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1、战略管理公司开发国际货运代理市场的风险防范策略研究亚 洲 ( 澳 门 ) 国 际 公 开 大 学UNIVERSIDADEABERTAINTERNACIONALDAASIA(MACAU)Asia International Open University (Macau)工商管理硕士论文U 公司开发国际货运代理市场的风险防范策略研究学员姓名: 韦小丽学员编号: G0802-1601-0091导师姓名: 刘明菲教授深圳市华联工商管理进修学院2010 年 01 月谢辞论文的完成,得益于亚洲(澳门)国际公开大学老师的知识传授和深圳华联老师严谨的教学安排,使我收获了许多论文写作的知识积累与沉淀,感谢葛曙霞


3、另外,在问卷调查中,感谢给予我大力支持的领导们、同事们、朋友们,在你们力所能及的范围之内,给了我莫大的帮助;在论文初期得到 11 期班学姐林爱珍的帮忙,在此一并感谢。还有,特别感谢在个人访谈中,澳洲代理 SteveChristensen 先生论文期间对于风险防范观点的探讨与启发,再次深表谢意。在论文写作过程中,参考了有关书籍、论文、期刊文献,在这里一并向有关的作者表示诚挚的感谢和深深的敬意。最后,我还要感谢我的先生董学士,两年来对我在职学习的大力支持,我才得以工作之余全力投入学习,顺利完成学业。论文中的不足之处,敬请答辩老师斧正赐教,甚为感激。亚洲( 澳门) 国际公开大学UNIVERSIDAD

4、E ABERTA INTERNACIONAL DA ASIA(MACAU)Asia International Open University (Macau)版权和参考资料的引用声明Copyright and Declaration of Original AuthorshipU 公司开发国际货运代理市场的风险防范策略研究本人特此声明,此论文全为本人亲自撰写,并对所写的内容负责。论文中并没载有侵犯版权的资料。所有在论文中被直接套用或引述的资料来源和研究工具, 均已按照亚洲(澳门)国际公开大学工商管理硕士论文写作与答辩指引正确完整地详细注明。论文的内容并未有呈交本大学或其它大学作为获取学位之用。

5、本人同意将论文摆放在图书馆作参考,并同意作为校内教学及研究用途,但在引述时必须做ft适当的注明。I confirm that the material contained within this thesis is all my own work. Where the work of others has been drawn upon, it has been properly acknowledged and referenced according to the rules set by the “Research and Oral Examination Guideline for M

6、BA Thesis, the Asia International Open University (Macau).” No material in this thesis has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other university. I agree that this thesis can be available for reference in library as well as internal teaching and researching

7、 use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from this thesis may be cited without proper acknowledgement.学生姓名 Name of Student: 韦 小 丽 学生签名 Signed:()递交日期 Date of Submission: 二一年一月中文摘要随着世界经济的发展,国际货运代理的业务量快速增长,客户的个性化需求也随之提高。特别是近几年,货运市场服务项目日趋多元化和复杂化,在为客户提供便利服务的同时,企业管理上也f

8、t现越来越多不可控的风险因素,国际货运代理市场不可避免地会遇到一系列不确定因素带来的风险,如何积极识别风险, 防范风险,加强风险管理非常重要。U 国际货运有限公司(以下简称 U 公司)是国家一级货运代理,拥有无船承运人资格,主要经营国际货运运输业务,包括海运业务、航空运输、进ft口报关清关、仓储等。在经营活动中面临各种来自外部环境、法律政策、信用缺失等诸多可能带来损失的不确定因素,这些损失的不确定性,给公司业务带来很多隐性的潜在危险,严重影响了公司的发展。由于风险事故造成的经济损失,不仅影响公司业绩增长,也威胁着公司的长期发展战略目标的实施,对风险进行科学的管理与防范成为当前公司首要解决的任务

9、,提升员工风险意识,切实采取有效地防范策略与保障措施,刻不容缓。细节决定成败,只有把握好风险可能发生地每一个细节,才能更好的防范风险,控制风险,保障 U 公司实现持续发展的战略目标。本论文以物流管理、风险管理、营销管理等理论为依据,对开发国际货运代理市场的风险作了全面分析,并详细阐述了环境风险、政治风险、法律风险、信用风险、操作风险、财务风险的相关概念,在深入实际调查的基础上,得ft公司领导层对于环境风险、政治风险等外部风险认可度很高,而操作风险、财务风险等内部风险源则被普通员工认可;运用 SWOT 矩阵分析法,分析了 U 公司的现状并提ft四类可行的战略方案;采用理论与实际相结合的定性定量分

10、析工具,通过实际案例对各类风险成因以及危害作了较深入的剖析。最后,提ft开发国际货运代理市场风险的具体防范策略和保障措施。本论文创新之处在于通过问卷调查以及案例分析,对开发国际货运代理市场的风险来源、风险类型、风险成因以及防范措施作了详细的剖析,对 U 公司开发国际货运代理市场的风险,提ft了有效的风险防范策略和保障措施。关键词:国际货运代理市场、风险管理、风险防范策略AbstractWith the development of world economy, deals in freight forwarding have increased rapidly, so do customers

11、 individualized demands. Especially in recent years, projects concerning freight forwarding tend to be diversified and more complicated. Freight forwarders inevitably encounter series of risks. Risk detection, risk avoidance and risk management are of paramount importance.U international freight for

12、warder, established in 1997, is a Countrys Class A and forwarder as a Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) with including Sea Freight, Air Freight, In the management, there are many external uncertainties due to the environment, laws and governmental policies, lack of credit, etc. Such uncert

13、ainties bring potential risks and obstacles to the development of the company.The economic loss resulting from the risks not only affects the achievement but also threatens the long-term strategic management of the company.Based on the theories of Logistics Management, Risk Management, Marketing Man

14、agement, this paper analyses the risks on the market of international freight forwarding and elaborates concepts related to the environment risk, policy risk, law risk, credit risk, operation risk and finance risk. Our field investigation reveals that leaders of the company acknowledge to a great ex

15、tent the external risks like environment risks and policy risks while ordinary employees acknowledge the internal risks such as operation risks and finance risks. With our SWOT analysis of the practical issues in U, this paper also puts forward four applicable strategic proposals.Our paper is creative in that, based on question Aires and case studies, it expounds the sources, types, causes as well as the prevention of risks, and proposes effective strategies and safeguard measures for the company to develop its international freight forwarding


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