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1、单元综合评估三(UNIT 3)时间:120分钟满分:120分第一部分:阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AChina has more than 30 intangible cultural heritage recognized by the UNESCO, including papercutting, the Dragon Boat Festival, Peking Opera, acupuncture(针灸) and so on. The organization adopte

2、d a decision that Chinas “The TwentyFour Solar Terms (二十四节气)” should be put on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2016 in Ethiopia.The TwentyFour Solar Terms, knowledge of time and practices in agriculture, starts from the Beginning of Spring and ends with the

3、 Greater Cold, moving in cycles. It developed through the observation of the suns annual movement in China. In ancient time, the method of tugui, earth sundial(日晷), was used to measure the shadow of the sun for determining the solar terms.The TwentyFour Solar Terms came into being and developed in c

4、lose relationship with Chinese agricultural production. At the initial stage of agricultural development, people began to explore the seasonal rules in the agricultural production to meet the needs in seeding, harvesting and other activities. Gradually, they formed the concept of “seed in spring, gr

5、ow in summer, harvest in autumn and store in winter”. During the spring and autumn periods, the agricultural production was highly influenced by the seasonal changes, thus forming the concept of Solar Terms.As a traditional Chinese knowledge system of time with a history of thousands of years, the T

6、wentyFour Solar Terms clearly expresses the concepts of respect for nature, and harmony between man and nature. Created by Chinese ancestors, it has functioned as a complete set of weather calendar(日历)to guide the agricultural production in China. It has also been introduced into North Korea, Japan

7、and other neighboring countries and still used in Japan. The Chinese heritage has provably influenced the peoples way of thinking and behaving and will continue to be an important carrier of Chinese cultural identity.本文主要介绍了中国传统文化的二十四节气。21According to the first two paragraphs, the TwentyFour Solar T

8、erms_.Awas used to measure the shadow of the sunBhas not been listed as one intangible cultural heritage of humanityCis the best intangible cultural heritage recognized by the UNESCODrepeats from the Beginning of Spring to the Greater Cold every year解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“The TwentyFour Solar Terms, knowled

9、ge of time and practices in agriculture, starts from the Beginning of Spring and ends with the Greater Cold, moving in cycles.”可知,中国的二十四节气从立春开始,到大寒结束,周而复始,不断循环,故选D。答案:D22We can learn from the text that _ in China in the past.Athe TwentyFour Solar Terms only influenced spring and autumnBagricultural

10、production highly influenced the seasonal changesCpeople cared about the changes of weather just for funDthe TwentyFour Solar Terms had something to do with agriculture解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“The TwentyFour Solar Terms came into being and developed in close relationship with Chinese agricultural production.”

11、可知,中国的二十四节气是与农业有关的。故选D。答案:D23We can infer from the text that the TwentyFour Solar Terms_.Ais part of traditional Chinese cultureBis strongly influenced by North Korea and JapanCis hard to explainDis an agricultural calendar merely used in China解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“The Chinese heritage has provably influe

12、nced the peoples way of thinking and behaving and will continue to be an important carrier of Chinese cultural identity.”可以推断出,中国的二十四节气是中国传统文化的一部分。故选A。答案:ABIndia has a very vast history and heritage(遗产)The country has witnessed some of the most important events in the past and every event has an eff

13、ect of its own on the culture, religion, lifestyle, and economy of the country.This is one of the leading reasons why tourists prefer India to travel and explore.Historical tours in India provide everything that a traveller expects from his/her journey.These historical tours give an opportunity to s

14、tudy and explore Indian history.Here are some of the historical travel packages:Forts (堡垒) and palacesThe rich cultural past of India is showed in the countless forts and palaces across the country.Most of the forts were constructed to keep the enemy away and palaces were made on the names of the ki

15、ngs and queens.Some of the famous forts and palaces are: Agra Fort (Agra), Fatehpur Sikri (Agra), Hawa Mahal (Jaipur), Amber Fort (Jaipur), City Palace (Jaipur), Gwalior Fort (Gwalior), Mysore Palace (Mysore), Red Fort (Delhi), etc.India heritage toursThe main purpose of India heritage tours is to m

16、ake Indians as well as tourists familiar with the rich Indian heritage.The heritage of the country is at least 5,000 years.Some of the heritage tours are: medieval heritage, Rajput heritage, Golden Triangle, splendid Gujarat, etc.South India historical toursSouth India is known for its diversity and there are many places, which attract tourists, not only from the



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