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1、1,和平积极的心态:老人身体健康的源泉Physical Health Through Mental Health for the Elderly,2,中国内地十大老年慢性病Top 10 Chronic Diseases in Chinese Elderly (Mainland),3,10种与心理-行为因素有密切关系的慢性病Chronic Diseases with psychological-behavioral status (PBS) as etiological or exacerbating factor,4,5,心理健康和身体健康Mental Health and Physical

2、Health,A sound mind in a sound body(健全的精神寓于健全的身体) More people are sick because they are unhappy than unhappy because they are sick. (比起那些因患病而心情不舒畅的人来说,有更多人是因心情不舒畅而患病 ),6,心理因素的病理生理效应Pathophysiological effects of psychological status,On arteriosclerosis (对动脉粥样硬化发生和发展的影响) Sudden and transient stressful

3、 events involve with the dysfunction of endothelium and the adhesion of the platelets 短暂的应激事件与内皮功能不良及血小板粘附有关 Phobia might be associated with the development of acute myocardial infarct. 恐怖症与急性心肌梗死发生和发展有关 Depression will enhance the painful and distress feeling of the patients with chronic diseases 抑

4、郁加重慢性病疼痛和不适的感觉,7,心理因素与免疫功能Immunity Function and Psychological status,情绪抑郁会抑制免疫系统功能,使抑郁者抵抗力降低,易患某些感染性疾病,如感冒 Depression inhibits immunological system. A person with depression might be susceptible to some infections, e.g. common cold. (Berkow et al. 1999) 情绪的改善(尤其欢乐、满足感)能加强免疫系统的功能,促进癌症等的康复。 A better m

5、ood improves the function of immunological system, e.g. in anticancer (Levy et al. 1998),8,生活不过于紧张,情绪不过于激动,有助于加强免疫机制,(应激能降低免疫系统功能) A lifestyle with less emotional tension and agitation is helpful for enhancing immunological mechanism 心理和神经系统,内分泌系统、免疫系统的细胞之间,通过生量信息相互影响,通过“心理神经免疫学”的研究,将能更多揭示心理状态通过神经系统

6、的中介而影响免疫系统功能。 A new branch of science psychoneuroimmunology. PNI. will reveal the interaction and effects between psychological status and immunological responses through neurohoumonal mechanism.,9,慢性病者常有的负性心理和情绪Negative psychological profiles commonly seen in patients with chronic diseases,10,以心理健康

7、促进身体健康,帮助和鼓励慢性病者不仅注意增进身体上的健康,也要注意增进心理上的健康,而且要善于以心理上的健康促进身体上的健康。 People with Chronic Diseases should make their best to improve mental health as well as physical health. Everybody should try to facilitate physical health with mental health.,11,改善心理状态促进心理健康的六大措施Ten steps towards mental health,1. 松弛疗法

8、Relaxation therapy 2. 应激控制 Management of stress 3. 心理辅导 Psychology counseling 4. 行为及性格改变 Modification of personality 5. 社会支持 Social support 6. 药物治疗 Medication,12,松弛疗法Relaxation Therapy,1.运动松弛法 exercise (Tai Chi, walking, swimming) 2.按摩松弛法 massage (self-massage, sedative, therapeutic massage) 3.气功松弛法

9、 Chi Kung, Transcendental meditation 4.音乐松弛法 Music Therapy (sedative, anxiolytic, relaxing) 5.温浴松弛法 Hydrotherapy (warm spa),13,6. 文娱松弛法 recreation (dancing, hiking, relaxing sports) 7.书画松弛法 calligraphy and painting 8.作业松弛法 occupational therapy (arts and crafts) 9.度假松弛法 Resort vacation 10.饮食松弛法 Herba

10、l food therapy (sedative),14,应激控制Stress Control,1. “Escape”from the stressor 离开应激原(人、地、事) (stressful event, daily hassel, unpleasant environment) 2. Speak it out, 说出烦恼、不满、焦虑(to make adequate emotional expression) 3. Relaxation technique, e.g. Relaxed Kung Fu (RKF) (Chi Kung)练习松静功及其他,松弛疗法 RKF=Relaxed

11、 positioning + relaxed breathing + relaxed mind (静身+静息+静心) 4. Seek for assistance to discuss and solve the problem寻求援助减压(向亲友、同事、有关机构),15,心理辅导Psychological Counseling,1. Explaining the disease/injury, implication, prognosis. 2. Answering the questions raised by the clients. 3. Giving advice on modify

12、ing lifestyle. 4. Giving advice on behavioral adjustment.,16,性格及行为改变Modification of Personality and Behavior,以弛代张 Do be relaxed instead of being tensed up 以静代躁 Do be calm instead of being nervous 以缓代急 Do be at ease instead of being in a hurry 以稳代乱 Do be steady instead of being disorderly 以适代全 Do be

13、satisfied with adequate performance instead of pursuing completeness,17,社会支持Social Support,来自家庭、朋友、同事和社会的心理支持(关心、劝导、鼓励),对缓解轻至中度抑郁状态,有良好的效果。 社会支持对改变不良生活方式,从而改善心理状态,减轻疾病危险,有重要意义。 Social support from family, colleagues, friends has positive effects on reducing mild depression and quitting bad lifestyle habits.,18,药物调整心态Medication,用于已有明显抑郁症、焦虑症、恐惧症等患者,在非药物疗法无效时,按医嘱使用药物 Anti-depression or sedative drugs are prescribed by physicians for those with definite diagnosis of depression, anxiety or phobia who fail to respond to non-medication treatment.,


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