高中英语 Unit 3 Amazing people试题(含解析)牛津译林版必修2

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1、Unit 3 Amazing peopleDu Fu (712770), whose courtesy name was Zimei, was born at Gong County, Henan. His ancestral home town was located in Xiangyang (now Xiangyang, Hubei Province).杜甫(712770),字子美,生于河南巩县,原籍襄阳(今湖北襄阳)。Revered as the Poet Historian, he composed poems which extensively and profoundly ref

2、lected the social conflicts and historical events of his time.杜甫的诗广泛而深刻地反映了当时现实社会的矛盾和历史内容,被称为诗史。His awareness of the devastation of the country and the suffering of the common people is the theme of most of his poems, which reached an unprecedented height in portraying real life and political issues

3、.忧国忧民的思想贯穿着他的诗歌创作,现实性和政治性都达到了空前的高度。The realistic motif of Du Fus poems is presented by the following aspects: the timely depiction of historical events and major social conflicts and reproach to the ruling class for the calamity they brought to the country and the people; sympathy toward the sufferi

4、ng of the common people; deep concern about the fate of his country which was in constant unrest.杜诗现实主义主题表现在以下几个方面:及时反映重大政治事件和尖锐的社会矛盾,对统治阶级祸国殃民的罪行痛加诛伐,以深刻的同情描写民生疾苦,体现民胞物与的仁爱胸怀,热爱祖国,胸怀国事。Du Fu was an expert in epitomizing the typical elements of real life and infusing personal emotions and criticism

5、into the portrayal of realities. His poems are notable for their range and depth, but they do not lack delicateness due to the poets careful observations. Du Fu was also good at mingling emotions with settings in his poems.杜甫善于提取生活中的典型素材,对现实生活进行高度的艺术概括,善于将主观感情和评价融化在对现实生活的客观描写中。杜诗思想内容博大精深,但在具体描写上,却以体

6、物察情的细致入微见长。其律诗善于描写情景,以情景交融见长。Gloom and density is the most prominent feature of Du Fus poetry.艺术风格多种多样,沉郁顿挫是其诗的最突出的特点。This style is attributed to the hard time Du Fu was in, his drifting experiences, his melancholy personality and his worship of the grandeur and the grim.这种艺术风格是多难的时代、四处漂泊的经历、忧郁的思想性格

7、以及崇尚壮美和苍劲凝练的审美情趣在杜诗中的统一。Du Fu inherited the spirit of spontaneity over reality tradition dating back from the folk lyrics of the Han Dynasty and pushed the realistic strain of ancient Chinese poetry to a new height.杜甫继承了汉乐府民歌缘事而发的精神,把古唐诗的现实主义传统推上一个新的高峰。Du Fus style is complementary to that of Li Bai

8、s and they are often made comparable in significance in the history of Chinese poetry.杜甫的风格与李白的飘逸豪放的风格迥然不同,后人把他与李白并称为李杜。Also revered as the Poet Sage, Du Fu left some 1,400 poems, which have been collected in The Anthology of Du Gongbu.杜甫享有诗圣的美称,他流传下来的诗歌有1400余首,被收入杜工部集。特朗普将宣布对伊朗新措施Donald Trump is ex

9、pected to designate an elite wing of the Iranian military as a terrorist organisation next week as part of a new hardline strategy against the Islamic republic.预计下周,美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)将把伊朗军队的一支精英队伍划定为恐怖主义组织,这是针对这个伊斯兰国家的强硬新策略的一部分。A senior administration official said the US president, who is po

10、ised to decertify a landmark nuclear deal between Iran and world powers next week, will not seek the reimposition of broad sanctions that would risk collapsing the 2015 accord.美国行政当局的一名高级官员表示,特朗普将不会寻求重新对伊朗实施可能导致伊朗核协议破裂的广泛制裁。据预测,特朗普将在下周就是否重新批准这份2015年签订的具有里程碑意义的核协议作出决定。But Mr Trump is expected to anno

11、unce new measures against Iran, including the prospect of additional targeted sanctions, the designation of the Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation and the adoption of a tougher stance on Iranian proxies in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, according to a person briefed on the matter.但一位知情者表示

12、,预计特朗普将宣布一系列对伊朗新措施,包括可能发起有针对性的额外制裁,将伊朗革命卫队(Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps) 定为恐怖主义组织,对伊朗在叙利亚、伊拉克和也门的代理人采取更强硬立场等。Its an integrated Iran strategy focused on neutralising and rolling back Irans malign activities regionally and globally, the person said.这位知情者说:这是一项针对伊朗的综合战略,专注于制止和逆转伊朗在中东地区和全球范围内的恶意活动。Has

13、san Rouhani defended the nuclear deal on Saturday. We have achieved benefits that are irreversible. Nobody can roll them back, neither Trump, nor 10 other Trumps, the Iranian president said.伊朗总统哈桑?鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)周六为伊朗核协议进行了辩护,他说:我们获得的好处是不可逆转的。没人能逆转这些好处,特朗普也不行,再来10个特朗普这样的人也不行。We must put an end t

14、o Irans continued aggression and nuclear ambitions, Mr Trump said on Thursday before a meeting to discuss Iran with his senior military officials, adding it supports terrorism and exports violence, bloodshed, and chaos across the Middle East.但周四,特朗普在与其高级军事官员讨论伊朗问题的一次会议举行之前表示:我们必须终结伊朗持续的侵略和核野心。他还补充道,

15、伊朗支持恐怖主义,并向整个中东地区输出暴力、流血和混乱。He later told reporters: Maybe its the calm before the storm, without making it clear if he was talking about Iran.他之后告诉记者:或许这是暴风雨前的平静,他并未说明这句话是否涉及伊朗。A person familiar with the new strategy said it would involve stepped-up covert action against Iran and its proxies. The C

16、entral Intelligence Agency declined to comment.一位熟悉特朗普对伊朗新战略的人士说,该战略将强化针对伊朗及其代理人的秘密行动。美国中央情报局(CIA)拒绝对此置评。European signatories to the deal, to which Russia and China are also party, have spent weeks lobbying the administration and Congress against scrapping the agreement, which Mr Trump has described as the worst deal ever.伊朗核协议的欧洲签署国已经花费数周时间游说特朗普政府和国会不要撕毁伊



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