My Hometown我的家乡温州永嘉英文演讲PPT-

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1、My Hometown,Wenzhou Yongjia County (浙江省温州市永嘉县) 新浪微博:周铄奇,温州永嘉,Three Parts,History&Culture The Nature of Yongjia Special Things&Foods,History&Culture,The Dongou Country (东瓯国)in the area of Yongjia Since the Suiwen Emperor begin the Yongjia County(永嘉郡),it has the history of 1400 years.,隋文帝 杨坚,Calligrap

2、her Wang Xizhi and poet Xie Lingyun have been the Taishou of Yongjia,谢灵运,王羲之,Xie also writes down a famous poem in Yongjia,潜虬媚幽姿,飞鸿响远音。 薄霄愧云浮,栖川怍渊沉。 进德智所拙,退耕力不任。 徇禄反穷海,卧疴对空林。 衾枕昧节候,褰开暂窥临。 倾耳聆波澜,举目眺岖嵚。 初景革绪风,新阳改故阴。 池塘生春草,园柳变鸣禽。 祁祁伤豳歌,萋萋感楚吟。 索居易永久,离群难处心。 持操岂独古,无闷征在今。,登池上楼,Four man called Yongjiasiling,徐照(字灵晖) 徐玑(字灵渊) 赵师秀(字灵秀) 翁卷(字灵舒),Kun opera,The scene of NatureNanxi Rever(楠溪江),Lion Rock 狮子岩,Shiwei Rock石桅岩,Daruo Rock大若岩,Cang Slope苍坡,Furong Village 芙蓉村,Companys,Companys,Companys,Companys,Foods,Foods,鸭舌,Foods,鱼丸,Foods,胶冻,Foods,馄饨,Thank you!,


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