高考英语一轮 暑假基础训练(8)

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1、河南省三门峡市2014高考英语一轮(暑假)基础训练(8)附答案.单项填空1(2012北京西城测试)Have you got used to the Chinese food,Robert?Yes.But I dont like_when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I dont like.AthisBthatCthose Dit解析:选D。考查it的用法。句意:你习惯吃中餐了吗,Robert?习惯了。但是当中国的主人一直让我吃我不喜欢的菜时,我就不喜欢中餐了。分析句子可知,when引导宾语从句,作like的宾语。所以空处只能填形式宾语。在英

2、语中作形式主语和形式宾语的只有it,所以本题选D。2Leave your key with a neighbor _ you lock yourself out one day.Aever since Beven ifCsoon after Din case解析:选D。in case以防万一。句意为:留一把钥匙给邻居,以防有一天你把自己锁在外面。3We are at your service.Dont _ to turn to us if you have any further problems.Abeg BhesitateCdesire Dseek解析:选B。考查动词词义辨析。beg乞求,

3、乞讨,恳求;hesitate犹豫,踌躇;desire欲望;愿望;seek试图,要求。句意:我们为你服务。当你有任何问题时,请毫不犹豫的向我们求助。故选B。4We did all we could to _ the girl,who had been feeling down because of her failure in the job interview.Aadjust BcomfortCtoast Drecommend解析:选B。 由后面的定语从句可以看出,小女孩非常失落,所以应该选择comfort(安慰)。句意为: 我们竭尽全力的安慰这位女孩,她因为面试失败而变的非常沮丧。adjus

4、t“适应”;toast “敬酒,烤”;recommend“推荐”。5Can I help you?Id like a room with a bath.How much do you _?Aoffer BaffordCcharge Dspare解析:选C。“charge”同“demand”,意为“要(价),收(费)”。6We all feel the cold to different degrees,_on our gender,fitness,age,diet,how much sleep we have,and even the company we keep.Adepending Bd

5、ependedCto depend Dhaving depended解析:选A。考查非谓语动词的用法。语意:我们都在不同程度上有冷的感觉,这取决于我们的性别、健康状态、年龄、饮食、睡眠时间,甚至取决于我们与什么人为伍。注意depend的动作与degrees是逻辑上的主谓关系,而且这个动作是作状语的,所以用现在分词形式。故选A。7So why do we _ the people who do them so poorly. There can be only one answerbecause they are women,and the work is so hard.Apunish Bbl

6、ameCreward Dclaim解析:选C。本题考查动词辨析从后面一句话所提供的语境分析,此处用动词reward,表示“奖赏”的意思。8A university is an educational institution which_degrees and carries out research.Arewards BawardsCgrants Dpresents解析:选B。句意:大学是授予学位和进行研究的教育机构。reward意为“酬谢,回报”;award意为“授予”;grant意为“同意(给予),答应(请求)”;present意为“颁发,呈递”。故选B。9(高考山东卷)He had hi

7、s camera ready _ he saw something that would make a good picture.Aeven if Bif onlyCin case Dso that解析:选C。考查引导词。句意“他准备好了相机以防看到可以拍摄的景物。”in case 为“以防;以免”even if为“即使”,if only 为“如果”,so that “为了,以便”。10The doctor said that the patient had to _ at once.Aoperate Boperate onCbe operated Dbe operated on解析:选D。考

8、查operate的用法。operate vi.后加介词on,再加宾语。the patient与operate on之间为被动关系,所以用be operated on。11Id try even if I may fail _ sit there worrying in time of trouble.Arather than Bother thanCmore than Dless than解析:选A。rather than 而不是,other than 除了, more than 不仅仅,less than 少于。句意:尽管可能会输,我还是会尝试,而不是在麻烦时坐在那边担心。12Im luck

9、y because my job has _ hours,and I can come and go pretty much as I want.Achanging BflexibleCbasic Dmoveable解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。 flexible意思为“灵活的”, flexible hours意思为“弹性工作时间”,这与下一句表达的相吻合。changing变化的;basic基本的;基础的;moveable活动的。13Four dollars a pair.I think its a bit too much.If you buy three pairs,the price fo

10、r each willto three fifty.Acome down Btake downCturn over Dgo over解析:选A。句意:4美元一双,我认为价格有点高。如果你买3双,可以便宜点,每双的价格为3.5美元。come down意为“价格降低,温度下降”;take down意为“写下,记下”;turn over意为“翻身,翻转”;go over意为“复习”。故选A。14John cannot afford to go to university,_going abroad.Anothing but Banything butCnot to speak of Dnothing

11、 to speak of解析:选C。句意:John上不起大学,更不用说出国了。从上下文来看,这里要填的是一个表示“更不用说,更谈不上”之意的短语。not to speak of表示“更不用说”,因而选C。nothing but意为“仅仅,不过”;anything but意为“一点也不,根本不”;nothing to speak of意为“(因极不重要或极小而)不值一提”。15I hope youre enjoying your stay here.If it_for the climate,I would like it very much.Aisnt Bhasnt beenCwerent D

12、hadnt been解析:选C。句意:我希望你在这里过得愉快。要不是这里的气候的话,我会非常喜欢这儿。前面说如果不是这里的气候的话,可以看出如果不是这里的气候,我会非常喜欢这里的。这里的气候就这样了,所以这里应该用虚拟语气,be在虚拟语气中要用were。所以选C。*结束 Wherever she goes, Molly leaves her mark. Without saying a word, she speaks to people with her kind eyes. Even when she walks away, she leaves an impressionMollys m

13、ark is a smile, stamped into the ground by the horseshoe at the bottom of her false legA few years ago, Molly was badly attacked by a dogThe dog bit all four of Mollys legs and left large cuts in her face. Mollys owner, Kate Harris, took her to an animal hospitalDoctors there were able to save Molly

14、s life, but soon one of her legs became very infected(感染). At first, doctors thought Molly would have to be put to sleep foreverBut Molly changed their minds. This pony, doctors noticed, shifted her weight, and rested her good leg from time to time. Doctors knew that Molly had amazing intelligence, and that she wanted to live. Several doctors operated on Molly, and removed her infected leg. A false leg was made for her. The leg was a hollow cast with a pole at the bottom for balance. Doctors gave Molly a special horseshoe at the bottom of the leg. This horseshoe she had had a stamp


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