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1、Unit 1Topic 1Section C1 八年级上册教案设计 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 I m going to play basketball. Section C . Materialanalysis 本课时的主要活动为1a和 2a。 Section A 谈论了运动计划,Section B 谈论了运动爱好及梦想,Section C 将计划、 梦想付诸实践行动,并谈到了参与各种运动的意义。通过介绍Ann 的运动习惯,呈现了 重点短语: spendtime (in) doing sth, be good at doing sth, take part i

2、n +activity 等。通过 Ann 主动参与校运会,引出本课将来时涉及的语法句型:There is going to be 在谈论运动 的意义时, 运用了 It sgood for 句型,出现了重点短语: make sb./ sth +adj, keep sb./ sth. +adj, keep fit / keephealthy 等。学以致用, 本课要求学生能模仿Ann 的运动习惯, 写出自 己的一周运动安排并付诸行动,鼓励学生积极参与学校运动会等集体活动,将集体主义 精神潜移默化地渗透到课堂教学中。 . Teaching aims Knowledge aims: 1. 能根据音标,正

3、确朗读出单词表中的单词及短语: jump, spend,baseball,be good at, weekend, part, take part in, be good for, all over, heart, lung, fit , keep fit, supper 2. 能在老师的引导下,分音节读出多音节单词或一些读音较难的短语: exercise,world, the day after tomorrow, healthy, relax 3. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中黑体单词。 4. 能准确把握单数第三人称做主语时谓语的变化形式,并能谈论他人的运动爱好和梦 想以及一周运动安排。 5.

4、 能模仿本课课文,写出自己或他人一周的体育活动安排。 Skill aims: 1. 能听懂本课文本材料以及与运动相关的交际用语。 2. 能正确地口头介绍自己和他人平时的运动安排。 3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,准确把握语音、语调及连读,并能读相关的材料。 4. 能正确模仿本课课文,写出自己或他人一周日常的体育活动安排。 Emotional aims: 学生能模仿课文写出自己的一周体育活动安排并付诸行动,鼓励学生要学习Ann, 养成 健康而规律的生活习惯。 Unit 1Topic 1Section C2 . The key points and difficultpoints Key poin

5、ts: 1. 有关体育活动及户外活动的短语。 2. 重点短语的用法,如:spend in/on ,take part in ,There is going to be Difficultpoints: 1. spend time (in) doing sth./ spendtime on sth.; 2. make / keep sb./ sth. + adj ; 3. the differences between “ health”and“ healthy”; 4. There is going to be . Learningstrategies 1. 培养学生养成预习的习惯,提前预习单

6、词、朗读课文。 2. 训练学生整体阅读课文的习惯,有意识侧重训练学生的skimming和 scanning阅读技 巧。 . Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector Everyday saying: If you can tpass,you can tplay. (乔丹教练对乔丹说的话。) Unit 1Topic 1Section C3 . Teaching procedures Step Interaction pattern Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (7 minutes) 1.

7、 Thewholeclass work 2. Thewholeclass work 3. One or two students work 4. Thewholeclass work 1. Focus their attention on the teacher. 2. “ If you can tpass, you can tplay.”Read thesayingaloud. 3. One begins with “I like verymuch ”;the other begins with “ He /Shelikes verymuch ”. 4. The whole class re

8、tell in pairs. 1. Get studentsready for learning. 2. Show everyday saying for the students. (one saying aweek) 3. Call two studentsto report their homework. One reports something about himself/herself while the other reports somethingabouthis/her friend. 4. Teacheraskseachgroup to retell their homew

9、ork in pairs:A1-A2; B1-B2;C1-C2. Allthe students retell at the sametime and check eachothersessay. Teacherwalks around the classand helps the students when necessary. Unit 1Topic 1Section C4 Presentation (6 minutes) 1. Thewholeclass work 2. Thewholeclass work 3. Thewholeclass work 4. Thewholeclass w

10、ork 5. Thewholeclass work 6. Thewholeclass work 7. Thewholeclass work 8. Thewholeclass work 1. Studentslook at the picturesin 1b andguess, and choose out which sportAnnlikesverymuch. 2. Studentsfind out the sentence“ Ann likes sports very much ” at once. 3. Studentsscan the passagequickly, and find

11、out the sentence“ She goes cycling twice aweek.” 4. Studentsscan the passagequickly again, andfind out the sentence“ She spends half an hour exercising in the gym every day.” 5. Studentsscan the passagethe third time, andfind out “ The high jump andthe long jump.” 6. Studentsfill in the missing info

12、rmation in 1b. 7. Students readthepassage after the recording sentenceby sentence. 8. Studentsread at the samespeedasthe recording, imitating the pronunciation and the intonation. 1. Teacherlets the students finishthepre-reading task. 2. Teacherasksthe students to skim 1a andfind out the topic or ge

13、neralidea asquickly asthey can. 3. Teacherasksthe students to scan1a and answerthe question: How often does Ann go cycling? 4. Teacherasksthe students to scan1a again and answer the question: How long doesAnn spend exercising? 5. Teacherasksthe students to scan1a the third time and answerthe questio

14、n: What sports is Ann going to take part in? 6. Teacherasksthe students to read1a carefully and finish 1b. 7. Teacher playstherecording sentenceby sentence. 8. Teacher playstherecording without stopping. Unit 1Topic 1Section C5 Consolidation (15minutes) 1. The whole classwork 2. Group work 3. Thewho

15、leclass work and individual work 4. Thewholeclass work and individual work 5.Thewholeclass work 6.Thewholeclass work 1. Studentsread 1a carefully, trying to complete the missing parts in the sequence, oneby one.Students try to retell 1awithout books. 2. Six students retell 1a cooperatively . Eachstu

16、dent saysone sentence. 3. Studentstry to retell the wholepassageindividually. 4.Students describe the picturesin 1bindividually. 5.Students underlinethe language pointsin their booksanddothe exercises onthescreen. 6. Studentsread by themselves. 1. Finish 1c. Teacherasks the students to read1a to prepare for the retelling: the sequenceof 1a is on the blackboard: Ann goescycling twiceaweek goesmountain Sundays spends exercising learnsbaseball Saturdays plays well isgoodat isgoing to be


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