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1、.,Whats Your Hobby?,Lesson 37,张琪,A hobby is something you enjoy doing. Its just something you like to do. Its fun!,Whats a hobby?,hobby,.,.,A: Whats her hobby? B: She likes listening to music.,.,YAO MING,Basketball player,He likes playing basketball.,His hobby is playing basketball.,.,.,Whats your h

2、obby? My hobby is collecting stamps.,.,.,A: What are their hobbies? B: They are interested in going shopping.,.,Whats your hobby? What do you like to do in your spare time?,Think about it!,.,Read the lesson and write each students hobby .,Reading,.,.,Find the phrases,1.在某人的空闲时间里_ 2.研究星星_ 3.收集石头_ 4.对

3、感兴趣_ 5.各种各样的_ 6.把.加到._ 7.保持健康_,in ones spare/free time,study stars,collect stones,be interested in,all kinds of,add.to.,keep healthy,8.Trade sth. With sb.( ) 9. Trade A. for B ( ) 10.go to concerts ( ) 11.read books ( ) 12.watch movies ( ) 13.surf the Internet ( ) 14.go skating( ),同某人交换某物,去听音乐会,读书,看

4、电影,网上冲浪,去滑冰,用A交换B,.,根据汉语提示完成句子,1.What do you like to do _(在你的空闲时间)? 2.We often _(去游泳) in summer. 3.Exercising also helps to _(使我们保持健康). 4.His hobby is_(研究星星). 5.The sun is _ (就近的星球) to Earth. 6.Ill _ it _ (把添加到) my collection. 7.He_(对感兴趣)collecting_ of (各种各样的)concert tickets. 8.I also _ my tickets _

5、(与交换) other people.,in your spare time,go swimming,keep us healthy,studying stars,the closest star,add,to,is interested in,all kinds,trade,with,.,Whats your hobby?,What hobbies do you have?,What do you like to do in your spare time?,How do you spend your free time?,model: A:What do you like to do in

6、 your spare time? B:I often go swimming. A:Why do you like swimming? B:I think swimming is the best way to build up our body.,Pair Work,I like/ enjoy. Im interested in. My hobby is.,.,Homework,Compositon:My hobby Tips: What is your hobby? When do you do it? Why do you like it?,.,Thanks for your listening!,


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