高中英语 Unit 2 Sporting events单元小结教学案 牛津译林版必修4

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1、Unit 2 Sporting eventsChina successfully held the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.We began to learn more about the history and significance of the honourable games.The ancient games were held at Olympia in Greece every four years from 776 BC to AD 394.At that time, by tradition theathletes were all malea

2、nd they had to competewearing no clothes.Single women were allowed to take part in their own competition at a separate festival in honour ofthe wife of the Greek god Zeus.In 1896, the contemporary Olympic flame restarted to be lit in Athens.It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who made important

3、 contributions to the activity.After 32 years absence, the Peoples Republic of China returned to the Games and played an important role in them.In Beijing 29th Olympic Games Chinese athletes made glorious achievements and won the most gold medals.The Olympians from all over the world brought joy to

4、people across the world with their attempts to push the boundaries of human achievement.2008年中国成功地举办了第29届奥运会。对于这一崇高的运动会,我们也开始更多的了解它的历史和重要意义。从公元前776年至公元394年,古代奥林匹克运动会在希腊的奥林匹亚每四年举办一次。那时,按照传统,运动员全部是男性,他们必须裸体竞技。单身女性被允许在另外一个节日参加她们自己的比赛来纪念希腊天神宙斯的妻子。1896年现代奥运圣火重新开始在雅典点燃。法国人皮埃尔德顾拜旦为这项活动做出了重要贡献。阔别32年后,中华人民共和

5、国重返奥运会并在其中发挥了重要作用。在第29届北京奥运会上,中国运动员取得了辉煌的成绩,获得了最多的金牌。来自世界各地的奥林匹克运动员们努力推进人类成就的极限,给全世界人民带来了快乐。加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. During these discussions, I ask the _1_, “What has caused you to stay long e

6、nough to become a _2_?”A new manager took the _3_ and slowly, with her voice almost breaking, said, “It was a $19 baseball glove.” Cynthia told the group that when she started to work in this _4_, she received a phone call from her nineyearold son, Jessie. He _5_ a baseball glove for Little League.

7、Cynthia had _6_ he would get a glove as soon as she found a job and he was calling to _7_ her of her promise.When Cynthia _8_ for work the next morning, Patricia, the store manager, asked her to come to the small room in back of the store that _9_ as an office. Cynthia _10_ if she had done something

8、 wrong or _11_ some part of her job incomplete from the day before. She was concerned and _12_.Patricia _13_ her a box. “I overheard you talking to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is hard to _14_ such things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie because he needs to understa

9、nd how _15_ he is, even though you have to pay _16_ before you can buy gloves. You know we cant _17_ good people like you as much as we would like to; but we do _18_, and I want you to know you are important to us.”The _19_, sympathy and love of this convenience store manager _20_ her. She remembers

10、 better how much an employer cares than how much the employer pays.语篇解读:为员工提供人文关怀、让他们觉得自己受到重视是激励员工为公司效力的法宝。1A.customersBpatientsCparticipants Dplayers解析:选C句意:在讨论过程中,我问参加培训的人,“是什么让你们坚守这么长时间,然后当上经理的?”根据前面的“training”判断,应选C项。customer“顾客”,patient“患者”和player“选手”均与题意不符。2A.secretary BmanagerCclerk Dattendan

11、t解析:选B下文的“manager”为本题作了暗示。secretary“秘书”,clerk“职员”,attendant“参加者”,不符合语境要求。3A.discussion BgloveCquestion Dtime解析:选C一位新任经理回答了这个问题。上文“我”提出了一个问题,这里是回答问题,因此选C。4A.company BfactoryCgroup Dstore解析:选A辛西娅在这家公司上班,因此用company。5A.asked BboughtChad Dneeded解析:选D句意:他需要一副棒球手套参加少年棒球俱乐部。need“需要”。6A.declared BclaimedCpro

12、mised Dadmitted解析:选C辛西娅许诺如果她找到工作的话就给他买一副手套。promise“承诺”,declare“宣称”,claim“声称”,admit“承认”,与题意不符。7A.remind BwarnCtell Daccuse解析:选A孩子给她打电话提醒她做出的承诺。remind“提醒”。warn“警告”,tell“告知”,accuse“谴责”,不符合语境要求。8A.left BreachedCmade Darrived解析:选D第二天辛西娅来上班的时候,商场经理把她叫到办公室。arrive“到达”。9A.used BconsideredCtook Dserved解析:选Dse

13、rve as“用作,当作”。take as“看作是”;consider as“认为是”;use as“用作”(此处应用被动形式)。10A.recalled BwonderedCasked Drequested解析:选B辛西娅想知道自己是做了错事,或者是前一天的工作有什么疏忽。wonder“想知道;怀疑”。recall“回忆”,ask“质问”,request“询问”,与题意不符。11A.left BmissedCcaused Dtook解析:选Aleave something incomplete“有疏漏或半途而废”。12A.confused BdisappointedCdelighted Da

14、mused解析:选A她很担心,又有些迷惑不解。disappointed“失望的”,delighted“高兴的”,amused“愉快的”,与语境不符。13A.handed BprovidedCsent Doffered解析:选Ahand“交给,递给,当面送给”。14A.tell BsupplyCexplain Dpromise解析:选C很难给小孩子们解释这些。explain“解释,说明”。15A.anxious BeagerCclever Dimportant解析:选D因为他需要明白别人把他看得多么重要。根据下文的暗示可知选D。anxious“焦虑的”,eager“急迫的”,clever“聪明的

15、”,与题意不符。16A.salaries BwagesCemployees Dbills解析:选D尽管买棒球手套之前你需要支付各种账单。pay bills“支付账单”。salary“工资”,wage“薪水”,employee“雇员”,均不符合题意。17A.buy BtreatCpay Dinvite解析:选C该句意思是说公司现在支付的薪酬还不够高。pay“支付”;buy“购买”;treat“对待”;invite“邀请”。文章末尾有暗示。18A.care BexpectClack Dmind解析:选A我们公司确实很器重您,我们想让您知道您对我们相当重要。care“在意,重视”。下文有暗示。19A.carefulness BthoughtfulnessClikeliness Dhappiness解析:选B这家便利店经理的体贴、同情和关爱感动了她。carefulness“认真”,likeliness“可能性”,happiness“幸福”,与题意不符。20A.moved BscaredCamaze



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