2017九年级英语上册第八单元Section B精选教学优质PPT课件(新版人教版)精选教学

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1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B,1.Whose notebook is this? It _be Mings. It has his name on it. 2.Whose French book is this? It _be Toms. He studies French.,must,could,Revision,3. Whose guitar is this? It _belong to Alice. She plays the guitar. 4. Whose T-shirt is this? It _be Johns. Its mu

2、ch too small for him.,might,cant,land man UFO run alien run after,1a Look at the pictures. Then use the words in the box to write a sentence about each picture.,Presentation,A UFO is landing.,An alien is running after a man.,The man is running.,1b Listen and number the pictures【1-3】 in 1a. Then writ

3、e two or three sentences to finish the story. An example to end the story: the man was running as fast as he could. He thought that the alien must be chasing to catch him, and he might lose his life if he were caught! “Hello!” Suddenly a voice came from behind,The man knew it must be the alien that

4、spoke! “But how could it speak our language?” He wondered “Might I make friends with you?” The alien stopped just in front of the man, with a big smile and both its arms opened to him “I must be dreaming!” the man said to himself,1c Listen again. Complete the sentences.,running for exercise.,late fo

5、r work.,a helicopter.,a UFO.,an alien.,dreaming.,from the TV news.,making a movie.,A: Why do you think the man is running? B: He could be running for exercise. A: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work.,1d PAIRWORK,Role-play a conversation between the man and the woman.,L

6、inking word or phrase so as, because, since but, however, though not only.but also or when, while,2a Match each linking word or phrase with its purpose.,Purpose of linking word or phrase expressing a difference giving a choice expressing a result expressing two things happening at the same time givi

7、ng reasons adding information,2b Read the article below and underline the linking words and phrases. Do you think you have made correct matches in 2a?,IDENTIFYING LINKING LANGUAGE Identifying conjunctions (连词) or phrases that link ideas together will help you understand what you read.,Language point

8、s,historical places communicate with point out medical purpose prevent illness be used for honor ancestors celebrate a victory a long period of time,历史遗迹 和交流 指出;提出 医学目的 防止疾病 被用来做 尊重祖先 庆祝胜利 一段长时间,2c Read the article again and complete the chart.,How was it built?,Why was it built?,When was it built?,

9、communicating with the Gods,preventing illness and keeping people healthy,honoring ancestors,celebrating a victory over an enemy,2d Complete the sentences using the words from the chart in 2a on P 62.,1. Midsummer day is in June _a lot of people go to Stonehenge during the month. 2. The sun shines s

10、traight into the center of Stonehenge _ the stones were put in a special position. 3.Some people think the rocks can _stop people from becoming ill_ keep them healthy. 4. We dont know who built Stonehenge_ how it was built. 5. Historians think Stonehenge was built about 5, 000 years ago;_, they are

11、not sure.,when,because,not only,but also,or,but,3b Writing: Look at this newspaper headline and finish the article about the strange happenings.,No More Mystery in the Neighborhood Last week, in a quiet neighborhood, something strange happened. We now know what was happening in the neighborhood. Now

12、 the mystery is solved. People in the neighborhood.,Writing tips First part: background information about the mystery Second part: how the mystery was solved Third part: how the people in the neighborhood now feel,Practice,1.The boy is running. He _ be late for school. A.must B.cant C.need D.might 2

13、. What _ in the neighborhood last night? A. happen B. happened C. was happened D. is happening,单项选择,3.What do you think the man is doing near the river? He might _. A.fishing B.to fish C.be fishing D. is fishing 4. We can remember the park _we used to play when we were young . A. who B. why C. where

14、 D. when 5.Not only Jim but also I _ good at Science. A.is B. are C. am D. be,Practice: Fill in the blanks with must, might or cant.,1. That bright light _be a UFO theres no such thing! 2. Im still waiting for the bus, so I _ be a bit late for the party. 3. That sweater _be Carlas. Shes the only one

15、 who wears such colorful clothes. 4. Tony _want to go to the concert. He likes music, but Im not sure if he likes rock music. 5. The person you saw at the supermarket _ be Susan. I just talked to her on the phone, and shes at work right now.,cant,might,must,might,cant,Write a short passage about the

16、 strange things you have ever experienced.,Homework,凭自己的感觉触摸一下回忆的屏幕,拉着时间的小手,慢慢掠过风起波澜的绿洲,暖心的回忆成了现在贪念的泪水。还没离开之前,总觉得时间还很多,可以在挥霍拥有的那一大把时光,拿着每天的心情和笑容对着蓝天享受。后来,时间像是光速飞行一样,一眨眼的功夫,就面对毕业的回首。那曾是你我胡闹的寝室,曾是你我奔跑的操场;那曾是你我酒醉后的心里话,曾是你我谈论女孩的梦乡。我们开始无忧无虑的消遣,除了一日三餐不停以外,我们都在短暂时光里遇见过停留。有的同学可能不像我这样觉得一切都是念念不忘,难以割舍。但是,大多数同学和我是一样,喜欢留念曾经那令人愉快的生活。或苦或甜都是抹不去,带不走的经历。人与人之间始终还


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