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1、九年级英语模拟试题(二) 时间: 60 分钟 编辑人:丁济亮 一、选择填空 从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 ( )1.When will we meet again? It won?t be longI will be back _ three days Ain Bafter Cfor Dsince ( )2. When _ your mother _ you that blue dress, Mary? Sorry, I really can? t remember. A. does; buy B. has; boughtC. had; bought D. di

2、d; buy ( )3. Can your father drive? Yes, and he usually _ to school. A. drove B. is driving C.drives D. has driven ( )4. Hasn? t Betty come yet? No, and I _ for her for nearly 2 hours. A. wait B. waited C. have waited D. had waited ( )5. Mum, I need to buy a new sweater. All right. Your old one has

3、gone out of_ . A.weight B.size C. color D. shape ( )6. There are only three hours left for us to do the work. We must finish it in time, so every minute_ for us. A. counts B. costs C. influences D. apperciates ( )7. I? m too nervous to give a talk before so many people _, MariaYou can do it A.Take c

4、are BOf course CCome on DHelp yourself ( )8. If you have any trouble, be sure to call me. _. A. I am sorry to hear that B. I will. Thank you very much C. I have no trouble D. I will think it over ( )9.How about five dollars a hat, madam? The price sounds _ . Ill take three then. A.cheap B.fair C.lit

5、tle D.convenient ( )10. Some more coffee? No, thanksI _ be off for my work A.can Bmay Cmust Dwill ( )11.How?s it going on West China without any rain for about 5 months? The life there is very hard and the people there are in_ need of water. A. very B. much C. bad D. good ( )12.Mary, here? s a dicti

6、onaryI hope it will help you Thanks a lot It? s _ what I need A.just B.nearly C.even D.almost ( )13.Mary told me she would drop English. Really? I?ll try my best to ask her to_ such foolish ideas. A. take away B. give away C. put away D. keep away ( )14.Hello! Dream Hotel? Do you have a_ room for th

7、is weekend? Sorry. All the rooms have been booked. A. spare B. useful C. blank D. possible ( )15.Sandy, can you tell me _? Sorry, I? ve no idea Ahow many guests have been here Bwhen is the party Cwhy did they come Dwhere will they leave 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Eric was standing i

8、n front of a large, gray house in the countryside. He had just been dropped off by his mum, who left after telling him that he was going to 16 the next twelve days there with no TV, no mobile phone and worst of all no 17 . Just then, a man appeared 18 the gate of the house. When he saw Eric, he went

9、 up to him immediately. “I?m 19 you are Eric. Welcome to Camp Reboot , ” said the man proudly. “I? m Tony, the camp leader, but you will 20 me ,Sir?. Now you tell me 21 you?re here.” Eric quickly replied , “My mum made me 22 ! ” When Tony looked angrily at him and did not say 23 , Erie realized his

10、mistake and added, “Sir! ” “ And do you know why your mother sent 24 here? ” asked Tony. “She thinks I spend too much time online that I can?t live without the Internet Sir, ” answered Eric. “It?s not just her opinion it?s the 25 ! Look at you tired, unfit and certainly not getting 26 sleep. You? re

11、 here because you think your world on the Internet is much 27 than the real world. But you?re wrong! The real world has much more to offer. At Camp Reboot, you? re going to go hiking, boating, rock-climbing and stay outdoors most of the 28 . ” said Tony. Eric? s heart broke. “But it? s not going to

12、be all fun and games,” Tony continued. “We have rules here. 29 you break them, you? ll never be sent home 30 ! Instead, you? ll have to sweep the floor, wash the dishes or do an extra hour of exercise!” “Oh, my God! ”cried Eric. “What have you got me into, Mum? ( )16. A. save B. keep C. show D. spen

13、d ( )17. A. radio B. camera C. recorder D. computer ( )18. A. at B. on C. in D. to ( )19. A. sad B. sure C. worriedD. surprised ( )20. A. call B. make C. wish D. describe ( )21. A. what B. how C. why D. when ( )22. A. cook B. play C. come D. work ( )23. A. something B. anything C. everything D. noth

14、ing ( )24. A. it B. you C. him D. her ( )25. A. answer B. story C. truth D. excuse ( )26. A. short B. quick C. enough D. terrible ( )27. A. older B. darker C. poorer D. better ( )28. A. time B. life C. year D. journey ( )29. A. If B. Until C. Before D. While ( )30. A. loudly B. early C. slowly D. ca

15、refully 三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A When he first arrived in Australia, my friend saw an old man selling some cheap goods in the street of Sydney. The old man was one of the poor people in Sydney and in fact there was no difference between them and beggars. Most of them were some lone

16、ly old people. My friend was a kind-hearted man, so he quickly pocketed some changes to him. The old man asked him to pick some from the goods as he pleased. My friend had no interest in those things, so he left without choosing. But the old man drew some out of his goods and followed him closely. At first, my friend didn?t think a lot, just supposing he would go home. But when he


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