高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea 第1课时同步检测 新人教版选修7

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1、高二英语选修7同步检测 Unit 3 Under the sea 第1课时.单词拼写1These creatures live in the d_of the Pacific Ocean.2Most people have come to accept the need for c_of natural resources.3Did anyone w_the traffic accident?4Hotel a_was difficult to find during the Olympic Games.5He_(停顿)before making the important decision.6

2、A wage rise of 5% represents a(n)_(按年度计算的)increase of 250 for the lowestpaid workers.7I asked the man_(对面的)if he would open the door.8As the_(潮汐)receded(退去), we were able to look for shells.9We had an outing to the_(海边)last summer.10I aimed at the_(靶子)but hit the wall.11This girl gave a(n)_(生动的)desc

3、ription of the event.12He went to the post office to draw his_(退休金)13These pancakes made by my mother are really_(好吃的)14They marked the_(分界线)of the football fields several days before the game.15There is another_(方面)to this problem which you havent considered.16Dont s_your finger; its so dirty.17Tha

4、t dish is too s_to serve soup in.18The child was s_of the fiercelooking dog.19The sunlight was r_in the water.20Their sudden attack made us more a_of the danger around us.答案:1.depth(s)2.conservation3.witness 4accommodation5.paused6.annual7.opposite 8tide9.seaside10.target11.vivid12.pension 13tasty14

5、.boundaries15.dimension16.suck 17shallow18.scared19.reflected20.aware.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中(120)所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The funeral(葬礼)I attended yesterday was for an 87yearold man. Ive almost forgotten_1_relationship he had with my family, but his story_2_made me sit down and think for a while.His wi

6、fe_3_last July. After that he refused to eat. He would throw away food that was passed to him and you could hear him cry_4_at night. His son and daughter_5_to comfort him but his childrens_6_would always bring despair(绝望)to him. He would always_7_about his days while his wife was still with him. And

7、 every day, he did_8_, but just recalled the days he spent with his_9_. He couldnt eat or sleep. His daughter described him,“You see no_10_in him, only sorrow and despair. His only_11_was to join his wife. He gave up all hope of living till he_12_.”At the age of 87, a man can still_13_his wife to th

8、e extent of giving up his life. What a_14_story. It just set me thinking. I have seen some couples who quarrel every day and every_15_. I have seen some husbands who treat their wife_16_. Ive heard of many couples who part(分手)because they are no_17_in love. And Ive heard of so many“fall out of love”

9、stories that at times I dont_18_makes me wonder_19_, I, too, am able to find someone who loves me so deeply, I will_20_her everything. I mean, its lovely and romantic, isnt it?文章大意:有首歌唱道“爱一个人可以爱多久”。是的,爱到什么程度才是真正的爱情呢?本文的主人公向我们阐释了什么是“至死不渝的爱情”。1A.thatBwhatCwhich Dwhether答案:B我几乎都记不起这位87岁的老人与我们有什么亲戚关系(wh

10、at relationship)了,但他的(爱情)故事真的(really)使我深思。what引导宾语从句,同时在从句中担任定语,修饰名词relationship。2A.simply BmerelyCreally Dtruly答案:Csimply表示“简单地”,merely表示“仅仅”,truly表示“真实地”,都不符合语境。3A.passed away Bcaught coldCgot hurt Dwent abroad答案:A从上下文可知,老人的妻子在去年七月过世(pass away)了。4A.hopefully BsadlyChappily Dexcitedly答案:B老人在丧妻后悲伤不已

11、,以至于晚上可以听见他痛哭(cry sadly)。他的儿女试图(tried)去安慰他,但他们的努力(efforts)只能给老人带来绝望。5A.managed BplannedCtried Dintended答案:Ctry to do sth.“试图做某事(未成功)”。6A.efforts BworksCbusinesses Dways答案:Aeffort表示“努力”。7A.say BtalkCtell Dadd答案:B老人总是谈起(talk about)他与妻子在一起的(甜蜜)岁月。8A.everything BanythingCsomething Dnothing答案:D每天老人不做任何事情

12、,只是回忆他与妻子(wife)的(美好)时光。do nothing but表示“除外,什么事情也不做”。9A.family BsonCdaughter Dwife答案:D参见8题解析。10A.pride BpowerClife Denergy答案:C他女儿描述说,她父亲就好像是一个没有生命(life)的人一样,只剩下悲伤和绝望。11A.wish BplanCsuggestion Dopinion答案:A他唯一的愿望(wish)就是他能随爱妻驾鹤西游。12A.succeeded BlostCfailed Ddied答案:D他放弃了活下去的希望,直到他最终死去(die)。succeed“成功”;l

13、ose“丢失”;fail“失败”,都与语境不符。13A.need BwantChelp Dlove答案:D此处是作者的感慨:一位87岁的老人对他的妻子的爱是如此之深以至于要放弃生活的希望,这真是一个感人(moving)的故事。14A.surprising BmovingCboring Ddisappointing答案:B参见13题解析。surprising表示“令人吃惊的”,boring表示“令人乏味的”,disappointing表示“令人失望的”,都不符合语境。15A.time BhourCnight Dmoment答案:Cevery day and every night是固定词组,表示

14、“日日夜夜,每日每夜”。16A.well BkindlyCcalmly Dbadly答案:D一些丈夫对他们的妻子很不好(badly)。17A.fewer BlongerCless Dbetter答案:B也有很多夫妻由于不再(no longer)相爱而分道扬镳。18A.understand BexpectCdoubt Dregret答案:A我也听说很多人“感情出轨”,但我有时无法理解(understand)他们最初是如何爱上对方的。19A.because BsoCif Dsince答案:C此处表示“老人的故事让我思索,如果我自己也能找到一个这么深爱我的人,我会给(give)她一切”。这里if引导的宾语从句作wonder的宾语。20A.give BmakeCsend Darrange答案:A参见19题解析。.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。Welcome to the Miami PlanetariumSchool Groups: $10.00 per perso


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