高中英语 True History of the Kelly Gang—— By Peter Carey素材

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《高中英语 True History of the Kelly Gang—— By Peter Carey素材》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 True History of the Kelly Gang—— By Peter Carey素材(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、True History of the Kelly Gang By Peter Carey2 days later Dan & me was on our way to visit our sister Maggie we approached Eleven Mile Creek like black fellows in the night. There were a 1/4 moon some fast moving cloud permitted sufficient light to show the familiar bosom shape of Bald Hills. Behind

2、 them we knew 20 police was now encamped each one sworn by secret oath to avenge their dead companions.Everything at home were devastation the dark shadow of my mothers 1st hut looked damned forsaken. Closer still were the hut I built so she might escape the stinky mans curse though the arresting tr

3、aps had dragged her from it anyway. We knew this 2nd hut also abandoned but as we passed there were a ghostly yellow light flickering beneath the door. I reined in my mare.Come on said Dan lets go.The hair of my own neck were upright when I come beneath the peppercorn tree but through the 8 pane win

4、dow I seen a female figure walking back and forth a saucepan in her hand. When Dan plucked at my elbow I shrugged him off. From the saucepan rose a cloud of dense yellow smoke though I were more concerned with that crow black hair that white skin and in my confusion imagined it were my mother unexpe

5、ctedly made free. I felt a bolt of joy the weight of worry lifting off me.Ma I shouted.Jesus Christ moaned Dan please lets go.But the woman heard my cry she turned and to my shock it was Mary Hearn.Its Ned I called.Shut up shut up Dan begged Jesus Christ do you want the whole effing police force to

6、know you are here?Mary Hearn come out on the veranda. Is it you she whispered.It is.It aint safe said she.I looked to Dan he sighed and drew his Webley. As he turned to keep the watch I entered the hut it were filled with sulphur smoke little George lay in his box upon the floor his face very red &

7、shining his yellow brown eyes staring at the candlelight.What ails the little one?Mary did not reply.Why are you by yourself all alone?I dont bother anyone here I can keep the smoke up to him all the night.Did you read about me in the newspapers Mary?She moved a little to her left so she were in a d

8、irect line between me and her child.Mary I would never kill no one unless I had to.She shook her head.They would have shot me if I didnt shoot them 1st.She tried to smile. I prayed for you said she.I shot them fair and square Mary.She starting fossicking on the high shelf where the demijohns of oils

9、 & turpentine was stored she produced a scrap of newspaper and by peering v. close I seen there were a drawing of a demonic kind of man.Read it. 注:原文有一些拼写和语法错误,也没有太多标点,这是全书的风格,以表现主人公文化不高。 获奖译文 英译中 凯利帮真史彼得.凯里作者:phoenixx两天后我和丹去看望我们的姊妹玛吉,我们俩像潜伏在夜色中的黑人一样来到了十一里湾,天上悬着一牙新月,不时有飘得飞快的云彩遮住月亮,但借着模糊的月光,贝尔德山乳房般熟悉


11、味盘中升起一阵黄色的浓烟,虽然我注意到那个身影有着乌鸦羽毛一般的黑发和白皙的皮肤,但心里还是疑惑着莫不是妈妈被意外释放出来了。我感到一阵兴奋,焦虑像千斤巨石从心中卸下。“妈!”我叫了起来。“看在上帝的份上,”丹咆哮起来,“我们走吧!” 但是那个女人听到了我的喊声转过身来,我十分震惊的发现原来是玛丽.赫瑞。“我是奈德,”我叫道。“闭嘴,闭嘴,”丹央求道,“上帝啊,你是不是想让所有该死的警察都知道你在这里?”玛丽. 赫瑞走出到门廊上来,“真的是你吗?”她悄声问道。“是我”“这里不安全。”她说道。我向丹使眼色,他叹了口气拔出他的韦伯利手枪。眼看着他转过身去放风,我走进了小棚屋,里面弥漫着硫磺烟。小乔

12、治躺在地板上的小盒子里,小脸通红发亮,棕黄色的小眼珠盯着烛火。“小家伙怎么了?”玛丽没有回答。“你怎么一个人在这里?”“我在这儿能整晚给他熏硫磺烟,这样不会影响到任何人。”“你从报纸上知道我的消息了,玛丽?”她往左边挪了挪,刚好站在我和她的孩子中间。“玛丽,我是迫不得已才杀人的。”她摇了摇头。“如果我不先开枪,他们就会先杀了我。”她试图挤出一个微笑来,“我一直在为你祈祷,”她说。“我杀他们杀得光明正大,合情合理,玛丽!”她开始在那个放着油瓶和松油瓶的高架子上摸索,摸出一张从报纸上裁下来的纸片,我凑近一看,上面画着一副凶神恶煞的男人像。“你自个儿读读看吧。” 参考译文 英译中 凯利帮真史彼得凯里


14、锅走来走去。丹扯了扯我的胳膊,我耸了耸肩,没好气地把他甩开。一团黄颜色的烟气从平锅里升起 。尽管我一直惦记着满头乌发、皮肤白皙的玛丽,可是慌乱中,我仿佛觉得那是妈妈。出乎意料,他们把她放出来了。我高兴极了,心中的焦虑抛到九霄云外。“妈!”我喊了一声。“啊,耶稣基督,”丹哼哼了一声。“快走吧!”屋里的女人听见我的叫声转过脸来。我万分惊讶地发现,原来是玛丽赫恩!“是我,内德!”我大声说。“住嘴!住嘴!”丹求我。“耶稣基督,难道你想让所有警察都知道你在这儿吗?”玛丽赫恩走到门廊。“真是你吗?”她压低嗓门儿说。“是。”“你来这儿可太不安全了,”她说。我看了一眼丹。他叹了一口气,拔出手枪,转身望风去了。

15、我走进茅屋,屋子里缭绕着硫磺烟。小乔治躺在一个盒子里,满脸通红,黄褐色的眼睛盯着烛光。“小家伙怎么了?”玛丽没有回答。“你为什么一个人呆在这儿?”“我不想打扰任何人。在这儿可以让硫磺烟整夜熏着他。”“你从报上看到我的事儿了吗,玛丽?”她往左边挪动了一下,这样就正好站到我和孩子中间。“玛丽,不到万不得已的时候,我绝对不会杀人。”她摇了摇头。“如果我不先打死他们,他们就会打死我。”她努力做出一个微笑。“我一直在为你祈祷。”她说。“我向他们开火的时候, 没有占什么便宜,也没耍什么诡计,完全是在公平合理的情况下互相交火的,玛丽。”她在那个挺高的架子上摸索着找什么东西。架子上放着盛油和松脂的坛坛罐罐。她拿下一卷报纸,我就着昏暗的灯光吃力地看着。报纸上画着一个魔鬼似的人。“读吧。”用最恰当的中文再现作者原意我看到的本期参赛作品,从总体上讲质量还不错。我觉得主要问题还是中文表达。比如有的译者把my mothers 1st hut 翻译成“妈妈的一号茅房”。译者或许不懂得 “茅房”的意思是“厕所”,结果就出现这样可笑的错误。而且是“妈妈的一号茅房”,似乎妈妈还会有个二号“茅房”。把1/4moon翻译成“天上挂着个四分之一的月亮”,“月亮只有1/4大小”。其


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