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1、中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Intelligent Entrance Guard System Intelligent entrance guard and safety management system is a new type of modern safety management system, which combines the microcomputer automatic identification technology with the modern safety management practices into an organic wh

2、ole. It contains lots of new technologies such as the electronic, mechanical, optical, computer technology, communication technology, biotechnology, and so on. It is an effective measures to achieve the goal of implementing safety management at the inward and outward of important departments. It can

3、 be applied to all kinds of confidential departments, such as banks, hotels, generator rooms,the armory, confidential rooms, offices, intelligent communities, factories etc. With the rapid development of digital technology and network technology today, access control technology finally gets the good

4、 chance to develop rapidly. Entrance guard system has far transcends the pure doorway and key management.It has gradually developed into a set of complete access management system. 1 The Development of Entrance Guard System Inward and outward entrance guard system just as its name implies is a contr

5、ol system of managing the inward and outward channels, which is developed on the basis of the traditional door lock. The traditional mechanical lock is just a simple mechanical device, so no matter how reasonable the structural is designed, how strong the material is made, people can always open it

6、through various means. Key management is very troublesome in places like offices and hotel rooms where so many people entering and leaving the passageway. Whenever the keys are lost or employees are replaced, locks and keys must be renewed. In order to solve these problems, electronic card lock and

7、electronic trick lock are invented. These two kinds locks appearance raised the management level of inward and outward channels from a certain extent and has impelled the channel management to enter the electronics era. But with the continuous application of these two kinds of electronic locks, the

8、defects of themselves are gradually exposed. The problem of magnetic card lock is the easy replication of the information, a greater degree of wear between card and card reader, high failure rate and low safety factor. The problem of combination lock is that the password is easy to leak and we do no

9、t have even any small clue to investigate with, so the safety coefficient is very low. At the same time, it is easy to be unlocked by people outdoor because most of the reading card (password) and the control part is installed together outside the door at this period. Entrance guard system in this p

10、eriod have remained in its early immature stage, so the entrance guard system is usually referred to as electronic locks, which has not been widely applied. With the development of inductive card technology and the biological recognition technology in recent years, the entrance guard system has got

11、a leap-style development and has entered into the mature period. they have their special strong points in various aspects like safety, convenience, manageability, etc. The application fields of entrance guard system is becoming more and more abroad. 2 Function of Entrance Guard System Basic function

12、s realized by mature entrance guard system: 2.1 The management of the channel access permissions. Access permissions are set to formulate who can pass in and out each channel and who cant. The way to pass in and out the channel means to scope out the authorization of the way to pass in and out to pe

13、ople who can pass in and out the channel. The ways to pass in and out includes entering password, reading the card(biometric), reading the card(biometric) plus entering password. Access time means to set the range of time during which people who have the permission can pass in and out. 2.2 The funct

14、ion of real-time monitoring System administrators can keep a watchful eye on the situation of people passing in and out of each gate region(there are photos as well at the same time) and the situation of each gate region(including the door switch, warning in various kinds of abnormal conditions) thr

15、ough the microcomputer in real-time; they can also open and close all the door area in emergency conditions. 2.3 Function of querying records of in and out: System can store all the in and out records, status. You can query the records and status according to different querying conditions. It is equ

16、ipped with corresponding attendance software so as to realize the purpose of checking-in and guarding with one piece of card. 2.5 Function of abnormal alarming: It can realize microcomputer alarm or alarm with siren in exceptional cases, such as: illegal intrusion, not closing the door overtime, etc. It can also implement the following special features according to different entrance guard system: Fire alarm monitoring linkage function: The entran



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