Australian History 澳大利亚历史课件

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《Australian History 澳大利亚历史课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Australian History 澳大利亚历史课件(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Australian HISTORY,From the Aborigines to today,Early History,Aborigines Arrived 50,000 years ago from Southeast Asia Nomadic Hunter - gatherers and used fire as a hunting tool firestick farming Religion was unique connected to the land reincarnation,Discovery and Exploration,Europeans did not disco

2、ver Australia until 1606! Dutch people discovered Australia Tasmania In 1770 Britain formally claimed the continent,European Settlement,Problems in Britain. There was not enough food, space, or jobs. CRIME! Convicts needed to be put somewhere else January 26, 1788, the 1st permanent settlement was e

3、stablished Life was NOT easy. This started Australias most important industry Breeding sheep for wool!,Colonization,Laid the foundation of what the Australian society is today More cities along the east coast More sheep and cattle farms,1851 - Discovery of Gold,Led to increase of immigrants from all

4、 over the world Next 20 years, 40,000 Chinese men and over 9,000 women (mostly Cantonese) immigrated,What is a Federation? a union between states or regions States have mutual concerns or interests. Federation creates stability that brings the territories closer.,The Road Toward Federation,The Road

5、Toward FederationWHY?,Australia suffered a great depression Unite markets and government to help economy Make uniform laws about immigration Afraid that other European countries may invade or try to take over Australia,The 20th Century,1901 - Commonwealth of Australia Becomes a dominion of the Briti

6、sh Empire, BUT governs itself share with the United Kingdom the same person as their monarch (Have the same Queen as the UK),1901 - Immigration Restriction Act,Restricts non-European immigrants “White Australia Policy” dictation test, write out 50 words dictated to them in any European language,WWI,

7、Fought for the United Kingdom ALL members of the army were VOLUNTEERS Australia fought in some of the bloodiest battles Economy and industry grew rapidly ANZAC Day(Australian-New Zealand Army Corps) Day,Great Depression,VERY bad in the beginning of the 1930s Main Causes: External (Outside) wool and

8、wheat prices no more overseas loans Internal (Inside) Causes made it worse Drought (NO water) Already weakened economy Some states wanted to break from federation,WWII,Different than WWI Fighting in Australia Australia begins to think independently instead of following the UK,Post WWII,Employment ra

9、te of nearly 100% ! Australia is BOOMING the people are happy and the country has many natural resources Fear develops Huge country, few people The slogan “Populate or Perish” comes to life,ANZUS Treaty,First treaty signed with a foreign country United States and New Zealand Treaty to protect each o

10、ther, support the others in case of war,Australia Today,Become a very progressive nation Fully embraces diversity Racial Discrimination Act, illegal to look at race during immigration Language programs for non-English speakers Emphasizes education through discovery and questioning,Reading and Homework,Reading Study for midterm Homework Study for midterm,


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