to the movies! That sounds great. But it_ now. A .is sunny B. i

3、s raining C. is warm D. is cloudy 31.What are your friends doing now? Look!_ are playing tennis ._are playing volleyball. A. Ones; the others B. Some; the other C. Some; others D. One ;another 32. How? s the weather in France? It?s_. The weather is cold now. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 3

4、3.Do you like koalas? Yes, I do. I_ they ? re cute. A. guess B. have c. like D. think 34. _ Is there a pay phone on the street? Sorry, I don?t know. 35. Where is your father? He is _ now because he works long hours and he ? s tired. A. running B.talking C.sleeping D.playing 36. Can you help me wit E

5、nglish? _ A.Not at all B. I think so C.With pleasure D.Yes,please 37.What do you think of your job? I?m very _ when people go out to dinners. A.interesting B.busy C.dangerous D.diifficult 38. How about going to Zhongshan Park? Good idea!We can _ there. A.have fun B.watch TV C.go shopping D.make dinn

6、er 39. We?re in the library,please keep quiet. _ A.OK. Let? s go now B.Why not C.Sorry,I won ? t D. You ,re welcome 40. Do you think_ is difficult? Yes,I do A.Australia B.America C.China D. french 三、完形填空 Jack is ten years old and he is a very lazy boy. He _41_ doing any work. He has to go to school,

7、 of course he doesn? t_42_hard there and do_43_ work. His father and mother are both doctors, and they hope their son also become a_44_ when he grows up. _45_ today Jack says to his mother, “ When I finish( 结束 ) school. I want to be a cleaner.” “ A cleaner?” his mother asks. She is very_46_ . “ That

8、? s not a good_47_. Why do you want to ba a cleaner?” “ _48_ I only want to have to work one day a week, ” Jack_49_ at once. “ Only one _50_ a week?” his mother says, “ And _51_ do you know it? ” “ Well” , Jack answers,” I know the cleaners come to work on _52_ every week, “ because I only see them

9、on that day .”And then his mother _53_ and says. “ The cleaners go to _54_ on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in _55_streets,” 41.A. likes B. dislikes C. loves D. enjoys 42.A. play B. live C. study D. sleep 43.A. much B. few C. little D. many 44.A. nurse B. waiter C. doctor D. teacher 45.A.And

10、 B.But C.So D.Then 46.A.surprised B.happy C.excited D.sad 47. A.subject B.job C.work D.game 48. A.Because B.So C.But D.Also 49.A.asks B.speaks C.tells D.answers 50.A. hour B.minute C.day D.month 51. A.where B.when C.what D.how 52. A.Tuesday B.Wednesday C.Thursday D.Friday 53. A.cries B.gives C.gets

11、D.smiles 54. A.work B.job C.school D.some 55. A.others B.any C.other D.some 四、阅读理解 Mr. Hand is a worker. Now he is over sixty and doesn?t work. He often says to his children that he doesn?t feel well. When they want to take him to see a doctor, he doesn?t want to go to the hospital. One day, it?s su

12、nny. He doesn ?t feel very well. So he goes to see a doctor. After he comes into the doctor ? s office, the doctor asks him, “ What? s the matter with you? ” (您 怎么啦? ) “I can? t see well,”says Mr. Hand. “ It? s because of your old age,” says the doctor. “ Sometimes I eat nothing because I don?t want

13、 to eat anything. ” “ That is also because of your old age,”says the doctor. “ Our digestive system(消化系统 ) doesn? t work well when we are old. ” “ I often put something in a place. But after some time, I don ?t know where it is . ” “ Your old age,” says the doctor. “ Why do you go on saying ,Your ol

14、d age, your old age ?,” he says, “ If you can ? t cure(治疗 ) me, say so. I?ll go to another place. ” “ See you are losing your temper (脾气) ,” says the doctor. “ That is because of your old age, too.” 56.Mr Hand doesn ?t work because _. A. he wants to play B.he is ill(生病 ) C.he is old D. loses his job

15、 57.What is the weather like when Mr Hand goes to see the doctor? A.It ? s fine B.It ? s raining C. It ? s windy D. It ? s snowing 58. In fact, Mr hand ? s problems are because of _. A.His children B.his old age C.the doctor D.his temper 59.How many questions does Mr Hand ask about his problems? A. One B.Two C.Three D.Four 60.Mr Hand is angry ( 生气 ) because_. A. the doctor doesn?t like him B.the doctor loses his temper C.the doctor says his digestive system doesn?t work well D.the doctor goes on saying “ Your old age, your old ahe” B Waiter Wanted Do you like to work late?



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