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1、Appreciating Cinema英语电影赏析Xiong XiaomanWuhan University of Technology,Purposes,1. To gain a rough idea of what had happened in the long history of films and what is happening now. 2. To know more about some of the representative film-makers, actors and their masterpieces. 3. To enjoy some of the mast

2、erpieces, nice films and their wonderful music. 4. Hopefully, try to use everything learned in the course to get a better idea of the language and the culture.,History,The history of film is simplified by its shortness . Early Cinema Classical Hollywood Cinema Post - Classical Hollywood Cinema Each

3、of these periods is characterized by certain technological developments and patterns of industrial organization. Artistically, too, films from a given period of film history tend to display certain characteristic features.,I. Early Cinema,Technology Development of celluloid Development of cameras an

4、d projectors 2. Industry Dominance of Edison and Biograph companies 3. Aesthetics “Actuality Filming” “Cinema of Attractions”,D. W. Griffith: Father of Film,David W. Griffith: more sophisticated narrative-based methods of cinematic story-telling The Birth of a Nation 一个国家的诞生(1915) Intolerance 党同伐异(1

5、916),II. Classical Hollywood Cinema,Technology Development of sound Development of Technicolor 2. Industry “Big Five” and “Little Three” Vertical integration of production, distribution and exhibition Narrative 3. Aesthetics Continuity editing Star system Genres,Big Five: Warner Brothers Loews MGM F

6、ox Paramount RKO 雷电华 Little Three: Columbia; Universal; United Artists联美,Greta Garbo 葛丽泰嘉宝,Ingrid Bergman英格丽褒曼,Vivien Leigh费雯丽,Audrey Hepburn奥黛丽赫本,Elizabeth Taylor伊丽莎白泰勒,Humphrey Bogart亨莱福鲍嘉,Marlon Brando马龙白兰度,Clark Gable克拉克盖博,Alain Delon阿兰德隆,Laurence Olivier劳伦斯奥利弗,Gregory Peck格里高利派克,Western The Gre

7、at Train Robbery火车大劫案 (1903) Stagecoach关山飞渡(1939),关山飞度,约翰福特,铁骑,搜索者,原野奇侠,太阳浴血记,正午,红河,Comedy Mack Sennett 传送带生产式的制片方式 :“出主意者”提出一个原始点子,然后交由“剧本会议”设计人物和故事,成型后由“噱头部”负责添加滑稽场面和情景。 Charlie Chaplin查理卓别林 Buster Keaton勃斯特基顿 淘金记(1925)、城市之光(1931)、摩登时代(1936)、大独裁者(1940)、凡尔杜先生(1947)、舞台生涯(1952)、 一个国王在纽约(1957)等。,一夜风流,

8、天堂里的烦恼,Musical,百老汇旋律,小凯撒,疤脸大盗,我是一个越狱犯,Crime,Horror,Hitchcock,蝴蝶梦,后窗,美人计,煤气灯下,深闺疑云,三十九级台阶,群鸟,深闺疑云,III. Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema,Technology Development of other exhibition channels and multimedia platforms 2. Industry Competition with TV Distribution windows on different media platforms 3. Aest

9、hetics Flexible use of genre Rules of causality and temporal logic observed less strictly Foregrounding of stylistic devices,Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema,Two major sub-periods: 1. “New Hollywood” (or “renaissance”) period 弗朗西斯科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola 马丁斯科西斯 Martin Scorsese 斯坦利库布里克Stanley Kubrick

10、阿瑟佩恩 Arthur Penn 乔治卢卡斯 George Lucas 史蒂文斯皮尔伯格 Steven Spielberg 伍迪艾伦 Woody Allen 奥利弗斯通 William Oliver Stone,弗朗西斯科波拉(1939),弗朗西斯科波拉“美国新浪潮”的旗手 。 痴呆症 教父 获45届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳男主角、最佳改编剧本奖。 教父续集获47届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演等6项大奖。 教父第三集 对话27届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖。 现代启示录32届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖。,马丁斯科西斯(1942),谁在敲我的门穷街陋巷艾丽丝不再住此纽约,纽约愤怒的公牛纯真年代金钱本色纽约黑帮等。 代表作

11、出租汽车司机获1976年戛纳电影节金棕榈奖,斯坦利库布里克(19281999),光荣之路 斯巴达克斯 奇爱博士 发条桔子 2001:太空遨游 巴利林顿 全金属铝外壳 洛丽塔 闪灵 紧闭双眼(大开眼界),阿瑟佩恩,邦妮和克莱德(雌雄大盗) 不仅标志着阿瑟佩恩个人创作的 高峰,而且是新好莱坞崛起的标志。 本片的特殊之处: (1)首次出现反英雄的英雄形象。 (2)融入了法国新浪潮的艺术观点 和技巧:时空的自由跳接。 (3)突破了好莱坞严格的类型模式,体现了类型融合 的倾向:强盗片、喜剧片、爱情片等。,乔治卢卡斯(1945),1977:星球大战新希望 全球票房:7.754亿美元1980:星球大战帝国反

12、击战 全球票房:5.4亿美元1983:星球大战绝地归来 全球票房:4.75亿美元1999:星球大战前传魅影危机 全球票房:9.43亿美元2002:星球大战前传克隆人的进攻 全球票房:6.5亿美元2005:星球大战前传西斯的复仇 全球票房:8.5亿美元,斯皮尔伯格(1949),大白鲨夺宝奇兵(1、2、3) 第三类接触 外星人 紫色 太阳帝国 胡克船长 侏罗纪公园 辛德勒的名单 失落的世界 拯救大兵瑞恩 慕尼黑,奥利弗斯通 “越战反思三部曲”: 野战排(获59届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演 等4项大奖) 生于七月四日(获62届奥斯卡最佳导演奖) 天与地 两部总统片: 刺杀肯尼迪尼克松 天生杀人狂,野战

13、排,生于七月四日,天与地,天生杀人狂,尼克松,刺杀肯尼迪,Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema,2.“independent filmmaking” 在好莱坞制片厂体制之外制作的电影,它制作的目的在于表达演个人的思想观念而非追求票房上的成功。 索德伯格性谎言录像带获第42届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖 ,标志着独立电影时代的来临。 卡夫卡盲点毒品网络(非法交易)永不妥协 大卫林奇心中狂野(1990)获43届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖。 昆汀塔伦蒂诺落水狗(1992年)低俗小说(1994年) 杀死比尔,Genres,Genres are the categories into which

14、, on the basis of shared characteristics, we place artistic, musical, literary or cinematic works; subgenres are similar but more limited and more precisely defined. Its rare to find a film that belongs exclusively to one genre.,Genres,Genres,Genres,Social dramas are films whose central narrative co

15、ncern or conflict is a social problempoverty, inequality, discrimination, racism, or exclusion(排外), to name just a few possibilities. The gangster film is rooted in the specific social and cultural context of twentieth century America. The narratives are usually based on the idea of the “American Dr

16、eam” and can be seen as a particular American genre. Vietnam war was an American war, and the Vietnam war films allow us a critical perspective on the war.,Genres,Action films began to become popular in the 1970s and are particularly profitable in the contemporary global marketplace. The “blockbuster” was born on 20 June 1975 with the release of Jaws. A product of the post-classical period, it is considered to be a very


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