高中英语 BBC听力10月合辑(文本+翻译)1024素材

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1、BBC News with Sue Montgomery.Sue Montgomery为你播报BBC新闻。The Colombian government and the Farc rebel group have begun peace talks in the Norwegian capital Oslo to try to end half a century of conflict. Farc negotiator has called for a comprehensive deal to achieve lasting peace, but the chief government

2、 negotiator reaffirmed that battle against the left-wing rebels would continue until they agree to give up their weapons. Arturo Wallace was watching from Bogota.哥伦比亚政府和Farc叛军组织开始在挪威首都奥斯陆进行和平谈判,试图结束长达半个世纪的冲突。Farc协商者呼吁达成综合性协议以实现永久和平,但政府首席协商者重申要继续打击左翼叛军,直到他们同意放下武器为止。阿图罗华莱士在波哥大报道。Betrayals like all Col

3、ombians turned into watch this part of process that many believe could finally put an end to a conflict that had lasted for almost five decades. Through their radios and TV sets, they heard the governments main negotiator, Humberto de la Calle, saying it was a moment of hope and Farc Ivan Marquez in

4、sisting the guerrillas were seeking a stable and lasting peace. We come with an olive branch in our hands, promised the rebels main negotiator., but the occasion showcased the huge distance still separating the parties.所有哥伦比亚人都打开电视观看这一过程,他们认为这将结束持续近半个世纪的冲突。借助收音机和电视机,他们听到政府首席协商者温贝托德拉卡称这是个充满希望的时刻,Farc

5、的伊凡马奎斯坚称该游击队努力实现稳定和持久和平。叛军的主要协商者说,“我们是带着橄榄枝来的,但是这个场合仍显示双方之间存在巨大差异。”Shares in Google have been suspended after falling sharply following release of the companys third-quarter results. Google shares in New York were down 9.1% after results showed profits for the third-quarter fell by a fifth. Adam Bro

6、oks reports.谷歌公布第三季度业绩后,该公司的股价急剧下降,目前已停止下跌。有结果显示谷歌第三季度的利润下跌了1/5,之后该公司在纽约的股价就下跌了9.1%。亚当布鲁克斯报道。Google had intended to release its earnings report after the close of trading, but the report was putted out early by mistake, it showed that Googles earnings fell by around 20% in the third-quarter when com

7、pared to the same period a year ago, to just over $2bn. Googles share price immediately began to fall until trading was halted. Analysts said that cost related the acquisition of Motorola and the strong dollar had contributed to the fall in earnings.谷歌曾想在交易结束时公布收益报告,但由于失误这份报告被提前公布,报告显示与一年前同期相比,谷歌第三季

8、度的收益下跌了近20%,仅超过20亿美元。谷歌的股价很快下跌,直到交易结束。分析家称收益下降的原因是收购了摩托罗拉以及强美元。European leaders are holding a summit in Brussels to discuss further moves to resolve the Euro crisis. As they gathered, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for the EU to have real rights to intervene in a national budget of membe

9、r states, but the French President Francois Holland said it would be banking rather than the budget that would be discussed.欧洲领导人在布鲁塞尔举行峰会,讨论解决欧元危机要进行的下一步动作。他们会和后,德国总理安吉拉默克尔呼吁欧盟有权干预成员国的国家预算,但法国总统弗朗索瓦奥朗德称要谈论的是银行业而非预算问题。The topic for the council is not budget union, but banking union, so the only deci

10、sion which we are going to take, which we are going to confirm even. Its the establishment for the banking union before the end of the year, and notably the first step which is banking supervision.委员会要讨论的不是预算联盟,而是银行联盟,所以这是我们要采取的唯一决定,也是我们要确定的事。要在年底前建立银行联盟,可能要采取的第一个步骤就是银行业监督。Germany and France differ

11、over how quickly a banking union should be introduced and Mrs. Merkel had a brief talks that started the meeting with Mr. Holland.德国和法国在引入银行业联盟的时间问题上有分歧,会议开始前,默克尔和奥朗德进行了简短对话。Tens of thousands of Greeks have been protesting in Athens where a general strike has been held over the next round of governm

12、ents spending cuts. Riot police stationed outside the parliament have used tear gas and stun grenades against demonstrators throwing bottles and stones. Its the second general strike in a month, services, including transport and schools, have been badly affected.数万希腊人在雅典举行全国性大罢工,抗议政府第二轮开支削减计划。驻扎在议会外

13、的防暴警察动用催泪弹和眩晕手榴弹来对付投掷石块和瓶子的游行者。这是这个月内的第二次大罢工,服务业、运输业、学校都受到严重影响。The United State government has offered award above to $12m for information on the whereabouts of two Iran based men alleged to be financial backers of al-Qaeda. The US says the men are key figures in the transfer of funds and extremists

14、 through Iran to Iraq and Afghanistan.美国政府悬赏1200万美元,提供给能提供两名据悉向基地组织提供财政援助的两名伊朗人的下落的人。美国称这两人是帮助在伊朗、伊拉克和阿富汗之间转移资金和极端分子的关键人物。Police in Kuwait have arrested two prominent opposition politicians for making statements deemed critical of the emir. The former members of parliaments spoke at a rally as early

15、 as this month protesting over possible changes to an election law. On Monday several people were wounded when opposition activists and police clashed at a large anti-government rally. Kuwait is due to hold an election soon after the emir dissolved parliament last week.科威特警方逮捕了两名著名的反对派政客,称他们发表声明批评其埃

16、米尔。这两名前议会议员本月初发表集会演讲,抗议对选举法可能进行的修改。周一,反对派活动人士和警方在一次大型反政府集会中发生冲突,导致数人受伤。上周埃米尔解散了议会,科威特将举行选举。Rwanda has been elected to a two-year seat on the United Nations Security Council starting from next year. A recent UN report accused Rwanda of providing troops, weapons and advice to anti-government rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo where UN peacekeepers are deployed. Rwanda denies the a


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