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1、英语专业本科毕业论文答辩开场白模板参考 英语专业本科毕业论文答辩开场白模板参考是一篇好的范文,觉得应该跟大家分享,重新了一下发到这里。 英语专业开场白模板 相对于中文答辩,本科毕业论文答辩往往需要用全英文进行阐述自己的观点,对于英文的要求很高。上学吧论文查重给大家了一份英语专业本科毕业论文答辩开场白的参考模板,提供一些英文本科毕业论文答辩参考,欢迎查看。 范文一: Good morning, Distinguished professors and teachers,ladies and gentlemen,thank you for attending the oral defense.(或

2、Wele to attend the oral defense.) : I am Li ying.First and foremost,I want to express my sincere thanks to my tutor,Su-fang huang,for his in _ectual guidance,invaluable instructions and ments on my thesis.It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally aomplished this thesis. My topic is lost

3、 and reconstruction of ethnic identity - from post-colonial perspective analysis novel the round house. The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one serves as an introduction to Louise Edrich and her novel The Round House.It also gives an overview of her writings,achievements,and literary statu

4、s.Then it mainly discusses the popular issue of identity construction that is well presented in Erdrichs novel The Round House,and the significance of an interpretation of the novel from the perspective of post-colonialism.The chapter also aims to bring out the objective of the research. Chapter two

5、 has three parts.The first part provides literature reviews of Louise Erichsworks from historical perspective,political perspective and narrative perspective respectively.The second part is the theoretical framework,introducing the development and mainframe of post-colonialism and with a focus on su

6、baltern,hybridity and otherness.The third part illustrates the feasibility to study The Round House from the perspective of postcolonialism. Chapter three,the central part of the thesis,analyzes the loss and reconstruction of native peoples ethnic identity from three aspects.The first aspect is the

7、gender identity.Under the white oppression,the native women suffer a lot both physically andpsychologically.The strong-willed native women use their own strength and efforts to confront the adversities,and realize the reconstruction of gender identity for their nation.The econd aspect is the religio

8、us identity.With the spreading of Christianity,native people are forced to discard their traditional ritual way.People nearly forget their traditional myths,which is a threat leading to the extinction of native culture.In the novel,old grandpa Mooshum uses his special way to pass the tribe tradition

9、 and myths to Joe.The tradition helps Joe to conduct justice.Contrary to the teachings from Catholicism,Joe kills the rapist with the help of Cappy and realizes their races religious identity.The third aspect is racial identity.Due to the unfair and tangled law in the reservation given by American g

10、overnment out of discrimination and exploitation,Geraldines attacker is away from punishment.Justice is being disgraced.On the one hand,Bazil Coutts,as a judge,constantly makes efforts on theway to justice in the judicial affairs in his own way.On the other hand,the round house bees a symbol which s

11、upports Native people to keep on.This is one way for them to realize the racial identity for their nation. Chapter four is the conclusion that with munity love,native people can construct their identity and reclaim their subjectivity through the hybridity of both cultures.This chapter also discusses the limitations and the possible direction for further study on Louise Erdrich and her works. Thank you! 相关文章推荐 毕业论文答辩稿模板参考 本科大学生毕业论文答辩开场白范文参考 论文答辩怎么样才能顺利通过 以上就是这篇范文的详细内容,讲的是关于答辩,本科、毕业论文、英文、参考、模板,开场白,专业等方面的内容,。 模板,内容仅供参考



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