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1、第 1 页 共 3 页 高中英语复合句中的相似句 一、相似句典例 1. a. Is this the research center _ you visited the modern equipment last year? b. Is this research center _ you visited the modern equipment last year? A. what B. that C. where D. which 析: a 答案为C。译:这是你(们)去年在该处参观现代化设备的研究中心吗? 这是一个含有定语从句的主从复合句。该句主语是this, 表语是the researc

2、h center 。 我 们首先确定先行词是the research center,它和定语从句形成了这样的逻辑关系:. visited the modern equipment in the research center. 或者我们可以理解为:定语从句缺少地点状语,这个 状语就是in the research center (= in which = where )那么此题答案只能是C,关系副词在定 语从句中作状语。D 选项中缺少了介词in。 b 答案为C。译:这个研究中心是你(们)去年参观现代化设备的地方吗? 这是一个含有表语从句的主从复合句。该句主语是this research cen

3、ter,因为research center 前须有限定词this 修饰。这样一来,is 后就是一个表语从句了。选 A 时 what 与 the modern equipment 同时作visited 的宾语,成分重复、多余,故排除;选B 时 that 引导的 从句是一个陈述的事实(你(们) 去年参观了现代化设备),主语、 表语搭配不当, 故排除; D 选项无论从语法还是含义均不符合英语表达习惯。 2a. Is this the research center _ you visited last year? b. Is this research center _ you visited la

4、st year? A. what B. that C. where D. which 析: a 答案为B 或 D。译:这是你(们)去年参观的那个研究中心吗? 这是一个含有定语从句的主从复合句。该句主语是this,表语是the research center ,定 语从句修饰的先行词是the research center,它和定语从句形成了这样的逻辑关系:. visited the research center. 或者我们可以理解为:定语从句缺少的是谓语动词visited 的宾语, 这个 宾语就是the research center , 所以空白处应选填关系代词that 或 which 引

5、导定语从句且作 宾语。 b 答案为A。译:这个研究中心是你(们)去年参观的那个吗? 这是一个含有表语从句的主从复合句。该句主语是this research center, is 后是一个表 语从句,且从句部分缺少宾语,所以所选连接词必须能作visited 的宾语。 B、C 两个选项 能引导表语从句,但that 在从句中不作成分,没有含义;where 引导从句在从句中一般作 状语,因此B、 C 排除。 D 项能引导表语从句,且在从句中作宾语,但含义是“ 哪一个 ” , 与题意不符。综上所述,答案为A,what 此处相当于the one (that), 含义是: “ 的那 一个 ” 。 3a. I

6、s this the research center _ you paid a visit to last year? b. Is this/ the research center _ you paid a visit last year? A. what B. that C. where D. which 析: a 答案为B 或 D。译:这是你(们)去年参观的那个研究中心吗? 解释同上述第2 题 a,只不过此题关系代词在定语从句中作介词to 的宾语。 b 答案为C。译:这个研究中心是你(们)在那儿进行参观的地方吗? 该句主语是this/ the research center ,this

7、或 the 是 research center 的限定语,二者不 可分开。 paid a visit 是一个不及物的短语动词,因此不能选what, that, which 作它的宾语。 where 在这里引导表语从句,是一个连词,译作:“ 的地方 ” 。 试对比下列两句中where 的用法: 第 2 页 共 3 页 Is this research center where you paid a visit last year? where 是一个连接词,引导表语从句 Is this research center the place where you paid a visit last y

8、ear? where 是一个关系副词,引导定语从句 上述两句意思相同:这个研究中心是你(们)去年参观的地方吗? 连接词where = the place where(关系副词 ) + 主语+ 不及物动词或系动词。 4a. Is this the day_ you visited the modern equipment last year? b. Is this the day _ you spent together last year? c. Is this day _ you spent together last year? d. Is this/ the day_ you staye

9、d in Beijing last year? A. what B. that C. when D. which 析: a. 答案为C。译:这就是你(们)去年参观现代化设备的那一天吗? 该句主语是this,表语是the day, 我们首先确定先行词是the day,它和定语从句部分 形成了这样的逻辑关系:. visited the modern equipment on the day. 或者我们可以理解为: 定语从句缺少地点状语,这个状语就是on the day(= on which = when )那么此题答案只能 是 C,D 中缺少了介词on。 b 答案为B 或 D。译:这就是你们去年在

10、一起度过的那一天吗? 解释同2 中的a 句,和visited 一样,这里spent 为及物动词,它和the day 形成动 宾关系,所以应由关系代词that 或 which 来引导定语从句。 c 答案为A。译:这一天就是你们去年在一起度过的那一天吗? 解释同2 中的b 句,主语是this day,what 引导表语从句且在从句中作spent 的宾 语。 d 答案为C。译:这一天就是你(们)去年呆在北京的那一天吗? 解释同3 中的b 句,定语从句部分和先行词形成了这样的逻辑关系:. stayed in Beijing on the day.( on the day = on which = wh

11、en),因此,答案为C。 二、变换句式,轻松理解 如果我们将上述三组句子变成陈述语序的答语,看起来就更直观些。 1This is the research center _ we/I visited the modern equipment last year. 2This research center is _ we/I visited the modern equipment last year. 3This is the research center _ we/I visited last year. 4This research center is _ we/I visited l

12、ast year. 5This is the research center _ we/I paid a visit to last year. 6This/The research center is _ we/I paid a visit last year. 7This is the day _ we/I visited the modern equipment last year. 8This is the day _ we spent together last year. 9This day is _ we spent together last year. 10This/ The

13、 day is _ we/I stayed in Beijing last year. A. what B. that /which C. where D. when 答案: 1C 2C 3B 4A 5B 6C 7D 8B 9A 10D 三、巩固训练,从 A、B、C、 D 中选出最佳答案 1. That is the reason _ he gave us for carrying out the plan. A. because B. why C. when D. which 第 3 页 共 3 页 2. Is this the place _ Lenin once lived. A. th

14、at B. which C. where D. when 3. Is this museum _ they visited last month? A. that B. where C. which D. the one 4. Is this the museum _ they visited last month? A. when B. where C. which D. the one 5. Is this the factory _ you worked three years ago? A. that B. where C. / D. which 6. Is that museum _

15、 we went last year? A. that B. where C. in which D. the one 7. This is the factory _ we visited last year. A. where B. that C. the one D. at which 8. This is the factory _ my father is working at. A. where B. which C. the one D. in which 9. This is the factory _ produced color TV sets. A. where B. / C. that D. in which 10. This is the factory _ _ color TV. sets are produced. A. where B. / C. that D. which 11. Is this school _ we visited last year? A. that B. which C. where D. the one 12. Is this the school _ we paid a visit to last year? A. that B. in which C. where D.


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