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1、1 五年级英语易错语法整理 1第一人称只有我和我们,第二人称只有你和你们,其他全部都是第三人称。 当是第三人称时,如果只有一个人或一样东西,那么就是第三人称单数, 不可数 名词作单数理解,如: There is some bread on the plate. “bread(面包)”是不可数 名词,所以用“ is” 。 2. like + v-ing 如:like swimming would like + to +动词原形如:would like to go I d like = I would like 3. like + 名词的复数 如:like dogs 4. go + 动-ing 如

2、:go climbing, go swimming ,go fishing 5. How many + 可数名词复数 如: how many classrooms 6. different + 名词复数 如:different countries 不同国家 7. same 前加 the , 后面一般跟单数,如: the same hobby 同样的业余爱好 8. 序数词前一定加 the ,如:the first day 第一天;the second student 第二个学生 9. 在几点用 at, 如 at seven o clock , on ,如:on Sunday, on Sunday

3、 morning, 直接在早上、下午或晚上用in,如:in the morning /afternoon/evening 10. 动词后用宾格(动宾)如:help me ; push me 11. 介词后宾格(介宾)如:with him , to her 除非是 如: with his father on your desk 12. want to +动原, would like to + 动原, It s time to + 动原 13. 情态动词 can, (could, may, must, need, shall , should, will, would. ) 后面加动原 14. l

4、et s 后加动原。 let s = let us (Let s go climbing.) 2 15. 祈 使 句 中 动 词 用 原 形 , 否 定 句 在 句 首 加Dont 如 : Open the door, please. Dont open the door, please. 16. 助动词( do, does, don t, doesn t)后动词用原形 17. some用于肯定句, any用于否定句。陈述句改成疑问句和否定句时,some变 成 any. 除非是表示一种请求或希望得到肯定回答时 如:Can you get me some fruit? Could you hel

5、p me do some washing? Shall we buy some toys? Would you please give me some pens? 18. There be 结构就近原则 如: There is a teacher and some students in the classroom. 19. 常见不可数名: water, coffee, tea, milk, juice, bread, rice, food, fruit, chicken(鸡肉), fish(鱼肉), chocolate(表示巧克力的时候 ) 20. apple tree, tiger mas

6、k, picture book, flower stamp 这类短语变复数,前面一个词 不变,后面一个变复数。 apple tree apple trees; tiger mask tiger masks; flower stamp flower stamps picture book picture books 21. 表示一个什么的时候,元音字母开头的用an. 如: an apple, an English lesson, an art room 22. 名词变复数,除了以下情况,一般都是加s 1). 以“ s. x, z, th, ch, sh” 结尾的,加“ es” ;buses, g

7、lasses 2). 以 o 结尾的,如果没有生命加 s, 如果有生命的加 es. 如:photos, potatoes( 土 豆), tomato(西红柿 ) 3). 以“y” 结尾的,如果“ y” 前面是辅音字母,去“ y” 加“ies ”,除了元音字母 “a, e, i, o, u” ,其他都是辅音字母; library libraries, story stories, toy toys, monkey monkeys 4). 以“f, fe ” 结尾的把“ f, fe ” 变成“ ves”. 5). 不规则变化: child children, woman women, man me

8、n, foot feet, tooth teeth, mouse mice 6). 单复数同形: sheep ,fish(鱼), Chinese(中国人 ), Japanese( 日本人 ), deer(鹿) 23. 乐器前加 the, 球类前不加 the, (play the 乐器, play 球类)如: play the piano, play football 24. It s time for sth. 或 It s time to do sth. 如: It s time for breakfast.= It s time to have breakfast. 25. 在句首或表示星

9、期,学科,国家,语言的单词,首字母大写。 26. 一般疑问句:由be动词(am, is, are) , 情态动词 (can, could, may, must, need, shall , should, will, would) 及助动词 (do, does)引导的疑问句。改一般疑问句方法如下: a. 先找 be动词:am, is, are 。找到后放到句首,其余照抄,注意句号变问号, I 和 we变成 you; me和 us变成 you; my 和 our变成 your; some变成 any。 如:He is hungry. Is he hungry? 3 b. 找不到 be动词再找情态

10、动词: can,( could, may, must, need, shall , should, will, would) 找到后放到句首,如: Helen can swim fast. Can Helen swim fast? c. 既没有 be动词也没有情态动词,则在句首添加助动词,三单加does,别的 加 do,其余照抄。注意句号变问号,动词变原形,如: Mike plays football well. Does Mike play well? 27. 回答一般疑问句时要注意与引导词对应。 如: Is he interesting? Yes, he is. / No, he isn

11、t. Can Helen swim fast? Yes, she can. / No, she cant. Does Mike play well? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn t. 28. 改否定句:参照一般疑问句改法。注意some变 any a. 先找 be动词: am, is, are ,找到后在后面加not,其余照抄如: There are some flowers. There are not any flowers. (are not=aren t, is not=isn t, am not没有缩写 ) b. 找不到be 动词再找情态动词,找到后在后面

12、加not,其余照抄如: He can jump high. He can not jump high. (can not=cannot=can t) c. 既没有 be 动词也没有情态动词,则在动词前面加助动词,三单加doesnt, 别的加 dont,其余照抄,注意加了之后动词要变原形。 如:His uncle has a parrot. His uncle doesn t have a parrot . I like dancing. I dont like dancing. 29. 对划线部分提问,即改特殊疑问句。先找到合适的疑问词来替代划线部分, 放在句子最前面,然后参照一般疑问句改法。一样的去找be 动词和情态动词, 有的就加在疑问词后面,没有的在疑问词后面加助动词,其余照抄,注意事项和 一般疑问句一样。如:



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