《Welcome Unit Writing》课件(两套)

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1、Welcome UnitWriting,personality,outgoing,organize,make an impression on,senior high school,be curious about,an outgoing personality,am curious about,it,to become,My name is Li Hua coming from XinHua senior high,school in Beijing.,Im curious about everything new around me.,My favorite subject is Engl

2、ish and I made a good,impression on my English teacher on the first day of senior,high school.,英,美,欣,赏,文,化,Welcome Unit,PART 1,技法点拨,PART 2,写作训练,Period FiveWritingWrite a student profile,PART 1,技法点拨,本单元的写作任务是写学生简介。 学生简介属于个人简介的范畴,个人简介就是介绍人物的姓名、年龄、经历、特长、爱好等来表现人物特征的一种文体。要根据文章的要求和要表达的主题,灵活掌握,分清主次,突出重点。,写

3、作指导,1.My name is. 2.I live at. 3.Im studying at. 4.I like. 5.Im interested in. 6.If you.,get in touch with me by.,常用表达,PART 2,写作训练,假如你叫李华,正在向英国剑桥大学(Cambridge University)提出入学申请。在校方需要的相关材料中,你要准备一份个人简历。现在,请你根据下表信息,写一份个人简历。,注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,审题 1.确定文体:记叙文。 2.主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为

4、主。 3.主体人称:由于是个人简历,所以人称应该以第一人称为主。 谋篇 第一段:基本情况介绍,包括姓名、性别、住址等。 第二段:介绍自己的特长、阅历等。 第三段:告诉别人自己的联系方式。,审题谋篇,1.高中生_ 2.兴趣广泛_ 3.体操队_ 4.是的成员_ 5.与联系_ 6.盼望_,必备词汇,遣词造句,aseniorhighschoolstudent,havebroadinterests,thegymnasticsteam,beamemberof,getintouchwith,lookforwardto,关键句式,1.我是个快乐的男孩,兴趣广泛。 I am a happy boy and I

5、have broad interests. 2.思考将来的发展,我想成为一名翻译。 When I think about my future,I want to be a translator. 3.为了提高我的英语语言能力,如果可能的话,我想到剑桥大学学习。 In order to improve my English language skills,I would like to study in Cambridge University if it is possible.,1.用含有定语从句的复合句改写句1。 _ 2.用现在分词作状语改写句2。 _ 3.用省略形式改写句3。 _,句式升

6、级,Iamahappyboy,whohasbroadinterests.,Thinkingaboutmyfuture,Iwanttobeatranslator.,InordertoimprovemyEnglishlanguageskills,Iwouldliketostudyin CambridgeUniversityifpossible.,用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇80词左右的英语短文。,组句成篇,My name is Li Hua,a senior high school student of 17.I live at 26 Shanda Road,Jin

7、an,China. I am a happy boy,who has broad interests.For example,I like music and I am a member of the gymnastics team of our school.Thinking about my future,I want to be a translator,so in order to improve my English language skills,I would like to study in Cambridge University if possible. If you think I can get the chance,please get in touch with me by giving me a phone call(053188765397) or sending an e-mail to L.I am looking forward to your reply.,参考范文,


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