《Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Listening and Talking & Reading for Writing》课件(两套)

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1、Unit 1Cultural Heritage,Unit 1Cultural Heritage,Period FourListening and Talking,Reading for Writing,Assessing Your Progress & Video Time,PART 1,语篇理解,PART 2,基础自测,PART 3,互动探究,PART 4,达标检测,PART 1,语篇理解,精读精练 萃取文本精华,.Judge whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passage i

2、n Page8. 1.The Mogao Caves were a key stop along the Silk Road throughout Chinas ancient history.( ) 2.It is over 25 years since the international project started.( ) 3.The Mogao Caves are not as important as before.( ) 4.The Getty Museum is in America.( ) 5.The group hopes to promote wider interest

3、 in Chinas ancient history,culture and traditions by taking photos of the Mogao Caves.( ),F,T,F,T,F,.Choose the best answer. 1.The researchers and scientists are trying to . A.increase knowledge and appreciation of Chinas ancient cultural heritage B.dig out Chinas ancient cultural heritage C.protect

4、 Chinas antiques D.hold a meeting about how to protect Chinas ancient cultural heritage,2.What have been finished since the international project started? A.Nearly 500,000 antique coins have been found. B.Nearly 500,000 photographs have been produced. C.Nearly 500,000 mummies(木乃伊) have been dug out.

5、 D.Nearly 500,000 ancient tombs have been protected.,3.What is the purpose of this passage? A.To tell people how to protect the cultural heritage. B.To show that ancient China is great. C.To promote culture through digital images. D.To inform people of the importance of the cultural heritage.,PART 2

6、,基础自测,自主学习 落实基础知识,.重点单词 1. n.一张(纸);床单;被单 2. n.镜子 3. n.顶部;屋顶 4. n.龙 5. adj.数码的;数字显示的 6. n.山洞;洞穴 7. prep.各处;遍及;自始至终 8. n.意见;想法;看法 9. n.对比;对照 vt. 对比;对照,sheet,mirror,roof,dragon,digital,cave,throughout,opinion,contrast,10. adv.永远;长久地 11. adj.专业的;职业的 n.专业人员 n.专业;职业;行业 12. v.原谅;宽恕;对不起;请原谅 n.宽恕;原谅 13. n.形象

7、;印象 v.想像 adj.想像的,forever,professional,profession,forgive,forgiveness,image,imagine,imaginary,14. n.质量;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的 n.数量 15. n.传统;传统的信仰或风俗 adj.传统的 16. adv.更远;进一步 (原级) (最高级) 17. adj.历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的 n.历史,quality,quantity,tradition,traditional,further,far,furthest/farthest,historic,history,18

8、. vt.引用 n.引文;引言 19. n.比较;相比 v.比较 20. vt.确认;认出;找到 n.身份;本身,quote,quotation,comparison,compare,identify,identity,掌握规律巧记单词 比较级和最高级的不规则变化:many/muchmoremost;good/well betterbest;littlelessleast;bad/illworseworst identity n.身份;本身fyidentify vt.确认;认出 如:beautify使美化;simplify 使简化;classify将分类,.核心短语 1. 在世界各地 2. 对

9、不起;请再说一遍 3. 辨别和 4. 募捐 5. 以结束 6. 提出 7. 对熟悉 8. 加速 9. 照顾 10. 变成废墟,allovertheworld,begyourpardon,tell.from.,raisemoney,endwith,comeupwith,befamiliarwith,speedup,takecareof,fallintoruins,.经典句式 1.It is said that.据说 its a mirror that can tell right from wrong! 据说这是一面可以分辨是非的镜子! 2.动名词作主语 is very important fo

10、r understanding oneself. 欣赏自己国家的文化遗产对于了解自己的国家很重要。,Itissaidthat,Appreciatingonesownculturalheritage,3.make宾语宾补(名词充当) This not just for China,but for all people around the world. 这使得它不仅是中国的重要文化遗产,也是全世界人民的重要文化遗产。 4.beadj.to do sth. Every part of the Great Wall . 长城的每一部分都很容易找到、看到。,makesitanimportantcult

11、uralheritagesite,iseasytofindandsee,PART 3,互动探究,探究重点 互动撞击思维,forgive v.原谅;宽恕;对不起;请原谅,1,Forgive me for asking,but.原谅我问一下,,forgive sb.sth.原谅某人某事 forgive ones doing sth.原谅某人做了某事 forgive sb.for (doing) sth.原谅某人做了某事 forgiveness n.宽恕,原谅,重点词汇,(1)Please forgive me if I have left any of your questions unanswe

12、red. 如果你的问题我有任何没回答的,请原谅。 (2)Forgive but I really dont agree with that. 请原谅我打岔,不过我确实不同意那一点。 (3)I shall never forgive (I) for failing to help you when you were in danger. 我永远不会原谅自己在你处于危险时没有帮助你。 (4)I hope,after today,I can have your (forgive). 希望今天之后,我能得到你的原谅。,myself,myinterrupting,forgiveness,2,Nearly

13、 500,000 high-quality digital photographs have been produced since the international project started in 1994.自1994年国际项目启动以来,已经制作了近50万张高质量数码照片。,of high quality优质的;素质好的 in quality在质量上,quality n.质量;品质;素质;特征 adj.优质的;高质量的,(1)This is how I got involved with my charity work to improve the quality of life f

14、or all disabled people. 这就是我怎样参与慈善工作,以提高残疾人的生活质量。 (2)This plastic is inferior quality to glass. 这种塑料的质量比玻璃差。 (3)Our candidate is a man quality,of status,of caliber. 我们的候选人是个素质好、有身份和有能力的人。,in,of,3,What do you think of the researchers opinion in the last paragraph?你认为研究者在最后一段的观点如何?,ask sb.for opinion征

15、求某人的意见 have a high/low/good/poor opinion of sb./sth.对某人/某事评价高/低/好/坏 in ones opinion(in the opinion of sb.)在某人看来,opinion n.意见;想法;看法,(1)When they asked him for his opinion,he declared strongly against the policy. 他们向他征求意见时,他声明强烈反对这项政策。 (2) my opinion,some measures which are able to control the rate of increasing cars can be taken. 依我看来,应该采取一些措施控制汽车增长的速度。 句型转换 (3)Personally,most people learn best by doing,not by sitting in the classroom and reading about it. ,most people learn b


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