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1、课时作业1基础检测1The longer this situation obtains(存在), the more extensive the problems become.2Our main objective(目标) was the recovery of the child safe and well.3It is of vital(至关重要的) importance that we get there by six oclock.4The next few weeks are going to be crucial(关键性的)5Our research attempts to eva

2、luate(评价) the effectiveness of the different drugs.6I have distinct(清晰的) memories of him in his last years.7The dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted(用力拔出)8Boil(煮沸) plenty of salted water, then add the spaghetti.9A stream flowed(流动) gently down into the valley.10She refuses t

3、o acknowledge(承认) the need for reform.1The job involves gathering and analysing(analyse) data.2He paused, apparently(apparent) lost in thought.3This cloth is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.4He has committed himself to_support(support) them.5She knew that her love was impossible but s

4、he knew also that it was beyond control.6A sixlane superhighway is under construction.能力提升Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and she went to New York City and settled down there when she was ten years old.One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor.That was nearly impossible

5、 for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters seeking admission (允许进入) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia.She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to make money for her education.In 1849, after graduat

6、ion from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris.She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye disease made her give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman.By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also

7、 a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children.Besides being the first woman physician and founding her own hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women.文章大意:本文记叙了Elizabeth Blackwell如何在女性备受歧视的19世纪中期的美国开创自己事业的故事。1Why couldn

8、t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?AShe couldnt be accepted.BShe decided to further her education in Paris.CA serious eye illness stopped her.DIt was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States.答案:C解析:细节理解题。第二段最后一句指出,“她想成为一名外科医生,但严重的眼疾使她放弃了这个想法。”2How many ye

9、ars passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital?A36.B19.C10. D8.答案:D解析:细节理解题。从第二段第一句可知,她于1849年毕业;根据最后一段第二句可知,她于1857年成立医院,期间相隔8年。3All of the following are “first” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell EXCEPT that _.Ashe became the first woman physicianBshe was the f

10、irst woman surgeonCshe set up the first medical school for womenDshe and several other women set up the first hospital for women and children答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,她的眼疾使她放弃了当外科医生的想法,因此她不可能是第一位女外科医生。4The underlined word “seeking” in the first paragraph mostly means “_”Aasking for BenteringCsearchin

11、g for Dwanting答案:A解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段倒数第二句,在她写了许多封信之后,终于被费城的一位医生接受了,可知这些信是请求进医学院的。There is one thing that everyone wants more than anything else._1_ They think that when they have enough money to buy such things as houses, farms, and cars, they will have the thing that everyone wants.Other people believe

12、 that if they know enough they will find this thing._2_ Still others think that if they have power, they will find this thing.Some people keep telling themselves: “When Im a boss, I will no longer have to search for this thing.”What is it that everyone wants more than anything else? What is it that

13、all of us keep working and striving for each day? _3_ Happiness is a strange thing._4_ What will make one man happy may not make another man happy.Some men say that happiness comes from helping others; other men say that happiness comes from making life more pleasant for everyone.What do you mean wh

14、en you say “That makes me happy.”? _5_ Perhaps you will learn something that will bring you peace of mind, comfort, money or it may be what you search forhappiness.AIt is happiness.BIt does not mean the same to all men.CThey study all their life in search of it.DHappiness means the same to everyone.

15、ESome people try to get it by making money.FWhen one man feels happy, another man will feel sad.GRead what different people have said about happiness.文章大意:本文讲了人们想追求的东西幸福。1E解析:前两段是并列关系,第二段以Other people believe that.开头,呼应此处,故选E。2C解析:前一句话“Other people believe that if they know enough they will find this thing”告诉我们,另外一些人认为如果他们知识渊博,他们就会找到自己想要的东西,本空是他们这种看法产生的结果。故They study all their life in search of it切题,故选C项。3A解析:本段总结上文,引起下文,揭开人们所追求的东西:幸福。故选A项。4B解析:由下文“What will make one man happy may not make another man happy.”可知It does not mean the same to all men


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