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1、U.7,词汇:,Turn (down, up, on, off, ) right away( at once) wait in line (cut in line) at first (at last) break the rule (obey the rule) put( out, on, up) be careful (take care, look out) allow sb to do sth,构词:,polite (impolite) comfortable (uncomfortable) behave (behavior) Asia (Asian) polite (politely

2、) wait (waiter ,waitress),一、背诵下列短语 把调底,关小 turn down 一点也不 not at all 打棒球 play baseball 立刻,马上 right away / in a minute 从什么地方出来 get out of 起床 get up,穿上 put on 打扫庭院 clean the yard 去买东西 go shopping 10洗碟子 wash the dishes,去看电影 go to a movie 做晚饭 make dinner 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth / help sb do sth 制作海报 mak

3、e posters 没问题 no problem 排队等候 wait in line 变得生气 get annoyed 在将来 in the future 插队 cut in line 走出浴室 get out of the bathroom,控制,抑制 keep down 首先 at first 即使 even if 在公共场所 in public places 熄灭 put out 捡起 pick up 当心,小心 take care 违反规则 break the rules,二、翻译句子: 你介意打扫你的房间吗? 对不起,我将立刻去做。 你介意不要在这儿打棒球吗? 对不起,我们将到公园去

4、玩。 你介意挪动一下你的车子吗? 不,根本不介意。 你能洗下碗吗?好的。我立刻去做。,Would you mind cleaning your room? Im sorry. Ill do it right away.,Would you mind not playing baseball here? Sorry. Well go and play in the park.,Would you mind moving your car? No, not at all.,Could you please wash the dishes? OK. Ill do them in a minute.,

5、首字母填空:,There are many different kinds of c_ stores on Wulin Road. Many girls like shopping there. He borrowed some money from me, but he didnt r_ it to me. Yesterday a mosquito(蚊子) kept a_ me. I got very annoyed. Are there any English d_ in the library? I want to look up some words. My teacher likes

6、 taking photos a lot. He bought a c_ on the Internet Yesterday.,lothes,eturn,nnoying,ictionaries,amera,适当形式填空:,Would you mind _ ( not criticize ) my friends. Could you please not _ (talk) so loud? Would you please _ (turn ) down the music? Yesterday an accident happened near my home, two cars hit an

7、d one caught fire, soon firemen arrived and _ .( put it out , put out it) Every one should _, when crossing the road. (take care of, take care) I want to learn _ (cut) hair.,not criticizing,talk,turn,put it out,take care,to cut,7. The children _ (play) football on the playground. Why not _ (join) th

8、em? 8. _ they _ (order) different kinds of hamburgers? Yes, they did. 9. Sorry, I _ (order) my food half an hour ago and it hasnt arrived yet. 10. I dont know the way to the sports club. Can I _(follow) you.,are playing,join,Did,order,ordered,follow,四、书面表达: Tom是你们班新来的同学。他经常犯些小错误:比如上学迟到,自修课吵闹,不做或不及时上

9、交作业,离开教师不关灯等。请你给他提些建议。 _建议与小错误一起表达。_,Dear Tom, I think you must be happy that you are in a new school. However, you did something wrong these days. So, would you mind going to school earlier? Youre always late for school. And please dont make noise in self-study class, sometimes we even cant study q

10、uietly. Could you please do you your homework every day? Could you please turn off the lights when you are the last to leave the classroom. I hope you can enjoy the life with us. Best wishes! Yours Laura,书本P57 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Welcome to our neighborhood. You must be excited to be in a new

11、house. However, would you mind keeping your voice down while you are talking on the phone. We dont want to know what you are talking. And would you mind not playing music too loud? Because we need to have a great rest , then we can work or study better. Could you please not drop the litter? Its very

12、 dangerous, maybe you will hit others. Your son likes playing soccer on the floor, why not ask him to play it outside? Of course, were glad to make friends with your family. So, we hope you can follow my advice. Yours sincerely,词汇:U8 take an interest in = be interested in hear of - hear about make p

13、rogress (progress :不可数名词, 前面不能加 a, 后面能加-es) -Thank you very much. - Dont mention it. encourage sb. to do sth fall asleep be asleep(前者为非延续性动词,不能跟一段时间连用。For example: He has fallen asleep for two hours. 应该改为:He has been asleep for two hours.),7. rather than+ 动词原形: instead of + ving 而不是 For example: In

14、the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts. 2. In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity instead of buying them gifts.,怎么样,如何 how about 在某人6岁生日 on ones sixth birthday 一个6岁的孩子 a 6-year-old child 太以致不能 tooto 照顾 take care of 养宠物 keep a pet 入睡 fall asleep 赠送,分发 give away 太多 too many 付钱 pay for 使某人高兴 make sb ha



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