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1、第8课时八年级上册Unit 4,考点一 辨析think about与think of 【课文原句】 Hey,Wang Wei,what are you thinking about?嘿,王伟,你在想什么?(八上P81) (1)think about意为“考虑,思考”,与think of意思相近。如: Theyre thinking about/of buying a new car.他们正在考虑买一辆新车。,(2)think of意为“想起,想到;对有想法”时与think about不同。如: Lei Feng was always thinking of others.雷锋总是为别人着 想。

2、 What do you think of the movie?你认为这部电影怎么样?,考点二 must的用法 【课文原句】 The pigs must be the fattest and laziest animals on the farm. 猪肯定是农场里最胖最懒的动物。 (八上P82),must情态动词,“准是;一定”,在这里表示一种肯定的推 测。 Mary must have some trouble; she keeps crying over there. 玛丽肯定遇到了什么麻烦,她不停地在那儿哭泣。 There is someone at the door. It must

3、be Liu Lin.有人在敲 门。肯定是刘琳。,【注意】 must只有在肯定句中才表示肯定的推测,在疑问句或否定句中要用can。 Look at the young lady in red. Is it Mrs. King?看那个穿红衣服的年轻女士。是金太太吗? No.It cant be her. She is wearing a white dress today.不,不可能是她。她今天穿着白色的连衣裙。 Can/Could it be true?那会/可能是真的吗?,1(2018四川乐山中考)Why _ we close that chemical factory? Because i

4、t has caused lots of pollution. We need better environment. Amust Bcan Cmay Dshould,A,2(2018福建考前卷A卷)Karl _ have seen this movie many times, because he remembers all these names so clearly. But he only watched it one time yesterday. Amight Bneed Cmust Dcan,C,考点三 both的用法 【课文原句】 I like both plants and

5、animals.植物和动物我都 喜欢。(八上P83) (1)both常位于be动词、情态动词之后,实义动词、名词之前。 They are both teachers.他们两个都是老师。 They both come from China.他们两个都来自中国。 Both of us are tall.我们俩都高。,(2)both.and.“和都;不但而且;既 又”,通常连接两个并列的成分。连接两个并列主语 时,谓语动词用复数。 Both my mother and my father like playing pingpong. 我爸爸妈妈都喜欢打乒乓球。 He can both sing an

6、d dance.他既会唱歌又会跳舞。,(3)辨析both与all,【注意】 1both和all均可单独作主语,谓语为复数形式。 2both和all都可与of连用,后跟名词复数。,3(2018吉林长春中考)Dumplings are very delicious. _ of my parents like them. AAll BBoth CNone DNeither,B,4(2018湖北武汉中考)Do you know where the last two pictures went? A millionaire bought _ of them. He thought they were w

7、orth. Aeither Beach Cnone Dboth,D,考点四 feed的用法 【课文原句】 They feed on bamboo.(八上P87) feed. to.把喂给吃。 Please feed some grass to the cow.请给牛喂点草。 feed. on.用喂。on后接表示食物或饲料的名 词,on可与with替换。 She feeds the baby on/with milk.她用牛奶喂婴儿。,feed on. 以为食,靠为生。on后通常接表示食物或饲料的名词。 The blue whale feeds on one of the smallest an

8、imals.蓝鲸以某种最小的动物为食。,考点五 turn短语 【课文原句】 turn off the gas and lights 关掉燃气和灯(八上P94) (1)turn off意为“断掉(电流、煤气、水等);关闭”。宾语是代词时,要放在turn和off之间。 Please turn off the light.请关上灯。,You must turn off the light when you go to sleep.你睡觉时必须关灯。 I cant hear the radio. Could you please turn it up a little? 我听不见收音机的声音。你能调大

9、声一点儿吗? Do you mind turning down the music?你介意把音乐声调小一点儿吗?,(3)辨析turn on与open, turn off与close,5(2018重庆中考B卷改编)Please _ the TV. Its time to go to bed. Aturn on Bturn off Cput on Dturn in,B,考点六 find out/information的用法 【课文原句】 Mm, let me find out the information online. 嗯,让我了解世界上正在发生什么事。(八上P97) (1)find out,

10、 find, look for的区别,Please find out where they live.请查清他们住哪儿。 I cant find the car key.我找不到车钥匙了。 Im looking for Steve. Have you seen him?我在找史蒂夫。你见过他吗?,(2)information不可数名词,意为“消息;信息”,通常不与冠词连用。表示“一条信息”用a piece of information;“两条信息”用two pieces of information。 I dont have any information about it.我没有这方面的信息

11、。 He asked me for some information.他向我索取了一些信息。,(3)辨析information, news与message,6My radio didnt work yesterday. I read the instructions carefully and _ what was wrong with it. Afound out Btried on Cmade up Dtried out,A,考点七 more and more结构 【课文原句】 Im sure the Internet will become more and more important

12、 to us.我确信互联网对于我们来说会变得越来越重要。(八上P97),“越来越”的表达方式 “more and more双音节或多音节形容词/副词”或“(单音节词)比较级and比较级”,表示“越来越”;“more and more名词”,意为“越来越多的”。 Your city is becoming cleaner and cleaner.你们的城市正在变得越来越干净。 More and more students are coming to our school.越来越多的学生来我们学校。,7, the president of China, has made some policies

13、 to overcome poverty. Yes, my village has changed a lot! The peoples life has become _ Aricher and richer Bmore rich and more rich Cmore and more rich Drichest and richest,A,考点八 “put. into.”的用法 【课文原句】 A reporter said that scientists could put little computers right into our heads.一名记者说科学家能把小型电脑放进我们的

14、头里。(八上P99) put. into.意为“把放进”。 Mother put some salt into soup.母亲在汤里放了些盐。,【拓展】 与put相关的短语 put away把收起来put on穿上put off 推迟;拖延 put up建造;搭起(帐篷)put up with(忍受),8(2018四川达州中考)Have you heard of the big fire that broke out at Hao Yixing Clothes Market on June 2nd? Yes. Luckily, hundreds of firemen immediately d

15、rove there and _ the fire. Aput off Bput away Cput out Dput down,C,考点九 “疑问词动词不定式”的用法 【课文原句】 For example,at online grammer websites, there is advice about how to correct your English grammer.例如,在英语网站上,有一些关于怎样改正你的英语语法的建议。(八上P103),本句中how to correct your English grammer是“疑问词动词不定式”结构,作介词about的宾语。“疑问词动词不定

16、式”结构还常在句中作主语、宾语补足语、表语等。 Where to go is a problem.去哪里是一个问题。(主语) I know where to find the key.我知道在哪儿找到钥匙。(宾语) The question is how to learn English well.问题是如何学好英语。(表语),9(2016四川成都中考)Ill have a tenday holiday. But I dont know _ How about Paris? Awhat to do Bwhere to go Cwhen to go Dhow to go,B,10(2019预测)I dont know what _ for my little sister. A skirt is OK. Abuy Bbuying Cto buy Dbought,C,


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