高中英语 BBC听力10月合辑(文本+翻译)1027素材

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1、BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.斯图尔特麦金塔为你播报BBC新闻。Angry mourners at the funeral of the assassinated Lebanese security chief, Wissam al-Hassan, have tried to march on the government headquarters in central Beirut. They clashed with police who fired tear gas and shot into the air. The BBCs Wyre Davies

2、is in Beirut.在黎巴嫩被暗杀情报部长哈桑的葬礼上,愤怒的哀悼者试图一路游行到贝鲁特中心政府大楼。他们与警察发生了冲突,警察动用了催泪弹,还向天空开枪。Wyre Davies在贝鲁特报道。As todays funeral drew to a close, fired by the rhetoric of some speakers around 100 protesters marched on the government palace in Beirut demanding the resignation of Prime Minister, Najib Mikati. Tea

3、r gas was fired there was a big police presence, and a handful of people were injured, but the crowd soon dispersed. In a wake of last weeks car bombing, many Lebanese accused the government of failing to protect the country from interference by neighbouring Syria. If the civil war across the border

4、 intensifies, the big fear is it will inevitably spread to the streets of Lebanon.今天的葬礼快结束时,受到演说家的感染,大约100名抗议者赶往贝鲁特政府大楼,要求总理纳吉布米卡提辞职。出动了大批警察,动用了催泪弹,伤及数人,人群很快就被驱散了。由于上周的汽车爆炸案,许多黎巴嫩人谴责政府在保护本国免受邻国叙利亚干涉上无能为力。如果叙利亚的内战进一步加剧,最大的担心就是它会不可避免地蔓延到黎巴嫩的大街上。President Ahmadinejad of Iran has been prevented from vis

5、iting notorious ever in prison in the north of the capital Tehran. The president had asked to visit the prison earlier this month soon after one of his closest aides was arrested for allegedly insulting other Iranian leaders. Kasra Naji reports.伊朗总统内贾德要求访问首都德黑兰北部臭名昭著的监狱,结果遭拒。总统本月初要求访问这座监狱,因为他的一位亲密助手

6、据说因侮辱伊朗其他领导人被捕。Kasra Naji报道。A spokesman for the Judiciary has said there are more important issues facing the country, like the state of the economy and the rising prices. A presidential visit to the prison, he added, will give a wrong impression of the priorities of Irans top officials. The episode

7、 shows the declining standing of President Ahmadinejad in Iran just eight months before the end of his term in office.司法部发言人称伊朗面临很多重要问题,比如国民经济和上涨的物价。他说总统访问监狱会让人认为伊朗的高级官员无法处理优先权的问题。这段风波显示将于8月后离任的总统内贾德的地位在下降。Police in Kuwait city have used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse demonstrators who gathe

8、red to march towards the government headquarters. Police tried to prevent protesters gathering at three sites in the capital. On Saturday, Kuwaiti opposition groups called on their supporters to take to the streets to protest against changes in the electoral law which they described as a coup agains

9、t the constitution.科威特城的警察使用催泪弹和眩晕手榴弹驱赶前往政府大楼抗议的游行者,警察试图阻止抗议者在首都的三个地点聚集。周六,科威特反对派组织呼吁支持者走上街头抗议修改选举法,他们称此举违反了宪法。The death has been announced in the United States of George McGovern, the former senator and Democratic Party presidential candidate, best known for his early opposition to the Vietnam war.

10、 He was 90. Steve Kingstone has this report.美国宣布前参议员兼民主党总统候选人乔治麦戈文的死讯,麦戈文因早期反对越南战争而知名。他享年90岁。Steve Kingstone报道。For decades the name of McGovern was synonymous with defeat, but in death that judgement has been revised. Those who knew George McGovern depicted compassionate, principled man, who opposed

11、 Vietnam because he himself had lived the horrors combat as a bomber pilot during World War Two. Senator McGovern has described Richard Nixon as the most corrupt president in the American history, but he was ahead of the curve for although the Water Gate scandal had broken, he had yet to reach the O

12、val Office door. Two years later, Nixon became the first American president to resign, prompting a popular bumper sticker, it read: dont blame me, I voted for McGovern.几十年来,麦戈文的名字等同于失败,但是他死后对他的评价就变了。了解乔治麦戈文的人说他是个有同情心、有原则的人,说他反对越南战争是因为他在二战的恐怖战争中做过轰炸机飞行员。参议员麦戈文曾称理查德尼克松是美国历史上最腐败的总统,但尽管爆发了水门事件,尼克松仍然遥遥领先

13、,麦戈文没有当选。两年后,尼克松成为首位辞职的美国总统,大街上突然流行起一种保险杠招贴,上面写道:别怪我,我当时支持的是麦戈文。Jordan says it has foiled what it called a major terror plot and state television said security forces has detained 11 suspects. Jordanian officials said the group believed to have links with al-Qaeda was planning attacks on shopping ce

14、nters, residential areas and foreign nationals. The television said the plotters had planned to bring weapons and explosives into Jordan from Syria.约旦称挫败了一起重大的恐怖阴谋,国家电视台称安全部队逮捕了11名嫌犯。约旦官员称,据悉与基地组织有关联的该组织计划对购物中心、居民区和外国人发动袭击。电视台称阴谋者曾计划将武器和弹药从叙利亚带到约旦。Police in the American state of Wisconsin say a man

15、has shot dead three people in a spa near a shopping mall in the city of Brookfield. The police have named a suspect. A bomb squad has been sent to the scene following a report that the explosive device has been found there.美国威斯康星洲警方称一名男子在布鲁克菲尔德一家温泉开枪打死3人。警方指名道姓提到一名嫌犯,据悉在那里发现有爆炸装置,为此已派去一支爆炸小组前往现场。Pre

16、liminary results following parliamentary voting in two Spanish regions suggested the ruling centre-right Madrid government has largely held up its support despite its austerity policies aimed at ending Spains economic and unemployment crisis. In Galicia, the Home of the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, his Peoples party looked likely to retain an absolute majority. In the Basque Country, nationalists and


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