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1、英语参考答案 第 1 页(共 4 页) 2 20 02 21 1 届届高三高三第一次第一次联考联考 英语参考答案英语参考答案 第一部分: 1-5 BACAB 6-10 CABAB 11-15 ABACB 16-20 CCBCA 第二部分: 第一节: 21-25 BBAAB 26-30 DCCCD 31-35 DAADB 第二节: 36-40 CFEAG 第三部分: 第一节: 41-45 DACBC 46-50 DABCA 51-55 DBDCB 56-60 ABDCA 第二节: 61. it 62. changes/will change 63. being raised 64. when 6

2、5. harder 66. to ignore 67. mirroring 68. increasingly 69. strangers/strangers 70. that 第四部分: 第一节: Yesterday on my way home, I saw the little boy playing just beside a construction site with iron sheets a blocked it as a fence. I went over to warn him the potential danger. He smiled shy at me and wa

3、lked away. blocking of /about shyly Just at that moment, the fence falls down right there on the same spot which the kid was playing. I was shocked fell where and hurried to see that he was hurt or something. But I saw him running away. He somehow panicked either. whether/if too Miracles happen ever

4、y day. We should always be sensitive and not let the noise of the world to deafen us and fail 删除 to notice small and amazing wonders of our planet. but 第二节:Possible version A memorable community service Last Friday, I saw a notice in our community calling on people to perform voluntary service, whic

5、h sparked my great interest, urging me to share the news with my family. After a heated discussion, we decided to help with trash picking. On Sunday morning, we joined our neighbors and teamed up with others to work more efficiently. The trash was smelly and the amount was so discouraging that at on

6、e point I almost wanted to back out, but my teammates encouraged me to carry on. When we saw our community finally took on a new look, we all felt proud. 英语参考答案 第 2 页(共 4 页) Exhausted but satisfied, I returned home. It is not until then that I realized that exhaustion is nothing compared to the joy

7、of taking on responsibility as a member of the community. 【参考答案解析】 21. B。 细节理解题。 根据该部分中 In addition to a range of racially sourced meat products,attendees can listen to live music, watch butchery demos, and attend informal meat-based workshops 可知。 22. B。细节理解题。根据该部分的 If you have a sweet tooth, then i

8、t could be that the National Honey Show 可知。 23. A。推理判断题。根据文中相关描述及最后一段 one thing is certain: people are crazy about their food 等信 息可知。 24. A。细节理解题。根据第 1 段的相关信息可知。 25. B。细节理解题。根据第 2 段及 he needed to look after his mother and take over the family farm 等信息可 知。 26. D。推理判断题。根据文中 Dennis 的话 I think a medical

9、 worker deserves it more than I “把自己的口罩 捐出来给更需要的人用”可知。 27. C。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了 Dennis 的善举得到了回报,他得到了自己多年梦寐以求的大学文凭, 故选 C。 28. C。细节理解题。根据第 1 段 But in this way, what happens to pilots can be expressed clearly and briefly.可 知。 29. C。细节理解题。根据第 2 段的相关信息可知。 30. D。推理判断题。根据第 4 段的 This term might ease the sudden a

10、nd strong impact on ears and causes less panic among passengers in an emergency 可知。 31. D。 观点态度题。 根据最后 1 句 Ferdi 的话 But the most important part of the challenge is that a smooth flight can be thus ensured 可知。 32. A。写作意图题。第 2 段主要是为了表达机器人是怎样帮助人类的,故选 A。 33. A。词义猜测题。根据该部分前后的语义可知该词意为“消除、去除” ,故选 A。 34. D。

11、主旨大意题。第 4 段主要讲述了机器人的发展给人带来的挑战和担忧,故选 D。 35. B。 推理判断题。 根据该段中的 work side-by-side with our robot colleaguesmanage to go hand in hand with them 等信息可知。 41. D。一直以来,我喜欢在那儿购物,不是因为那些旧衣服、旧书可以讨价还价,而是因为在那可以体验 到的特殊经历。 42. A。见上。adventure: 奇遇,特殊的经历。 43. C。然而有一次经历却一直浮现在我的脑海里。stand out:突出,突显。 44. B。那天,我在那家慈善店里的书架上找些之

12、前没有读过的书。见后文中的 bookshelves。 45. C。突然间,我注意到(听到)一个非常细小的声音。 46. D。一个小女孩,大约 4 岁左右,她坐在地上,完全沉浸在那些知道或不知道的词语里。 (be)lost in: 陷入 47. A。这一幕勾起我许多回忆,我想起了自己教女儿读书的情形 48. B。我低头对她笑着说, “你读得真棒! ”从后文的 look up 可知。 49. C。她抬起头,露齿而笑,接着又读了起来。toothy: (笑时)露齿的。 50. A。我转回身,又在书架上找着,任由她甜美的声音溢满心田。 51. D。当妈妈告诉她得走了时,她就把书放回并整理好,又抬头对我笑

13、了笑。 52. B。见上。neatly:整齐地。 英语参考答案 第 3 页(共 4 页) 53. D。接着,她上前一步,两只胳膊搂着我的腰,给了我一个真诚的拥抱。 54. C。见上。 55. B。突然之间,我感到心里暖暖的,眼睛湿润了,脸上却带着笑容。 56. A。我轻轻地拍着她的背,而她却蹦蹦跳跳地到了妈妈身边。 57. B。所有的一切都在片刻之间。 58. D。一句友好的话、一个温柔的拥抱,会有多么强大的力量啊! 59. C。它们会深入人心,使它永久地改变。 60. A。给予、分享爱的力量是世上最强大的力量。 【听力录音原文】 Text 1 W: You told me yesterday

14、 it would rain for sure today. Look at the bright sun outside! M: Well, I guess I have to eat my words. Text 2 W: Hello, can you tell me if the restaurant is open on Sundays, please? M: Yes, its open every evening from 7 to around 10 oclock. Text 3 W: What are you doing? Anna is on the phone for you

15、. M: l cant speak to her now. Im sending an important e-mail. Text 4 M: My eyes are tear-filled, even if I work on the computer for a little while. Ive taken the medicine you gave me last time, but it hasnt worked. W: Well, these eye drops could help you. Put them in three times a day. Text 5 M: Do you like the way I organized the files in the bookcase, Ms. Stanford? W: Yes, youve done a good job of organizing them, but what did you do with the old cases in the yellow


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