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1、精选,1,精选,2,模块基础知识过关一,基础知识清单,基础知识迁移,Module 1Travel,精选,3,基础知识清单,模块基础知识过关一,重点单词,根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词 1航班;飞行(n.)_ _ (v.飞;飞行) 2径直地;直接地(adv.)_ _ (adv.立即,马上) 3飞行员(n.)_,flight,fly,direct,directly,pilot,精选,4,模块基础知识过关一,4成功;做成(v.)_ _ (n.成功) _ (adj.成功的) _(adv.成功地) 5毕业生(n.)_ 6确切地;完全(adv.)_ _ (adj.准确的) 7先生;长官(n.)

2、_,succeed,success,successful,schoolleaver,successfully,exactly,exact,sir,精选,5,模块基础知识过关一,8军官;官员;警察(n.)_ 9笨的;糊涂的(adj.)_ _ (同义词) 10短上衣;夹克(n.)_,officer,stupid,silly,jacket,精选,6,模块基础知识过关一,重点短语,根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语 1因为;由于_ 2只要_ 3(告别用语)多保重_ 4脱去;起飞_ 5盼望;期待_,because of,as long as,take care,take off,look forward

3、to,精选,7,模块基础知识过关一,6充满_ 7毕业生晚会_ 8在的末尾_ 9向道别_ 10等一下_ 11在漫长的旅途中_ 12为某人送行_,be full of,the schoolleavers party,at the end of,say goodbye to,wait a moment,on the long journey,see sb. off,精选,8,模块基础知识过关一,13按时_ 14躺在床上_ 15以的速度_ 16对有害_ 17根据;按照_ 18两倍声速_ 19向前一大步_,on time,lie down on the bed,at the speed of,be ba

4、d for,according to,twice the speed of sound,a huge step forward,精选,9,模块基础知识过关一,20使某人舒服_ 21直飞_ 22航班_ 23成功做某事_ 24担忧_,make sb. comfortable,fly direct to,flight number,succeed in doing sth.,worry about,精选,10,模块基础知识过关一,重点句型,根据汉语意思完成句子 1我们到公园好好走走吧。 Lets _ _ _ _ _ in the park. 2欢迎回来,孩子们! _ _, children!,go

5、for a long walk,Welcome back,精选,11,模块基础知识过关一,3下课时把作业交上来。 Hand in your homework _ _ _ _ the class. 4只要你承诺11点以前回来就可以出去。 You can go out _ _ _ you promise to be back before 11 oclock. 5他成功地解出了这道数学题。 He _ _ _ _ the maths problem.,at the end of,as/so long as,succeeded in working out,精选,12,模块基础知识过关一,6因为下雨,

6、我们不能出去散步。 We cant go out for a walk _ _ the rain. 7箱子里装满了书。 The box is _ _ books. 8露西的哥哥比她大两岁。 Lucys _ brother is two years _ than her. 9请你在进家之前脱掉你的鞋。 Please _ _ your shoes before going into the house.,because of,full of/filled with,elder,older,take off,精选,13,模块基础知识过关一,10我打开了邮件,惊讶地发现了一个打碎的杯子。 I open

7、ed my mail and _ _ _ see a broken cup. 11请保持阅览室整洁。 Please _ the reading room _ 12他们正在互相道别。 They are _ _ _ each other.,was surprised to,keep,tidy,saying goodbye to,精选,14,模块基础知识过关一,13凯特,请把你的英语书准备好。 Please _ your English book _,Kate. 14你真是太好了,帮助我找到了座位。 _ very kind _ you _ help me find my seat. 15你一定要当心

8、,不要伤害自己。 You must _ _ not to hurt yourself.,have,ready,Its,of,to,take care,精选,15,模块基础知识过关一,单词回顾,基础知识迁移,.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1I cant remember when _ (确切地) she left the city. 2You can go there _ (径直地) along the street. 32016淮安Its a good idea to give your father a _ (夹克) as a gift on June 19, Fathers Day.,ex

9、actly,direct,jacket,精选,16,模块基础知识过关一,4The police _ (成功) in saving the boy in the fire yesterday. 5She was so _ (糊涂的) that she made a big mistake.,succeeded,stupid,精选,17,模块基础知识过关一,.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1Its only about an hours _(fly) from Qingdao to Beijing. 22017兰州Many _ (hero) have set good examples for u

10、s to follow. 32017扬州The _ (boy) faces were a sight, covered with dust. 42017白银The boy got the _(one) place in the singing competition. 5We are very _ (surprise) at the news.,flight,heroes,boys,first,surprised,精选,18,模块基础知识过关一,短语运用,单项填空 ()1.I cant carry the bag_ rice. Its too heavy. Ais full of Bis fi

11、lled with Cfull of Dfill with,【解析】the bag full of rice表示“装满大米的袋子”,be full ofbe filled with,意为“充满”,在句中作定语。,C,精选,19,()2.The plane from Beijing to Hong Kong will _ in two hours. Atake up Btake off Ctake away Dtake place,模块基础知识过关一,B,精选,20,()3.Jimmy is ill _. Now his mother is looking after him _ Ain the

12、 hospital; in the hospital Bin hospital; in hospital Cin hospital; in the hospital Din the hospital; in hospital,模块基础知识过关一,【解析】in hospital意为“住院”;in the hospital意为“在医院里”。,C,精选,21,()4.2017泰州He got up to get some hot water but found there was _ left in the bottle. Aa few Bfew Ca little Dlittle,模块基础知识过关

13、一,【解析】考查不定代词辨析。句意:他起身去找一些热水,但发现瓶里几乎一点也没剩下。前面不可数名词water提示用little或a little来修饰;由but提示用little,表示否定意义。故选D。,D,精选,22,()5.It took _ people three months to build this great building. Atwo hundreds Bhundred of Chundreds of Dtwo hundred of,模块基础知识过关一,C,精选,23,模块基础知识过关一,句型突破,.按要求完成下列各题 1My holiday was very good. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ very good? 2They took an airplane to the small island.(改为同义句) They _ _


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